Search results

  1. Ideal Premade Comp?

    Looking to join the bracket and I'd like for the character I make to have a viable spot on a premade team. So with the following rules what would your ideal premade comp be? Just looking for a list of classes not names. -No more than 3 healers -No more than 2 of a class -No more than 1 of each...
  2. [85] <OS Gaming> Kel'Thuzad - Alliance, US MSV PROGRESSION TEAM

    My RBG team is nearly complete ^_^
  3. [85] <OS Gaming> Kel'Thuzad - Alliance, US MSV PROGRESSION TEAM

    <OS Gaming> is recruiting for an MSV 10M group! Currently our primary focus is MSV and we plan on going as far as we can into MoP progression. What We're Looking For in Recruits? 1. MoP geared. 2. Have skype/ventrilo and a working mic. 3. Have the following addons: Deadly Boss Mods...
  4. P2P 20-24 List

    BiS is BiS
  5. P2P 20-24 List

    Hipster. Get with it, all the cool kids left. Seriously though, we moved.
  6. P2P 20-24 List

    9 stam bracers Not even close.
  7. Rated Battle Grounds

    Do you have any proof of scaling in RBGs? I'm interested
  8. Rated Battle Grounds

    Any group leaders, guildmasters or even people that are interested in RBGs let me know because a few friends and I are creating an RBG team and we will need people to queue against. Are the interest levels in RBGs high still? Has anyone figured out if you get scaled to 89 in an RBG?
  9. Protection Warrior RBG Tank

    You can still use the on use effect, just a 30 second cooldown between each trinket cooldown you blow.
  10. Protection Warrior RBG Tank

    The only pve items you should have is bracer, glove, head, belt and possibly one trinket. Socket thoes pve pieces for resil and I'd run a combination of these trinkets and swap them out accordingly Brooch of Munificent Deeds Ruthless Gladiator's Emblem of Tenacity Cataclysmic Gladiator's Emblem...
  11. Most embarrassing mistakes in a battleground?

    Never. I remind him everyday. I don't make mistakes.
  12. Setting up 24 premades

    Looks like Im on my way back
  13. The Battle for Southshore: Cross Realm WPvP Event

    We should open this up more ^_^
  14. The Battle for Southshore: Cross Realm WPvP Event

    Soulqt @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft Arms or my rdruid, I dont mind.
  15. The Battle for Southshore: Cross Realm WPvP Event

    Søulqt @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft sign me up
  16. Broken Fishing Tourney

    The tournament just started late. 1 hour late.
  17. Buying Hot shot pilots gloves

    Cash or gold?
  18. 5.2 BGs! Balanced or Ruined?

    Title says it all. Been seeing a lot of opinions.
  19. 85-89 Drafted RBG's

    Name : ßßqt Faction : Alliance Class/Spec(Role) : Fire Mage Server : Kel'Thuzad
  20. 85-89 Drafted RBG's

    Twinking has always been about gearing to limits. If you don't like what Sushi is doing here, don't sign up. Its his event not yours. You can bring up your point but sitting here arguing is childish. You can knock someones health down to half in any bracket. Its your choice if you want to sign...