Very proud of this 39 Hunter-Niptuck

This guy just rocks!

His AP is at least 651 depending items equipped when aspect of the Hawk is on.

Armory down!
well, was it a non xp battleground in a competitive battlegroup??? if not, better delete the link.

no matter where the SS was taken, your hunter needs some serious improvements to get any rating in the 5+ range. 5+ are all very solid ratings from my point of view. to get a 6 the twink must be above average.

to get a feeling which improvements are possible: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

300 herb/skinning

only 25 basic talent points spend.

stats on gun may be marksmanship/eagle/monkey too. [item]Shadowforge Bushmaster[/item] is also possible.
ok, lets assume you are fighting a viable opponent. you wont be able to stand still and dps.

so the dps of the weapon is almost "useless", coz your shots will be delayed anyway.

5dmg scope for everyone (except BoA gun)


[item]Razor Arrow[/item] or [item]Precision Arrow[/item]

i think you are not farming the precision ones on a horde char and trade them through the neutral auction house right?

[item]Monolithic Bow[/item]

range -> 80,25-125,25 (91-136) [244]

average -> 102,25 (113,5) [221,5]

average dps -> 37,9 (42)


[item]Solid Shot[/item] or [item]Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs[/item]

slugs are easy to obtain, so i wont do any math for not having them.

[item]The Silencer[/item]

range -> 98-149 [261]

average -> 123,5 [235,5]

average dps -> 44,1

[item]Shadowforge Bushmaster[/item]

range -> 100,75-151,75 [267,75]

average -> 126,75 [242,75]

average dps -> 43,7

[item]Sniper Rifle[/item] (of marksmanship)

range -> 117,5-130,5 [250,5]

average -> 124 [244]

average dps -> 41,3

[item]Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon[/item]

range -> 97,5-148,5 [264,5]

average -> 123 [239]

average dps -> 42,4

as you can see, every gun is superior to the bow, even if you start farming the dmn arrows.

i'll add some numbers in square brackets now...these are the numbers with additional 40dps (560AP).

now you can see that bushmaster grants the highest dph, but has a wide range. sniper rifle has a small range and grants the highest average dph. depending on situation one of these two is the BiS weapon.
Whiskeybill said:
This guy just rocks!

His AP is at least 651 depending items equipped when aspect of the Hawk is on.


Woow , with an amazing total of 0 hit rating , yep I am sure he WTFPWNS most baddies :d.

My point is this , get revelosh gloves(with hit on them) loose the monkey head in place of a comfortable leather hat and get Surefooted on your Boots. Or , keep the gloves, get Surefooted and comfy hat. That will put you at 28 hit rating , just 2 away from the soft cap.

Thats the important bits (hit rating) but you could go for stats like 2.5-2.7k hp and 2.8-2.9k mana , while still having great Ap and crit.

PS finish off skinning + herb :p
the absolute minimum of improvements that HAVE TO be done are:

comfy + 15hit to gloves to softcap most of your opponents. keep in mind that you wont cap protwars, rogues and nelfs in general.

use the god dmn BUSHMASTER!

get some viable shoulders. imo monkey, but at least eagle. (if viable rev gloves drop while farming shoulders, chant them too)

max out herb and skinning.
NE huntard

0 hit


auto melee/ranged attack on the main action bar

lvl 75 profession, no herb

have SFBM but not using it

posting a crappy ss of him 'dominating' exp bg

...thinking he's good...

Made my day, thanks =)
This hunter is as bad as the belf rogue on my battlegroup who uses pvp sword/theifs blade when he has 2 shadowfangs.
Novascotia said:
Who's that?

TBH he may of quit or level'd i haven't seen him since 3.2 at all

And i don't have the screeny with his name in it anymore.

Locked said:
NE huntard

0 hit


auto melee/ranged attack on the main action bar

lvl 75 profession, no herb

have SFBM but not using it

posting a crappy ss of him 'dominating' exp bg

...thinking he's good...

Made my day, thanks =)

You're quite welocme. Rather odd that ridiculing someone else's toon, gear, setup and play style "makes' your day" but whatever works for you.

I actually did think the hunter was good, and sue me for wearing the wrong hat-I have comfy.

Yes, I am a clicker, I'm 57 years old with weak eyesight and poor eye/hand coordination. You can laugh at me about as well if it makes you happy.

I came here to learn.

People like you make me appreciate people like Bansil all the more.

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