[EU 39 LEAGUE - October 2010] Rules, Registration.


Here are the general rules for the first 39 League on Blackout. They won't be changed until the next one.

All team can register by posting on this thread.

PLEASE use this thread for Registration only. You can use the earlier one to ask all your questions or leave any kind of comment :)



Start : October 3rd

End : October 25th

(CLOSED) Registrations are open until : October 1st at 23:59 (London time) (CLOSED)

Arena days : Sundays and Mondays (games can be postponed for people who can't play on those days - just let us know before d-day)

Arena time : 18:00 to 21:00

Arena Comp : 2v2

Number of teams : unlimited (9)

Game mode : Best of 3 - we will always play 3 arenas, even if a team loses the first 2, for the scoring rules.

Calendar and Results will be posted on another thread as soon as we know how many teams we have.

Goodwilling, good sportsmanship, politeness, solidarity, patience, and respect for all team members are a must. Officers (together) can decide to ban players who don't apply this basic relation rule. Aiming victory doesn't mean we can forget the fun of it.

Officers : Cøwabungä (Highwav, Draenor-Alliance), Incorrupto (Gringos Waggon, Al'Akir-Horde), Scarborough (Hewett - Burning Blade-Horde), others to come


- Basic arena rules : Everything that can be used in arena is allowed. However, teams or people can arrange for not using a particular item (it should be in private though, and before the game starts), like the well-known "gentleman's agreement" for rogues not using the epic sword.

- Each team must register before the date and on this thread.

- Teams : teams can be composed of 3 members (it's not an obligation though) , every possible comp is allowed. However, team will announce their comp before the game starts. Comp will NOT be changed during a Bo3 (so chose carefully).

- Each member of the registered team should be online when game is planned ( if somebody can't be there, just inform us in time (try to inform at least the day before - and we'll postpone the game). Not being there for the arena without warning will lead to a forfeit, and the opposing team shall be considered winner (same rule applies to rage quitting). If there is a DC or lag issue try letting us know as soon as possible. Remember the games are "officially" rated, so if some of you make mistakes during the game, you'll only have yourselves to blame, no re-match.

- Each player can only use one char per league, and play in one team only (chose carefully before registering).

- Each team must have a "captain". He/she will be in contact with one of the "Officers", and he/she will be the one sending results by in-game PM or by e-mail (Screenshot).

- Players shall screenshot every game result, to avoid any disagreement.

- Scoring :

VICTORY = 3 points

DEFEAT = 1 point if 1 victory in the Bo3 / 0 points if 0 victories in the Bo3.

If there's a draw at the end of the league between highest rated teams, Winner will be declared after a "Best of 3" direct game.

As soon as registrations are closed (or the day after), Officers will gather on Skype/Vent to set up the calendar. They should try to have the more information they can (days when players are not available, team comps ...)

Calendar and results will be posted on forum in real time, and ratings will be modified. On a different thread.

Remember : This is a first-edition League, organization will probably NOT be perfect and we'll surely face some issues at first, we'll need everybody's patience and goodwilling to make it happen. If it works, it'll be improved for next edition of course. So please be patient and trust the people behind the scene


[EU 39 League - October 2010] Registrations :

You can register your team on this thread before October 1st at 23:59 (London time). You'll be registered when your team appears on edit :


Copy and paste this :

Team name : _________

Members (name and class) :

1- _________ (Player 1 will be the one sharing the information with the "officers")

2- _________

(3- _________ )

Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : _________


[EU 39 League - October 2010] Teams :

Team 1 : "Quick! To the Batcave!"

1- Incorrupto (Priest)

2- Ã￾îe (Rogue)

Days OFF : None atm

Team 2 : "Setup OP"

1- Briandeklol (Hunter)

2- Mæy (Warrior)

Days OFF : from monday to friday

Team 3 : "Omgrunww"

1- Zaÿ (Rogue)

2- Tolli (Hunter)

Days OFF : from monday to friday

Team 4 : "Shadow Step Falcon Punch"

1- Cøwabungä (Mage)

2- Cmeloz (Mage)

Days OFF : Cøwabungä unavailable from Tuesdays to Fridays, and October 12th and 13th.

Team 5 : "And o Rah"

1- Dirtymachete (Rogue)

2- Vrooh (Mage)

Days OFF : from monday to friday, preferably playing on sundays.

Team 6 : "Muerete Chiquitin"

1- Kenpâchi (Druid)

2- Pelø (Shaman)

Days OFF : none atm

Team 7 : "Planeta Platano"

1- Uke (Rogue)

2- Orgasmo (Paladin)

Days OFF : preferably playing on week-ends

Team 8 : "We rely on WF"

1- Erá (Mage)

2- Möøn (Shaman)

Days OFF : preferably playing from monday to friday during evening (19-23)

Team 9 : "Nerdstomper BBQ"

1- Kutty (Paladin)

2- Zulraq (Hunter)

3- Fattyspin (Priest)

Days OFF : None atm (since playing on evenings)

EDIT : Calendar will be on new thread asap, stay tuned !

Game mode : Best of 3 - we will always play 3 arenas, even if a team loses the first 2, for the scoring rules.


Sorry if I might sound like a troll, but a BO3 match is defined by that you only need to win 2 games, so if you have won the first 2, the third one is pointless. Everything else IS NOT BO3.

nuff said.


Saved for further informations

EDIT 1 (September 19th) :

Patch will probably come out during the League. League will still continue until its last day.


EDIT 2 (October 2nd) :


Team name : "Setup OP"

Members (name and class) :

1- Briandeklol (Hunter)

2- Mæy (Warrior)

Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : during week, preferably on weekends


Team name : "Omgrunww"

Members (name and class) :

1- Zaÿ (Rogue)

2- Tolli (Hunter)

Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : preferably on weekends
Team name : "Shadow Step Falcon Punch"

Members (name and class) :

1- Eloc (pala)

2- Cøwabungä (Mage)

3- Cmeloz (mage)
Team name : "And o Rah"

Members (name and class) :

1- Dirtymachete (Rogue)

2- Vrooh (Mage)

Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : during week, preferably on weekends (sundays)


Team name : "Muerete Chiquitin"

Members (name and class) :

1- Kenpâchi (Druid)

2- Pelø (Shaman)

Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : none atm


Team name : "Planeta Platano"

Members (name and class) :

1- Uke (Rogue)

2- Orgasmo (Paladin)

Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : preferably weekends or during week at nights

Come on, there are too few teams, I expected some more and I still expect someone else from Highwav or Rage quit. We're already 7 teams, between 8-12 would be perfect for the first league. We need one more team!
Saving the best team for last...

Team name : "We rely on WF"

Members (name and class) :

1- Erá (Mage)

2- Möøn (Shaman)

Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : Probably not during weekends, prefer Monday-Friday during evening (19-23)!
Team name : Nerdstomper BBQ

Members (name and class) :

1- Kutty (paladin) (Player 1 will be the one sharing the information with the "officers")

2- Zulraq (hunter)

3- Fattyspin(priest)

Days OFF (if someday you think you won't be able to play) : During the days we are all busy, so evenings are best for us.

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