Blackout-EU, is it worth it?


I'm very tempted to move all my twinks from Scryers to Blackout and join <Emerald Twinks>, however, most information I've gathered about this guild is over a year old. I suppose Blackout-EU is where the twinks are headed since twink bg's in the U.S. are dead.

So my question to you all... Is moving to Blackout-EU worth it? Does this guild even exist? I understand that there are certain nights bg's do pop, but is that even worth the wait time? Lord knows I would love to return to twinking and battlegrounds, but not if it's a ghost town, and not if these twinking guilds are fading away.

I'm ready to do it, but I'd like some confirmation and encouragement before I spend the money.

You'll have to ask the EU guys about that. I'd recommend checking out their BG forums to see if there's any activity there.
wait, why are you moving your character right before cataclysm (assuming all battle groups will be properly merged once cataclysm is here)

even if you simply want people to queue with, i would wait until cataclysm and find out which server/guild actually thrives in the new system.
I appreciate the info. It's been a very long time since I've even poked around concerning twinking. I don't remember the patch, but whatever patch killed twinking, I cancelled my account and haven't been back since. Now that Cata is about to be released I thought I would see what was happening. If battlegroups are going to be properly merged, that will be very very exciting!

So I will wait and check back in once Cata is released and see where everyone is going. Thanks again.
Chili said:
I appreciate the info. It's been a very long time since I've even poked around concerning twinking. I don't remember the patch, but whatever patch killed twinking, I cancelled my account and haven't been back since. Now that Cata is about to be released I thought I would see what was happening. If battlegroups are going to be properly merged, that will be very very exciting!

So I will wait and check back in once Cata is released and see where everyone is going. Thanks again.

no problem. always glad to help. i am also glad to see that you decided to follow my advice. good luck with 49 and have fun twinking.
US was always very popular, more so than blackout EU was post-patch. and the BGs arent dead, many brackets are still alive.

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