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  1. rampage battle group

    I assume this is US?
  2. BiS Hunter Weapon, help.

    So the 0.2 more dps, 1 less AP, 0.30% more crit, and less dodge (the dodge might not differ anything tho) means that. The Wintergrasp gun is better than SFBM in DPS. But then someone talked about scopes, I actually forgot everything about that, but if they both use +5 I assume it wont make any...
  3. BiS Hunter Weapon, help.

    This is my current gear on my Hunter, staying steady on both HP and MP and trying to maximize everything possible. You see so many different Hunters and opinions that you kinda get lost in a fog of confuseness. So my question for you are, which ranged weapon is BiS for a Hunter...
  4. [Guide] Cache editing - Pimp your gear!

    I opened the program, opened itemcache.wdb via the program and searched for Charmed Ancient Bone Bow , what i am equiping right now, and it said "string not found" how can this be possible and can you help me with it? EDIT: I am using windows7 if that means anything.
  5. [EU] Cyclone need more 39s

    Right now thread is about what server alliances needs to focus on, since some hordes do have organized themselves abit. Not what servers to scatter around on. Most of us, those who actually are gonna transfer, are all talking of 1realm to go to, which most likely will become reality. Other sole...
  6. [EU] Cyclone need more 39s

    As it has already been said. The vision of no premades is just a dream for now and will most likely not become more than that (except if you say; a couple of friends and some random aint premades) in the current state and might never be like that in EU realms. Alliances have chosen one place to...
  7. [EU] Cyclone need more 39s

    It will be hard not to do premades the first time since.. right now there are no BGs and we are kinda.. well, all the ones from alakir knows eachother and have played witheachother for long, either in 80s or 19s same with Horde I assume since there are only a few guilds.. So premades will...
  8. [EU] Cyclone need more 39s

    @ NoMojo, no reason to post it here to be honest, it's not a solution to the problem since this thread here is trying to lit up the 39s bracket not make everybody flee. Useless comment. Abit lameness, my parents are paying, right now I dont spent any money on WoW whatsoever (its not true...
  9. [EU] Cyclone need more 39s

    A guy asked for the activity and you answered "still building the community" is this a way to swip off the subject of. The server is a ghostly as in, there are no games except from Sunday 2pm? Because if there are no games whatsoever and even a couple of players join.. You still need to be...
  10. [EU] Cyclone need more 39s

    Didn't really read the whole post since most of it was just random talk and completely off-topic and I didn't really wanted to waste time reading it all through. So sorry on advance if it's already written. As the topic author wrote is Ravencrest very active for the horde side, but the...