P2P 20-24 List

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glad to see you filtered the poorly geared 24s from the list, however there are still 24s that lack hit rating etc which can be very misleading to new twinks if you're claiming that it is a bis list
no gnomer bracer , petros, blackvenom blade, 2 gnomer agility rings missing,no engineering, you have a professions that not even maxed out far from bis. Also your rogue has low 567 Ap. I've seen most rogues at over 650+ Ap.

Stacking agi might be your choice. Not mine. I prefer my set-up, and i did mention the gnomer agi was missing ;)
For profs, i just dumped engi. Rather get the extra crit over pvp power :) which explains why its so low.
People are so quick to judge when they feel insulted.
After testing, I've found that the agi bracers + agi charged gears prevail, but it is down to preference as you say....
I believe boa sword + outlaw sabre is bis, ignore what he says about blackvenom blade
Chill out. I haven't even filtered list yet, was planning on doing it this weekend. I can guarantee half the people will be removed.
The 20-24 bracket never stops growing! The purpose of this thread is to have a list of the players in the bracket, this way everyone can have a look at the current players in the bracket to compare gear talents etc.

Please post the armory link to your character, server, faction, and guild.

Confused about the purpose of this thread now.

Just post Chardevs if you want BiS.

While you are at it, edit the first post.
Re: 24 list US

Can you remove Vahavta, please? Don't want to be in a list with gemmers.
Sure I was. Planning in removing the genmers although, if you still want to be removed I can.
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