[Guide] Cache editing - Pimp your gear!

Why thank you. Sorry to the OP, kinda stole your thread. Accidentally, I'll toss you an invite to our social group. ;)
Im 95% sure he stole it, so you're in the clear =D
Well, the thread you saw at MMOwned was mine, too ;) so I didn't stole anything. I just updated it and cleared some things up.

the agonist_
the agonist said:
Well, the thread you saw at MMOwned was mine, too ;) so I didn't stole anything. I just updated it and cleared some things up.

the agonist_

My deepest apologies. Great guide <3
I opened the program, opened itemcache.wdb via the program and searched for Charmed Ancient Bone Bow , what i am equiping right now, and it said "string not found" how can this be possible and can you help me with it?

EDIT: I am using windows7 if that means anything.
Great guide. I was already aware of this method how ever was too lazy to make a guide. D:

And duckhunt.. PLEASE finish the WSG / AB patch. that is so hot.
OK, i know there is a way to edit how my character looks, i found the packets and shit but cant figure it out, can someone please point out how to do that, i would +rep and im sure other's would appreciate knowing how to do this.

Being me, I love to learn new stuff, im sure other's here do to, if you could edit this guide and make sections for each "use full" type of packet editing this would be godlike and im sure many people would thank you for it ^^

llol epic gear btw. its fun but i want to edit char skin packets or npc packets.
This is a very neat guide, I was looking for something like this. Think it would be fun to make a movie some time and have some clips of awesome gear.

Which reminds me, a while ago I was working on a model editing patch that would reskin every detail in WSG/AB into a snow zone. I never completed it because there wasn't enough interest, but if people will download it and use it I may have to start working on it again.

Them pics are amazing, nice work dude! and brilliant guide agonist
I opened the program, opened itemcache.wdb via the program and searched for Charmed Ancient Bone Bow , what i am equiping right now, and it said "string not found" how can this be possible and can you help me with it?

EDIT: I am using windows7 if that means anything.

Ive got the exact same problem... PLEASE HELP!
Does this still work? And what did it mean:

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]QUIT WORLD OF WARCRAFT FIRST! ELSE YOU WONT BE ABLE TO DO IT[/font]
Does this still work? And what did it mean:


i think he meant that you dont have wow running when youre editing stuff

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