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  1. Perma Banned

  2. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    Actually our strat is simple : we'll continue to play in team (we have no choice on this point ), continue to dominate all BG's untill someone react and create a good team to beat us (or not ?). You can keep saying that you'r better than us Junoo, it's maybe true (or not), but you don't wanna...
  3. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    Ok for the 1) 2) Nope, our guild is balanced, you can check if you want (i talk about OUR guild) 3) We have make rules about overcheated classes 4) Stop saying always the same thing ? EDIT : I got the 3v3 achievement with a resto drood, challenge everything
  4. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    You should read what i already said about french servers. It's isn't like english servers, when a warsong proc on french side, it's because a team have queued. There is no enough pick up to make proc a warsong, we're obliged to play in team. And when we're in team, we dominate battleground (if...
  5. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    I'm note sure that all you guys said will have a real impact on our gameplay, GY camp is nothing else than the logical consequence of the dominion of one of the teams in a battleground. Even if you'r not agree with that, the only way to change our gameplay is to have a good team against us.
  6. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    You looking my actuals teams..., look my achievements ? You can look just with my gear that i have the R2 with my lock (lol)
  7. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    Yep, i playing my warlock in arena, and my priest in PvE. You judge a character on its achieve points ? And it's a bit funny that you look my actuals teams and not my achievements or my statistics, that proove that you don't really know what you'r talking about
  8. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    That's why i prefere Reverso Because i don't really care about my twink
  9. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    Yep, i'm not 24h/24 on this site, and i prefere Reverso as Google translation (what a shame, i'm not bilingual). Anyways, you call of the premades, as you wich, we have others guilds to premades against if we want. See you in BG (more particularly at GY)
  10. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    I add it to the list
  11. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    I don't know what you have against us, if you read the post you will see that we aren't the same team that "La confrérie", on the same server, who use a lot of compo and have a desequilibrate roster. But yes, we dominate battlegrounds, simply because we queue in group (every french twinks are on...
  12. /!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\

    We are a base of ~10 french old stuffed twinks who played on Draenor (horde side) before our migration on ally-french side. You maybe know some of our players ,or our last guild : Advised Against. * Spåm mage 19 (Frost PvP/Draenor) Movie by Spåm19 : Already ~9 000 views on Warcraftmovies...
  13. AB Call to Arms weekend. EU

    We'll try to have enough (good) people to make proc some AB on french servers (ally side) I hope the germans will do the same thing from their part
  14. new 4.3 stuff

    EDIT : double post, sry
  15. new 4.3 stuff

    Can you give us the source please ?
  16. Twink Movie!

    Spåm Mage 19 (Frost PvP/Draenor) Movie By Spam19 - World of Warcraft Movies