Rougenstein - my 29 Twink Rogue

Take a peek at my 1st real Twink-I know he needs some changes, all suggestions appreciated.

+0,5 for posting a FC/recap screener...but doesnt make the twink any better.



oO ... seems you got a poker + claw. why are you using an inferior weapon?
-5 for being overly critical without an explanation or single suggestion regarding improvement. Looks like a borderline flame to me.
Bansil said:
+0,5 for posting a FC/recap screener...but doesnt make the twink any better.



oO ... seems you got a poker + claw. why are you using an inferior weapon?

I do a lot of experimenting with different weapons all the time, I have every 29 Twink weapon there is for a rogue, honestly, the torturing poker seems overrated to me.
fiery is superior to 15agi. read the 19 forums to find out why.

with a setup like the one i posted (lots of +hit/imp SnD) it is even better.

tbh, this setup favours sticking to your opponent like glue, but with poisons at hand this should be possible.

i know that dagger rogues are more popular at 29, but im just not a fan of the playstyle.

this profile is just a showoff of some possible improvements. cap hit against nelfs in arena for example. a dagger rogue in a WSG only needs 21 rating...11 if he uses the hitpot.
Whiskeybill said:
I do a lot of experimenting with different weapons all the time, I have every 29 Twink weapon there is for a rogue, honestly, the torturing poker seems overrated to me.

I bet you SS click spam with TP in MH..

lol @ key binds..

1 auto attack

2 expose armore

= (WTF) SS

Click insignia...

and the macros at top right corner .. lol
setup + screener are tellin a lot amirite^^

the good thing is, that there will be some improvements and all of his twinks will make him feel like terminator 2.0

im glad that i never showed off my first 19 lock or hunter to a forum^^
Whiskeybill said:
Irrelevant-that still doesn't make fiery any better...besides, it's the best you can get on a BOA.

Fiery's dps is superior for EVERY LEVEL of twink except 10; OR as an offhand enchant when using Ambush or Garrote ONLY.

By level 35, of course, you can use Mongoose, but in 19's and 29's Fiery reigns supreme.

Talk to IAT. As skeptical I am of proccing enchants in general, he knows his math and the math proves it.

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