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  1. killing the bracket before its even alive

    Funny, I found this post after experiencing exactly what is summarized here. I was in a game with Parfait earlier today...Yep, of all the 20 games I've been in all are the same. Here is what happens: Horde flail about and insult each other, alliance GY camp, while only one or two horde are...
  2. Scryers 29's

    That is unfortunate for the US servers, I hope they follow suit. Horde for life.
  3. Scryers 29's

    My wife and I have been keeping up to date on the twink activity here, looking to rejoin, and had a few questions. We have at least six 29 twinks between the both of us, however we are on the Scryers realm and we are also too cheap to pay to move our toons. So my question is, are there any...
  4. Official Queue Times Thread for all XP off Brackets

    Merry Christmas. Anyone have an update on how queue times are for 19's, 29's and 49's so far?
  5. Official Queue Times Thread for all XP off Brackets

    Did the servers go through usual Tuesday maintenance today? Does anyone know if they did anything concerning the battleground queue bugs?
  6. What is it like now?

    I'm actually waiting to see how it's going before I resubscribe. I've been reading that the merged battleground queue's have issues so no one has been able to properly gauge the queue times for non-exp twinks. I'm remaining hopeful because I would love to resubscribe and get to work...
  7. Blackout-EU, is it worth it?

    I appreciate the info. It's been a very long time since I've even poked around concerning twinking. I don't remember the patch, but whatever patch killed twinking, I cancelled my account and haven't been back since. Now that Cata is about to be released I thought I would see what was happening...
  8. Blackout-EU, is it worth it?

    I'm very tempted to move all my twinks from Scryers to Blackout and join <Emerald Twinks>, however, most information I've gathered about this guild is over a year old. I suppose Blackout-EU is where the twinks are headed since twink bg's in the U.S. are dead. So my question to you all... Is...
  9. Welcome 29s

    Hi there, I was a member of a twink guild named Notorious on Scryers, but 3.2 killed twinking on Scryers and in Retaliation. So, I'm going to re-roll both horde and alliance on Reckoning BG on Skywall and Windrunner. I'm going to re-roll because I'm too cheap and Blizz is not going to get...
  10. All 29s looking to get games

    I've been lurking in these forums for a while now just to see where everyone is ending up. My wife and I loved twinking so much, but when Blizz slapped on the patch, The Scryers twinking was over. Retaliation twinking is dead as far as I can see. We had half a dozen horde twinks between us and...