Search results

  1. Hey Ballerz

    LOL @ we "reacted to nothing". We wouldn't even be on this board except to respond to and taunt morons like you. I'm not sure how you are aware that you enjoy making people look like idiots as I doubt you've ever achieved it. I do take insults seriously and so do you. I'm just better at them...
  2. Hey Ballerz

    Oh I'm sorry, that must have been someone else's boner I noticed about banning me. I'm not dodging anything. You are attempting to portray a vent meeting designed to figure out ways to be rid of Amy and I as some sort of philanthropic event. That you came to the conclusion to ignore us would...
  3. Hey Ballerz

    LOL. You're stupid. We were in vent ONCE for the meeting. We were banned and certainly did not return to the vent the next day. Yes, we have racial slurs and four letter words. Why you would think that your own or any of your cronies behavior in-game or on the forums trumps any racial slur...
  4. Hunters lol

    no, stop, don't.
  5. Hey Ballerz

    How silly. Get your shit straight, ladyboy, *I* was the flag carrier, *I* was receiving no assistance from our team, 4 alliance stun/silence/rape me and Oknob had some very unpleasant comments. His Guildies/boyfriends/asians/whatever also decided to criticize my play despite my never have said...
  6. Hey Ballerz

    Or try "runway". :D
  7. Hey Ballerz

    To my knowledge you need to put it in the context of you were part of a secret vent meeting that was designed to figure out ways to be rid of me and Amy. We infiltrated your meeting and also saved the text and audio for fun. Given the context of the situation, you expected social proprieties...
  8. Hey Ballerz

    Amy is a whore!! And a heroin junkie as well.
  9. Hey Ballerz

    We have 2 accounts. Why would we need more? If someone else is giving you a hard time it's because you're an asshole and more than 2 people dislike you.
  10. Hunters lol

    I am shocked that you would request something that is gay!
  11. Hunters lol

    LOL @ someone putting "permabanned" into a search and thinking it's cool. Is there a "amyandKowaren'tevergonnahealme" gif you could use? You are the epitome of gayness and you have years of unemployment ahead of you to gif search. LOLOLOL! Permahomo!!
  12. Hunters lol

    Is this the best your manic energy can muster? Or perhaps are you in a depressive episode? People like you accuse others of "trolling" when you aren't able to follow with a logical response. Bipolar dick stain! LOLOLOL!!
  13. Hunters lol

    Well then why am I here reminding you that you're a faggot? LOL
  14. Hunters lol

    I doubt you were able to read and absorb it. Racing thoughts frequently accompany your disorder which explains why you are oblivious to logic even when it's dangled in front of you. Get some meds, because you're nuttier than squirrel shit.
  15. Hunters lol

    I'm still waiting for that douche to explain how I survive this with multiple hunters, priests, and rogues hitting me.