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    SELLING 19 Grandfathered Warlock

    thank you! and thank you for the masked armory tip.
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    SELLING 19 Grandfathered Warlock

    This is a full inventory of all the shit I think anyone would care about: Inferno Robe Jutebraid Gloves Sacred Burial Trousers Lucky Fishing Hat Arena Grand Master Seal of Argas Enumerated Wrap of the Vision, Stamina, Moon, Sorcerer I also have pretty much all BoAs unlocked at this point, so...
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    19 Twink memes

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    Exchanging Seal of Wrynn for Sylvanas

    i could see getting the seal of wrynn for sylvanas if you got that 1 in a million gm that would do it, but the pants for the shield is never going to happen.
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    bear form is better but IMO not good enough to make them on par with pallies/warriors as far as durability goes.
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    Really? but actually...

    get adblock
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    19s worth it?

    Saxxon #1 tink werld w1d3
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    We need WT as horde tbh

    I think a more appropriate saying would be sometimes the devil you know is better than the one you don't.
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    Cooking Glitch?

    i haz coleman grill
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    Cooking Glitch?

    Slow Roasted Turkey recipe grants 1:1 skill ups after it turns grey.
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    Shadowfangs, Retarded People, player's IQ decreasing...

    the fact that it happens often actually supports the trolling idea. he was trolling you. people love to troll twinks.
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    USA vs Wt Premade?

    not for the epileptic
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    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    I won't be surprised if it doesn't, with the being in different battlegroups and all. Seems to make cross queuing four groups near impossible. thanks blizz
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    Beantown Bullies is here to stay.

    infinite connections in preschool. infinite.
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    Beantown Bullies is here to stay.

    we have lots of sequins so it can even be a jeweled fishing pole. maybe i can even get ya a newspaper hat. maybe.
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    Beantown Bullies is here to stay.

    yes he ate paste today and had to sit in the corner for the rest of craft time.
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    Beantown Bullies is here to stay.

    its true. preschool is raging right now cant even handle it.
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    Beantown Bullies is here to stay.

    girls dont play wow so it couldnt have been. duh
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    Waw Tawent makes their mark...oh wait!

    horde winning is so rare these days this is surely a great feat.