Search results

  1. Best 19 twink Realm/Battlegroup.

    Ah I see. Anyone else have solid information on 19 twink realms, battlegroups?
  2. Best 19 twink Realm/Battlegroup.

    We're EU, And what do you mean by "loltenchars" ?
  3. Best 19 twink Realm/Battlegroup.

    I've got a 19 twink warrior, and my friend a hunter looking to move to a popular Realm/Battle group. Could anyone give me some information on which realms and bg's are the best? Any info on guilds would also be much appreciated Regards, itzgriitz.
  4. 70 PVP twink report as of 5/2-2011 EU-Blackout @ Al'Akir

    Me and a friend are going to transfer and gear up accordingly, we will thrive to be active members in your guild if allowed. My secondary main will also be transferred to help out with gear and i will provide any services for your guild i can.
  5. Recruitment - Twinks R Us - Oceanic Vanilla Guild (Into MC)

    Myself and a friend are extremely interested, we're moving our newly formed 60 pvpers over, with herilooms, also mains in the future to help out, please could you give me names ingame to contact, thanks :)
  6. 60 EU - GOT 3 POPS TODAY, ITS ALIVE ! 40v40 AV !!

    What realm's are popular with 60 PvPers? like .. REALLY popular.
  7. Looking for a perfect 60 PvP Realm.

    Me and a friend are rolling 60 PvPers, we'd be really appreciative if you could tell us the most popular 60 PvP Realm, and which faction. Any additional information would be awesome, time spent queuing, amount of pre-mades and so forth. best guilds, realms blabla. NOTE: Has to...