Search results

  1. [WSG Battleground 31/10] - Be there!

    Idk what has happened. We were 4-5 people queueing on GW in AA, at least 4-5 on WB in Draenor plus scar in BB. We were far enough horde to get a pop... Either there is some kind of bug or we now need 10people per side again... I've created a ticket, I'm still waiting for a GM to explain me...
  2. [WSG Battleground 31/10] - Be there!

    You have to remember that this is a call for playing bgs. The point is to play bgs and have some fun, but there is no point on playing a 10 vs 6. If that happends and one side lacks of enough players, the other side should balance things and some people should stay away watching a fair 6v6 bg...
  3. [EU - 39] Highwav

    I'm writting this to let you all know that, I still don't know why, Highwav has disappeared. All I know is that Eloc was quitting wow (it is up to him telling you his reasons, I wouldn't even tell you that he quitted wow because that is up to him aswell, but I have to explain what have just...
  4. [EU 39 LEAGUE - Official Ranking and Calendar] First edition

    Now we can start a bg only with 5 people per side, maybe we should reactivate bgs again. GW can easily get 5 members so if you alliance can get those 5 people we would have a wsg pop.
  5. 4.0.1 priest change

    You can only use one point on 4th row so you have to choose between a 5sec silence or VE. No doubt for me. Sorry VE. I'd use these talents: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
  6. [EU 39 LEAGUE - Official Ranking and Calendar] First edition

    "Quick! To the Batcave!" won 3-0 against "And O Rah".
  7. [EU 39 LEAGUE - Official Ranking and Calendar] First edition

    I think it'll be a very interesting league :) My real ID is: But don't spam me, i share that ID with my brother so sometimes you can message him and he won't answer. If you message me and I don't answer, you know the reason. Anyway, I'll be on IRC always I can.
  8. [EU 39 LEAGUE - October 2010] Rules, Registration.

    Team name : "And o Rah" Members (name and class) : 1- Dirtymachete (Rogue) 2- Vrooh (Mage) Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : during week, preferably on weekends (sundays) ------------------------------------------------ Team name : "Muerete...
  9. [EU 39 LEAGUE - October 2010] Rules, Registration.

    Team name : "Setup OP" Members (name and class) : 1- Briandeklol (Hunter) 2- Mæy (Warrior) Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : during week, preferably on weekends ------------------------------------------------ Team name : "Omgrunww" Members (name and...
  10. [EU 39 LEAGUE - October 2010] Rules, Registration.

    Team name : "Quick! To the Batcave!" Members (name and class) : 1- Incorrupto (Priest) 2- Ã￾îe (Rogue) Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : None atm
  11. [EU - 39] - what about a short term league ? Ideas before getting to it.

    You overvalue this mount. It's only an advantadge the first 5-10 seconds, then can be just compared to other mounts. Maybe a race for those "eyes"? Hmm... you have to be at the same distance to it but far enough one for each other to make it impossible to enter the other in combat. Not so usual...
  12. [EU - 39] - what about a short term league ? Ideas before getting to it.

    The only reason you're saying why you want to forbid this item it's because only Tolli has it. If we all had this mount, there wouldn't be any problem on using it. So you're saying that an item that we can all get should be forbidden if only a few people have it. This reminds me to Pendulum of...
  13. [EU - 39] - what about a short term league ? Ideas before getting to it.

    As some people on GW can't talk in english, I'll be their voice. I'll be responsible of gathering all information about the tournament we need on GW. Btw, I don't understand why Tolli's 100% speed mount is the only forbidden thing in this tournament. It isn't a real advantadge against noone...
  14. [EU - 39] - what about a short term league ? Ideas before getting to it.

    As we play 4 days each month, we have to make 4 schemes. So if: x = number of days played n = number of teams We have to divide number of matches played by every team by number of days we play. Each team will play n-1 matches (all teams less itself) and we will play x days, so...
  15. 39 Blackout EU - The Info thread

    About Gringos Waggon: It's mostly a spanish guild but we have decided to recruit some european people to complete our guild. We have some non-spanish people, not many yet, but we expect some xfers soon. We're the largest horde guild atm so our objetive right now is to recruit some classes...
  16. Restoring 39: 2nd part

    Yes, we have had our first AB game. We have daily bgs and arenas. People is each day more active and we can say this bracket is completly alive and restored.
  17. Best BAttlegroup for EU twinks?

    Current status of the 39 bracket is: Alliance -> Draenor (Guild: Highwav) Horde -> Al'akir (Guild: Gringos Waggon) and some people are spread in other servers, but only in small amounts. Gringos Waggon is the only really active horde guild. And, of course, we're talking about Blackout...
  18. Restoring 39: 2nd part

    Well, noone has posted it yet, so I will. Yesterday, this bracket made another big step. We did our first unscheduled bg. Here some SS: Keep the good work up, guys. I bet we will have more like this soon.
  19. [EU] 39 BG Wednesday 18/08 21:00

    I hope this is the last post with similar title that I have to create because that would mean we would have a rutine of scheduled bgs :P First of all, GG all and congratz for yesterday's bgs. And now, getting to the point, we want to set up again all wednesdays as "bg day", so we will...
  20. [EU] 39 WSG Today 15/08 21:00

    Just read title :P We're trying to get some bgs today and come back to "rutine" of playing each wednesday and sunday again. We want everyone who can to come today, sunday 15/08 at 21:00 server time and single queue to WSG. Highwav will be queueing as alliance and mostly Gringo's Waggon...