Hunters lol

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that isn't to mention the ridiculous top end of a hunter using NS plus the 100 or more AP I lose from not having 29 gear on.

with hawk on my hunter has 485 ap. donteventrii's hunter on armory has 538 without hawk.

my BoA bow does 43-85 damage. NS pretty much doubles that with 77-144.

i'd love to see a fully BiS GF hunter making a vid showing damage of aimed shot just for lulz.

back in TBC my 29 hunter was hitting like a solid 1k crit on people. his gear wasn't perfect though. right now you'd probably one shot anything you wanted with an aimed shot.
Mele class with no movement speed buffs versus ranged class with movement speed buffs, not even close to comparable.

The point I was trying to make is that I used an example of where a powerful class comes from behind me and gibs me. A few people said I should always know what's going on behind me, and I shouldn't get gibbed. FC uses the same type of example, where a powerful class comes from behind and gibs the healer.

According to the logic of Donteventrii, shouldn't the healer know the hunter is coming? Just do a spin jump every few seconds?

Of course, myself being an objective person, I would instead ask why there is no support from the rest of your team, to deal with the hunter. I guess that's just me expecting teamwork in a team based activity.
Fcftw said:
so a healer is supporting their fc across mid and stops to heal, an AS hunter of the opposing team rezzes and runs up behind said healer and hits him with an AS for 80% of their HP before they even realize the hunter is there, how does one avoid that?

yeah 1v1 AS is easily avoidable unless you get ice trapped without a trinket but wsg isn't a 1v1 game

I'm still waiting for that douche to explain how I survive this with multiple hunters, priests, and rogues hitting me.
Donteventrii said:
I snorted. It's nothing more than I expected at this point.

I doubt you were able to read and absorb it. Racing thoughts frequently accompany your disorder which explains why you are oblivious to logic even when it's dangled in front of you. Get some meds, because you're nuttier than squirrel shit.
Willyshatner said:
Of course, myself being an objective person, I would instead ask why there is no support from the rest of your team, to deal with the hunter. I guess that's just me expecting teamwork in a team based activity.

because if they stop to assist with the hunter the other members of the hunters team just wrecks the fc?

yeah if the healer in that scenario even did see the hunter coming he could run up and hoj/fear him or w/e while hunter is charging AS but then the healer runs the risk of letting their fc die to others
Homernoheáls said:
I doubt you were able to read and absorb it. Racing thoughts frequently accompany your disorder which explains why you are oblivious to logic even when it's dangled in front of you. Get some meds, because you're nuttier than squirrel shit.

new account?

making a new account to circumvent bans is against the rules sorry

Willy please stop, my troll reflexes are starting to kick in and i don't want to go there again it's not fun, it makes me look like an even bigger dick than i am and we all know how it ends already.
because if they stop to assist with the hunter the other members of the hunters team just wrecks the fc?

yeah if the healer in that scenario even did see the hunter coming he could run up and hoj/fear him or w/e while hunter is charging AS but then the healer runs the risk of letting their fc die to others

The FCs defense should be 4 people strong. One hunter shouldn't be an issue, regardless of the spec. In that particular situation, the FC shouldn't be going anywhere until he has support from the rest of his team.
Donteventrii said:
He's trolling or incredibly stupid. Either way, it's not worth responding to.

Is this the best your manic energy can muster? Or perhaps are you in a depressive episode? People like you accuse others of "trolling" when you aren't able to follow with a logical response.

Bipolar dick stain! LOLOLOL!!
Homernoheáls said:
Well then why am I here reminding you that you're a faggot? LOL

I've got to admit, despite him being a troll, I'm getting a good laugh out of some of homernoheals' responses. And that gif is GOLD Ohai. Lol.
Ohai said:

LOL @ someone putting "permabanned" into a search and thinking it's cool. Is there a "amyandKowaren'tevergonnahealme" gif you could use? You are the epitome of gayness and you have years of unemployment ahead of you to gif search. LOLOLOL!

Homernoheáls said:
LOL @ someone putting "permabanned" into a search and thinking it's cool. Is there a "amyandKowaren'tevergonnahealme" gif you could use? You are the epitome of gayness and you have years of unemployment ahead of you to gif search. LOLOLOL!


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