Hey Ballerz

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Franchi said:
Thank you nasty toastd and ohai for intentionally pissing away 2 moths of progress.

Please someone remind me why i play this bracket.

oh that's right

thank you for that daydra

You are welcome franchi <3
Franchi said:
How about this real life duel for post deletion.

As i issue this challenge you chose weapons and location.

See, this is what I've been saying all along. Take it outside, compare offline DPS/penis size already. The winner can buy me dinner.
allahkazam said:
the problem isn't their ability, it's the fact that they continue to be antagonistic after everyone basically forgot about them for a week. they have 5-6 accounts here trolling several times a day.

We have 2 accounts. Why would we need more? If someone else is giving you a hard time it's because you're an asshole and more than 2 people dislike you.
Homernoheáls said:
Amy is a whore!! And a heroin junkie as well.

Lets all be friends and enjoy this bracket! As of now, everyone's memory only goes back as far as this post in time.
Ohai said:
To my knowledge it was for coming in with names of players whom they were not, and to my knowledge being quite racist towards yukkie. I will talk to yoube and see what he thinks about removing the bans, if it hasn't been done already.

edit or we could move to 39s vent and end my reign of vent admin tyranny

To my knowledge you need to put it in the context of you were part of a secret vent meeting that was designed to figure out ways to be rid of me and Amy. We infiltrated your meeting and also saved the text and audio for fun. Given the context of the situation, you expected social proprieties from us? LOL!!
Daydra said:
"You guys" quoting me, is that directing it at me, if so check my post history?

I've spoken to amy personally a few times and have np's at all. She and I are often times on D together. I'm going to assume you are directing that at a collective group of other "you guys"?

Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of "you guys" in reference to idiots, and many of these statements could apply to most people on here. Very confusing.

Anyhow, yes, I think we've worked out a good system in BGs. :) If there's ever a FC that I don't feel deserves my efforts, I will (and have previously, I think?) just go on O once another replaces me on D.

All I'm seeing on multiple forums are emotionally stunted people who've been losing BGs and are looking for any reason or player to lash out on, rather than accept you "can't win them all". What fun would winning be if we never played an awful game and lost? Can you give the ones in your guild RL cooldowns? :p
Homernoheáls said:
To my knowledge you need to put it in the context of you were part of a secret vent meeting that was designed to figure out ways to be rid of me and Amy. We infiltrated your meeting and also saved the text and audio for fun. Given the context of the situation, you expected social proprieties from us? LOL!!

LOL, this sounds an awful lot like what caused them to receive negative responses from Amy/Kow from the very start. I don't think they're getting the crux, Homer, and they never will.
Homernoheáls said:
Amy is a whore!! And a heroin junkie as well.

Nah, I heard she had 30 days of sobriety!
Donteventrii said:
Pynch wanted it.

Right, private messages don't exist. Your motivations are clear and predictable, which is why it's so easy for people to screw with you.
oknob said:
i said "way to not heal our fc" and i also said "way to not heal yourself" to kow who stood next to our fc without even attempting to cast a heal, also running the flag and not even shifting out of gw to attemtp to heal himself. after that i was called a cunt multiple times and put on their "no heals list" (oh nose, i dont get heals i didnt get anyway). then yukkie made a comment to kow when she died next to him without getting a heal and he started insulting her.

How silly. Get your shit straight, ladyboy, *I* was the flag carrier, *I* was receiving no assistance from our team, 4 alliance stun/silence/rape me and Oknob had some very unpleasant comments. His Guildies/boyfriends/asians/whatever also decided to criticize my play despite my never have said anything to them - my " bad play" being I was an unassisted fc on a shit team. A pack mentality was developed and people came at me and then Amy when she joined. Since then, we have taken no shit from anyone, and respond to all aggression. Farming us, plotting ways to afk us, discourage us, etc.. has not and will not work. We get along just fine with the reasonable and authentically pleasant people here, we were willing to repair relationships (I don't leave franchi's side in bgs unless I'm dead). Unfortunately there are very few reasonable and authentically pleasant people here. That's ok, though. We can play all kinds of games. And currently Ohai has regressed to where I'm not healing him. And Amy doesn't heal who I won't heal - and vice versa.

The accurate chronology of events: Oknob starts shit with a new player, his pals join in, we only respond to those who attack us, and here it continues. <3
Given the context of the situation, you expected social proprieties from us? LOL!!

It's funny because the conclusion that was reached in that vent meeting was that we would all stop responding to you on the forums, not say shit to you in games etc. I logged out after we all agreed, and I find out the next day you guys got in vent chat and acted like a bunch of foul mouthed 14 year olds throwing out newly learned racial slurs.

You heard that basically you were about to get what you 'want', and what did you do?
Ohai said:
It's funny because the conclusion that was reached in that vent meeting was that we would all stop responding to you on the forums, not say shit to you in games etc. I logged out after we all agreed, and I find out the next day you guys got in vent chat and acted like a bunch of foul mouthed 14 year olds throwing out newly learned racial slurs.

You heard that basically you were about to get what you 'want', and what did you do?

LOL. You're stupid. We were in vent ONCE for the meeting. We were banned and certainly did not return to the vent the next day.

Yes, we have racial slurs and four letter words. Why you would think that your own or any of your cronies behavior in-game or on the forums trumps any racial slur is funny. I suggest you go with your standard go-to of running to a moderator or hitting the afk button.

Or just post a super-awesome gif!!!
Homernoheáls said:
LOL. You're stupid. We were in vent ONCE for the meeting. We were banned and certainly did not return to the vent the next day.

Yes, we have racial slurs and four letter words. Why you would think that your own or any of your cronies behavior in-game or on the forums trumps any racial slur is funny. I suggest you go with your standard go-to of running to a moderator or hitting the afk button.

Or just post a super-awesome gif!!!

No, what I meant is that "I found out the next day about your antics" not that you got in vent the next day. What I mean to say is that we had all agreed that no more communication, negative or positive was to be had. Later in that same evening you did what you did. You can dodge the actual point though, because it means your stupid crusade to be left alone is bullshit, and you are doing all this because you enjoy the reaction you get.

Running to a moderator is your move <3

so wat is the relation between homer and amy/kow? strangers that have found camaraderie in a similar position?
Ohai said:
It's funny because the conclusion that was reached in that vent meeting was that we would all stop responding to you on the forums, not say shit to you in games etc. I logged out after we all agreed, and I find out the next day you guys got in vent chat and acted like a bunch of foul mouthed 14 year olds throwing out newly learned racial slurs.

You heard that basically you were about to get what you 'want', and what did you do?

Geez, 14 is a little old to just hear bad words like those.

Also, from the audio recording I was sent, I didn't hear anything of the sort. Lots of mumbling and whining, then what I can only assume to be the brown noise around the time I assume "those two" infiltrated vent and said "hi, it's Amy/Kow". I'm literally laughing out loud at that right now. I can't even imagine.
Ok so you both obviously hate each other so why don't you just agree to ignore each over outside of wsg and play to win?
augiddin said:
Ok so you both obviously hate each other so why don't you just agree to ignore each over outside of wsg and play to win?

Apparently it doesn't work that way

Also, from the audio recording I was sent, I didn't hear anything of the sort.

Listen from when I joined, Franchi pretty much outlined what was agreed upon. The next day I logged in after seeing some trash talk or whatever, asked "What happened to being nice" and was told by multiple people that I missed what happened in vent chat after.
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