LFM to start an 85 EU Twink Guild


Found this today on the EU forums
LF 85 twinks - Forums - World of Warcraft
Great that someone is starting a guild and such but....ye...

So I thought about this and decided I wanted to start a guild with some ppl from this forum that are twinking 85 (ofc other lvl twinks are welcome to join in) so we can get some DS HC runs going (even though its nurfed to the ground lol) possibly do some Firelands HC, theres so much 85 raid achievments/titles to get that can still be abit challenging.

Im going to need atleast
6-7 ppl that are legitmate 85 twinks/into twinking BIS, Class is not rly of any concern at this point in time though , Not empty proffesion twinks, lacking BIS enchts and not willing to pay a couple of K to get an item that is truely BIS twinks.

Guild is going to be alliance due to the fact that horde is already overpopulated in the bracket and allys have ruthless no sockted geard ppl :p so it will be bit of a balance out hopefully if this gets going.

This is not going to be a PVE only guild though, im hoping we can do RBGS and get RBGS going in the bracket and hopefully see if we can get 2.4k for the title Grand Marshal (seeing as RBG titles are char bound not account wide)
and ofc arenas to match against the current rank 1 team (lol)

A little about myself so you dnt think this is coming from a random baddie trying to remake IDDQD or smth, Im a long time twinker and Ive been twinking On and off from time to time due to having a main in srs pvp guilds, but currently want to take twinking to the next level with several other ppl, I have had several twinks 60,70, 80 and now 85. All have been BIS geard very fast (best part of being a twink on my server, getting PVE gear is not a problem due to high lvls coming raids often just pass the loot down to twinks)
My best twink char was a mage called Jøkiefx, lvl 80 mage who probably was the only BIS ally mage in cata doing BGS for a while back then. My current twink is a rogue called Jkferal who is an old main i recently migged to my mains server, still gearing up but havent had time until end of this week.

TL;DR: Im a good guy :)

So now you know a little about me and what im trying to do.
If any of this sounds Intresting to you, dont hezitate to contact me on skype Dominic.badal or on battle net Twaenk#2379 or leave a comment here with some info to contact you.

Want to get this up and going this weekend but to aim to start raiding etc in the upcoming 2 weeks if possible.

If you've read this far then, ty for reading and hope we can get a guild going!
I'm looking for a reason to level a new toon, and i am willing to go the extra mile for BIS etc..
I can play most classes at a decent high level and i'm if i may say so, a nice guy.

-added realid
im in :) because i really want to learn to heal in a cata dungeon, done a lot of pvp healing :D so whats the guild name?
Havent got a name yet, and weve decided to put it on hold for the time being but ill update thread when it gets going, still LF ppl to start it up with though
or we just let it die :p
catch me in game on Silvermoon EU Kickasia is the name. for those who just read this as guests or something.
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At the moment there is just not enough intrest in the 85 bracket to start up a good guild, I can though offer an inv to a guild on Darksorrow EU where my current 80 twink is for any 85s/80s who are LF a guild on an active pvp server. You can contact me ingame about that if your intrested

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