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  1. Plese rate my 29 Combat Rogue-other than rings/bracers I think he's about done.

    Whiskeybill @ Azjol-Nerub - Community - World of Warcraft
  2. 29 Twink Rogue Guide

    Took me 70 runs to get it. :mad:
  3. Rate Whiskeybill!

    Thank you for the advice. You're the 2nd person who's said to go with fiery. Dual barbs? I know nothing about "binds".
  4. Rougenstein - my 29 Twink Rogue

    Seldom use TP What's a key bind?
  5. Rate my new 39 Rogue in the making - Billyblade

    Billyblade I learned a lot from you guys kicking the shit out of my other twinks. I've run Uldaman 65 times and stil no Revelosh gloves of the monkey...:(
  6. Very proud of this 39 Hunter-Niptuck

    Yes, I had the wrong hat on-I do have the comfortable leather hat = ).
  7. Very proud of this 39 Hunter-Niptuck

    You're quite welocme. Rather odd that ridiculing someone else's toon, gear, setup and play style "makes' your day" but whatever works for you. I actually did think the hunter was good, and sue me for wearing the wrong hat-I have comfy. Yes, I am a clicker, I'm 57 years old with weak...
  8. Rougenstein - my 29 Twink Rogue

    Irrelevant-that still doesn't make fiery any better...besides, it's the best you can get on a BOA.
  9. Very proud of this 39 Hunter-Niptuck

    Thanks for taking the time to post that link Bansil.
  10. Rougenstein - my 29 Twink Rogue

    Interesting- why fiery on the MH sword as opposed to +15 agility?
  11. Very proud of this 39 Hunter-Niptuck

    I have a Bushmaster, it does less dps than the silencer or the monolithic bow.
  12. Rate Whiskeybill!
  13. Very proud of this 39 Hunter-Niptuck

    LOL Tis ok, I'm just saying you can clearly see which toon dominated...
  14. Rougenstein - my 29 Twink Rogue

    I do a lot of experimenting with different weapons all the time, I have every 29 Twink weapon there is for a rogue, honestly, the torturing poker seems overrated to me.
  15. Rougenstein - my 29 Twink Rogue

    -5 for being overly critical without an explanation or single suggestion regarding improvement. Looks like a borderline flame to me.
  16. Very proud of this 39 Hunter-Niptuck
  17. Rougenstein - my 29 Twink Rogue
  18. Very proud of this 39 Hunter-Niptuck

    "return to armory" Just click the "return to armory" link and type in the name.
  19. Very proud of this 39 Hunter-Niptuck

    This guy just rocks! His AP is at least 651 depending items equipped when aspect of the Hawk is on. Niptuck
  20. Rougenstein - my 29 Twink Rogue

    Take a peek at my 1st real Twink-I know he needs some changes, all suggestions appreciated. Roguenstein