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  1. F2P Dks

    yes, flux1, you did it in a perfect way it's a shame that this was not good enough for people
  2. F2P Dks

    we've lost our f2p purity... /cry
  3. F2P Dks

    well, "flux1 - for providing all the necessary info on how to do it" - flux1 gave ALL the necessary info. Sapienti sat. It took me 1 minute to create a DK after his post. While after your original post, everyone remained clueless (just like yourself), and most people still though it was...
  4. F2P Dks

    Björke, I have exactly the same feeling now! Trying so hard to obtain something, which can be easily bought (via paying monthly subs to blizzard), which every p2p has by default I would say, and which is a purely cosmetic, vanity thing.
  5. F2P Dks

    I think, the main credits go to 2 people: 1) the clueless original poster - for bringing this topic to our attention 2) flux1 - for providing all the necessary info on how to do it
  6. F2P Dks

    well, i think you should give credit to some people... because the original post was quite clueless ;-)
  7. F2P Dks

    well, it disconnected me after 11 hours of playing. Not too bad. If the disconnect was not so fatal for F2P DKs...
  8. F2P Dks

    I was just disconnected with 20947 rep!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 53 rep short of exalted.... oh noooo.....
  9. F2P Dks

    6 hours in a queue for a random battleground - still waiting. (approx half of this time spent in dungeons)
  10. F2P Dks

    because we can :-)
  11. F2P Dks

    Mindy, which server is your 90 on? I already did all the dungeon finder dungeons today, and killed a few jenkins whelps :-) I was just a few thousand rep away from exalted with stormwind (=swift palomino), when BANG!!! disconnect :-(
  12. F2P Dks

    50-59 is apparently dead :-( the queue takes forever
  13. F2P Dks

    50-59 bracket f2p pvp is ULTRA twinking, especially on an unreliable internet connection :-)
  14. F2P Dks

    see you in the 50-59 bracket tonight ;-)
  15. F2P Dks

    apparently, you won't be able to use the death knight's mount (deathcharger) on a level20 f2p char :-(
  16. F2P Dks

    now, stop begging for more - you've been given enough :-) thanks, flux1 shame if it's US only :-(
  17. F2P Dks

    It's a shame that you are not sharing the secret, cause Blizzard are currently working on fixing this, and your secret will become worthless very soon. Sharing is caring.
  18. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - The place for any question about F2P

    just wanted to share a screenshot. I was half a second late for the zeppelin departure, so I had to use my Wild Сharge jumping ability and travel like this: Reminded me of the recent interview with the Ryanair boss: Seatbelts on planes are pointless, says Ryanair boss - Telegraph (he...
  19. [Tricky Treat]'s Need confrimation!!

    I baked 60 stacks (=1200) of Bread of the Dead... all gone :-/
  20. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - The place for any question about F2P

    AGM is much harder on low-population realms now, because of CRZ. It is not sufficient to choose a low population realm. You need a realm, which has low population AND low-populated CRZ-neighbours. And such information would be very difficult to find. anyway, AGM is farmed once (ok, twice if...