Search results

  1. WTB 39 perfectly geared 80 Mages

    So are you noob and bad alsoeoeosososolelele noob go outside
  2. any 2/2 sun-lutes?

    seriously ?? wtf dude .. get a fucking life you geek ...
  3. WTB 200k gold for 50 euros! Outland EU

    The china people will even pay more when it is on Outland, a large realm, so there is many ppl that want gold there
  4. WTS 2x Shadowfang.Tss, Mindthrust

    i have Mindthrust Bracers for sale too, pm me EU HORDE skullcrusher
  5. Holy hell solo Gnomeregan farming makes me suicidal

    I would like to join you on my warlock to farm Gnomer :)
  6. 80 Monk?

    Can you post a dps movie?
  7. LFM Alliance ICC25hc 80's only going now

    I would love to join!! But i cant really add you ? :/ mine is: add me :D
  8. LFM to start an 85 EU Twink Guild

    Im in for it. Im already on Silvermoon Alliance, EU