70 PVP twink report as of 5/2-2011 EU-Blackout @ Al'Akir


Hey, I just wanted to post this to showcase activity and level 70 twinking on EU-Blackout and Al'Akir hordeside.

As many know twinking isnt that active during the start of an expansion but I think theres some interesting things going on right now, there are more and more twinks coming every day and with the return of level 70 offset @ 4.0.6 its looking really good.

I myself made a 70 twink once I realized I could do rated arena at that level; so I am pretty new in this community but its looking good.

Activity report:

Random BG que during the day 12-24 = 15 min ~ during the night; 20 min+

2v2 Arena que during the day 12-24 = less than 5 min, even at higher ratings, although u may run into the same team more than once. During the night: 10 min+ or no que at all after 04.00

3v3 Arena que during the day 12-24 = 5-10 min; although I havent done that much 3v3, so these numbers may not be accurate to showcase activity as a whole.

Guild report:

aditionally we have a level 70 twink guild called WE GOTTA SQUIRTER which is recruting every level 70 twink capable of atleast 2k rating @ 70

we have people migrate to come to our realm and the guild is growing every day and we currently got 20 twinks on 14 accounts and we started 2 days ago.

Additional info and FAQ:

How many active 2v2 teams are there @ EU-Blackout at level 70?

- No one knows, but we are looking at somewhere between 400-600 teams

What is the highest rated 2v2 team?

- u mirin bro @ Blackout - Game - World of Warcraft - 2405 rating

Are there any competition at all to achieve high ratings in this BG and in this bracket?

- Yes, we have serious contenders and we expect r1 to change rather rapidly.

How many teams are there at 2200+?

- Last time we checked there was 8 teams, but currently there are many teams in the 2k+ bracket, so expect this number to be closer to 20 the coming weeks as activity has totally exploded.

Will your guild be doing rated BG's ?

- Yes, definately we had 10 people and were ready to do it the other day, although we had trouble finding a guild on another realm with 10 players ready to fight against; however in the future this should be no problem, we are even considering getting enough members to do rated battlegrounds against each other.

If you have any questions or would like to more or are even considering to transfer and join the guild for twinking in a fun and laidback enviroment, do tell! or make a level 1 on Al'Akir and whisper us

My team accidently got disbanded :( we were 2-3 games off 2.2k tooo Q to the motherfucking Q.
Me and a friend are going to transfer and gear up accordingly, we will thrive to be active members in your guild if allowed. My secondary main will also be transferred to help out with gear and i will provide any services for your guild i can.
Fought a druid in that guild, who has exactly the gear I aim for lol. Sick :D
Sounds awesome! Do you have any gear requirements? As my Rogue just turned 70 and only has all the brutal gladiator gear, with 4.0.6 coming he'll have the off-set pieces as well. And are you running sunwell/black temple as a guild, with a few 85's boosting you, or everyone does it on his own with friends?
We have no gear requirements as it is right now and we are accepting anyone with full brutal; tho bear in mind this is a good guild and we aim the be THE best pvp guild @ 70 and for future reference we want everyone in the guild to have atleast 2k rating. This is because new twinks no longer have access to off-pieces until 4.0.6 and many people are sitting on a tad lower rating than what they would if they had the pvp gear to compete.

We do full sunwell clears every week, however some people prefer to do it on their own so that we can spread the gear more accordingly seeing as many people are gonna need the same items and therefore it would be more beneficial to do it in seperate groups.

itzgriitz that sounds awesome, just whisper anyone in the guild when ur on al'akir for an invite
Basmogaz said:
Well ill be moveing there soon too... Always wanted a horde on al akir ( like everybody else who has been playing alli in blackout the last couple of years T_T)

Amen to that, especially in vanilla.

I'll be working on my warrior then. I've had the most experience at level 70 with a warrior, so I'd like to continue with that.
Sorry to dissapoint ya fellas! But <Best Guildname EU> has taken shotgun on that throne!
examinerEU said:
My team accidently got disbanded :( we were 2-3 games off 2.2k tooo Q to the motherfucking Q.

Lol how did u do this xD
Had 3 ppl in the team; rogue was leader but hardly played.

