[WSG Battleground 31/10] - Be there!


So here we go! Alliance activity is starting to grow and hopefully we are ready to get non-XP WSG in 39's going again :)

BG: WSG (maybe AB if we think we have enough people)

Battlegroup: Blackout

Date: 31/10 (Sunday)

Time: Time to show up is set to 19:00 server time

For those of you who can't show up at 19 log in when you can! If we get a pop, chances are we are still playing past 20 one might hope ;)

Feel free to let everyone know you will show up by posting here!

Edit: Read post #6 by Intentalo!
Not even a tiny "hooray" from someone? =(

Oh well, aslong as you know about it and show up I won't be mad! ;)
I made a guild event and expect many from Wreckin Balls to show up. Vema said he'd contact gringos waggon about it, you said anything to them Ero ?
blazed said:
I made a guild event and expect many from Wreckin Balls to show up. Vema said he'd contact gringos waggon about it, you said anything to them Ero ?

Yeah i've talked with Incorrupto so they know about it!
You have to remember that this is a call for playing bgs. The point is to play bgs and have some fun, but there is no point on playing a 10 vs 6. If that happends and one side lacks of enough players, the other side should balance things and some people should stay away watching a fair 6v6 bg. I know this is boring, we haven't played a bg for weeks and people want to try out his twink and his new abilities, but you have to realise that we all do and it's not funny playing a 10v6 and see the other side camping all of you on graveyard. We have to make an effort and try to avoid this and play fairly.

Last time we played a bg, alliance lack of enough people to fill out those 10 slots in wsg, but we (horde) didn't care much about that and played a 6v9 or 5v8. I want to thank all few hordes that just watched the match and let other people play (only 2-3 hordes did that) and apologize to all alliance that was there. Some alliance ragequit for an obvious reason and I want to encourage people to balance bgs if there aren't enough people in the other side. Of course, I'll be the first one to stop playing and just watch :)

Also, I want to encourage people to log on and queue up, if we play a 10v10 bg we have nothing to worry about and we can all enjoy.
I stick with you intentalo, fair BGs is what I live for, to be quite honest, I had no pleasure in killing leveling "non geared" people in the old wsg's either, except 5v1 etc. if it turns out the alliance is getting smashed yet again I will watch to make it fair, rather want my guildmembers to play than me :) let's hope for the best everyone!
so what is happening horde side, we have 6 people in the queue and people have logged there alts and queued to get the total up to 9.
Idk what has happened. We were 4-5 people queueing on GW in AA, at least 4-5 on WB in Draenor plus scar in BB. We were far enough horde to get a pop... Either there is some kind of bug or we now need 10people per side again... I've created a ticket, I'm still waiting for a GM to explain me what's going on.
i have a 39 and really wanted to attend; even tho the gear isnt complete. I wanted the experience of another bracket; but the installer is telling me 4 days till its playable....is what you get when you have a toaster with more ram than your computer i guess!
I have no idea either, I'm waiting for intel on this case. GW had people, wreckin balls had 6 I think including me. we also had couple of "loners" queuing, there has to be a problem with the alliance side.

Highwav had 6-8 people queuing at one point when we had enough, so I believe there has to be 10 on each side.

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