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  1. Jadyne

    Activity and Competition - Coexist

    Well.... That was informative. Probably also helps explain the popularity of Cyclone.
  2. Jadyne

    [WotLK] Molten Bugs/Workarounds

    Damn, I just assumed it worked, since I saw you use it on your stream one time, and I heard the target mention he got hit for 1400 by something. =/ Added it to the list.
  3. Jadyne

    502 Bad Gateway

    I am not having this problem...
  4. Jadyne

    [WotLK] Molten Bugs/Workarounds

    I'm going to start compiling a list of all bugs, minor and major, that are relevant to twinks on Molten-WoW, so that people have a resource to go to when they start a twink, to know what to watch out for, and what it's okay to take advantage of. If you know of or found a bug that I haven't...
  5. Jadyne

    Activity and Competition - Coexist

    “When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.” - Jacob Riis...
  6. Jadyne

    [WotLK] <Voodoo Child> Recruiting 39s for Premades

    The below was posted mid-2014. I'm leaving it here for posterity. Due to various reasons, This offer is no longer on the table. Molten-WoW is still an excellent private server that I would encourage anyone to try out. There is still a twinking community there, now primarily based on the...
  7. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    I feel ya. I always end up getting carried in arenas. XD
  8. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    You guys did a nice job gibbing me on roof to win that WSG with 10 seconds left. Wtb 2v2 mirror matches sometime, me and Entrerri vs you and Rubikz. =D
  9. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    No, but damn would that be badass.
  10. Jadyne

    Activity and Competition - Coexist

    The network effect is a double edged sword. Use it in your favor, or it will act to your disfavor.
  11. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39 Feral Druid viable?

    I feel like they'd be weaker when facing priests and shamans though, since most of their utility is magical...
  12. Jadyne

    Community, Competition, Newbs, and Elitists

    Ah, ok then. =)
  13. Jadyne

    Community, Competition, Newbs, and Elitists

    1. Past is relevant, because what's happened since Cata is eerily similar to what happened between Vanilla and WotLK. Means there's a pattern here that can be identified and hopefully avoided. 2. We can not control Blizzard. We can try to influence them; I know I tried pretty hard to influence...
  14. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39 Feral Druid viable?

    So while 39s are amazingly balanced in WotLK, my feeling is still that feral druids aren't practical to roll with. Then I was reminded of CC, who used to not only FC, but also do some pro arenas back during the heyday of Bloodlust. I'm still skeptical though, I don't see their dps being...
  15. Jadyne

    [WotLK] 39s Welcome Thread <3

    Hey, just saying hi to all the old school lurkers, current 39s, new 39s from all over who have rolled with us on Molten. Come say hi here, and let's start actually making use of this forum!
  16. Jadyne

    Community, Competition, Newbs, and Elitists

    I agree, but I also have a hard time actually blaming anyone for it. Everyone wants to Play to Win, and that's legit. If you can pick your teammates, you'll pick the best you can, and exclude the worse players. Which leads to fewer and fewer players getting the chance to join in and learn and...
  17. Jadyne

    Community, Competition, Newbs, and Elitists

    The thing is, a lot of twinks were also inspired by those players who were at the top if their game. And regardless, there's no way we can collectively forget all the things we've learned. There's a sizable learning curve to get to level of competition that most of us are used to now. I know I...
  18. Jadyne

    Im sorry..

    Iono, wouldn't it make the most sense from a business perspective to make F2Ps just strong enough to have some effect, but weak enough that they would want to subscribe in order to fight on an even footing? >.>
  19. Jadyne

    Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 3 posts!

    Re: Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 10 posts! I think the point is to give you the option of talking about something other than twinks, if you don't have enough to say about them atm to fill 10 posts. Plus, if you spam, at least you're spamming somewhere we can see. I've seen some other...
  20. Jadyne

    Community, Competition, Newbs, and Elitists

    Ok, so, Dirty Nasty, You're arguing that the bracket never shrank? Or just that we haven't proven that it shrank in Cata? Or that it didn't shrink as much? At one point you say all you're saying is that there were more than 2 guilds in Cata. Okay, lets work with that. Can we agree that there...