He logged on to do 3s; but was already in a 3s team. Went to disband 3s but disbanded 2s.


GMS wouldnt remake team :( Slowly tryin to work our way back up :(
Update: Thanks alot for the support in this thread, we have had alot of people join the guild and we are now 25 active twinks on 19 different accounts. There are more and more people coming to Al'Akir to join our guild every day.

Requirements to join are now atleast 2k rating, if you already have that from your previous realm we will just inspect you and invite you inn, if you have not yet achieved 2k feel free to talk to us and we will have some available twinks help you get up there - cause we want this guild to be the BEST eu-70 twink guild.

Peace out.
aritalo said:
Hey, I just wanted to post this to showcase activity and level 70 twinking on EU-Blackout and Al'Akir hordeside.

As many know twinking isnt that active during the start of an expansion but I think theres some interesting things going on right now, there are more and more twinks coming every day and with the return of level 70 offset @ 4.0.6 its looking really good.

I myself made a 70 twink once I realized I could do rated arena at that level; so I am pretty new in this community but its looking good.

Activity report

Random BG que during the day 12-24 = 15 min ~ during the night; 20 min+

2v2 Arena que during the day 12-24 = less than 5 min, even at higher ratings, although u may run

into the same team more than once. During the

night: 10 min+ or no que at all after 04.00

3v3 Arena que during the day 12-24 = 5-10 min;

although I havent done that much 3v3, so these

numbers may not be accurate to showcase activity

as a whole.

Guild report

aditionally we have a level 70 twink guild called WE GOTTA SQUIRTER which is recruting every level 70 twink capable of atleast 2k rating @ 70

we have people migrate to come to our realm and

the guild is growing every day and we currently got

20 twinks on 14 accounts and we started 2 days


Additional info and FAQ:

How many active 2v2 teams are there @ EU-Blackout at level 70?

- No one knows, but we are looking at somewhere

between 400-600 teams

What is the highest rated 2v2 team

u mirin bro @ Blackout - Game - World of Warcraft - 2405 rating

Are there any competition at all to achieve high ratings in this BG and in this bracket?

- Yes, we have serious contenders and we expect r1 to change rather rapidly.

How many teams are there at 2200+?

- Last time we checked there was 8 teams, but currently there are many teams in the 2k+ bracket,

so expect this number to be closer to 20 the coming weeks as activity has totally exploded.

Will your guild be doing rated BG's ?

- Yes, definately we had 10 people and were ready to do it the other day, although we had trouble

finding a guild on another realm with 10 players ready to fight against; however in the future this should be no problem, we are even considering getting enough members to do rated battlegrounds against each other.

If you have any questions or would like to more or are even considering to transfer and join the guild for twinking in a fun and laidback enviroment, do tell! or make a level 1 on Al'Akir and whisper us


Hey, got a pretty huge 70 guild going on ravencrest eu, would like your real Id so we can coordinate some rated bg's, or add jambo_f@hotmail.co.uk.

Thanks in advance.
masterjamie93 said:
Hey, got a pretty huge 70 guild going on ravencrest eu, would like your real Id so we can coordinate some rated bg's, or add jambo_f@hotmail.co.uk.

Thanks in advance.

Same, would love to get Rated BG's going on! Add me, tobias_we@homtail.com not guild leader. But we're separated in two guilds due to Raid issues, and diferent views on looting system ;)

But we'll stand unite in a rated 10v10! Fo sho bro! Tbh we want more 3v3 and 5v5! And ofc as resto got the unique buff of being able to get out of roots, imma roll resto now, be gay with 700 resi and profit!
Bragh said:
Same, would love to get Rated BG's going on! Add me, tobias_we@homtail.com not guild leader. But we're separated in two guilds due to Raid issues, and diferent views on looting system ;)

But we'll stand unite in a rated 10v10! Fo sho bro! Tbh we want more 3v3 and 5v5! And ofc as resto got the unique buff of being able to get out of roots, imma roll resto now, be gay with 700 resi and profit!

It's exactly the same on my server with the community split into 2 guilds as we view how the loot should be distributed differently, you're horde right? and yes, we would love to get more 5v5 action, 3v3's doing ok for now methinks. Gonna add you now bro.

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