Hunters lol

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LOL, no one got the drift of when I said to shut the **** up and calm the **** down? Jesus, how clear does it need to be for you Axis IIs?
Well as soon as 29's die I'm sure DotA 2 will be out, I'm not particularly worried if you losers argue with each other until the end of time.
Amykowdashian said:

Not that funny, I have no appropriate gif

edit -
Igotoparties said:
Well as soon as 29's die I'm sure DotA 2 will be out, I'm not particularly worried if you losers argue with each other until the end of time.

I'll come make nerds mad with you
Ohai said:
I'll come make nerds mad with you

You have to be good at throwing, getting range IP banned, flaming/racism, partying, pausing+"G" spamming, and calling people nerds. Can you fulfill these requirements?
Igotoparties said:
You have to be good at throwing, getting range IP banned, flaming/racism, partying, pausing+"G" spamming, and calling people nerds. Can you fulfill these requirements?

I'm practicing in HoN, I'll let you know.


Ohai said:
I'm practicing in HoN, I'll let you know.



Not good enough you fail already, you must also have claims of greatness and no admitance of weakness to carry out the task. No one will take you seriously as a griefer. I sense weakness in you little one. Step up your A game.
Daydra said:
Not good enough you fail already, you must also have claims of greatness and no admitance of weakness to carry out the task. No one will take you seriously as a griefer. I sense weakness in you little one. Step up your A game.

Working on it.
nchi' has joined the chat.

'Donteventrii' has joined the chat.

Donteventrii: sup

'HOTSPUR' has joined the chat.

Donteventrii: there ya go

Donteventrii: sup


Donteventrii: whos ur tink

HOTSPUR: Pyncheon/Mercury

Donteventrii: ah

Donteventrii: u got some haterz

'Willyshatner' has joined the chat.

Donteventrii: whats up dipshits

Donteventrii: nah wait another 10 mins

HOTSPUR: i'd say wait another maybe 5-10 and see

franchi: agree wiht that

Donteventrii: niggarz

Donteventrii: so whats this all about

Donteventrii: can i get a preview

Willyshatner: tits, ass, and explosions?

Donteventrii: +ecstasy

Donteventrii: wow franchi

Donteventrii: ur a sad ****

'Nirise' has joined the chat.

Donteventrii: sup u durty ****

Donteventrii: that's all?

Donteventrii: terrible idea

Donteventrii: just imo

Donteventrii: amy/kow won't leave because of that

Donteventrii: just like willy didnt

Donteventrii: just bro didnt

Donteventrii: no it's not

Donteventrii: and yes exactly

Donteventrii: they want to troll

Donteventrii: u open us up to it

Donteventrii: if we play games normally

Donteventrii: while ignoring them

Donteventrii: they will get bored

Donteventrii: camping them fuels the fire

Donteventrii: we need another fc

Donteventrii: that they are willing to heal

Donteventrii: howle

Donteventrii: no

Donteventrii: they arent willing to heal you or FCftw

Donteventrii: they will heal me

Donteventrii: when I fc

Willyshatner: am I the only one who thinks that the amywhineheals situation could have been avoided by giving them criticism in a different manner?

Donteventrii: ^

Nirise: True

'Draui' has joined the chat.

Nirise: But instead of a camping-fest, how about....

Donteventrii: and it ****ing disgusts me to deal with willy

Donteventrii: just fyi

Nirise: Simply asking to be put on the same list. Ask nicely. Tell them if they won't heal specific Horde, then you don't want to be healed either.

Willyshatner: yes, and hopefully the seach for a good therapist bodes well for you

Nirise: With no one left to heal, there's no point left to play for thme

Nirise: If it's that big a deal i.e. if having them in games not healing a couple of people is that big a deal

Donteventrii: oh the things I would like to say! Let's keep it constructive

Nirise: I wasn't there, so I don't know the extent of the issue

HOTSPUR: plz be nice guys

'"C" cerious (no mic)' has joined the chat.

Willyshatner: I was being constructive, and hopeful ^_^

Nirise: So on topic, make a stand for everyone getting healed.

Nirise: Doing it nicely makes it a little fun, too, but I'm sick like that. :p

Donteventrii: so on topic, cerious and FC need to make a public apology if they want to play Horde again

Donteventrii: if amy/kow are in games

Donteventrii: or else games are ****ed

'Killmame' has joined the chat.

Killmame: hai

Draui: sup

Donteventrii: sup dildo

Nirise: So that I'm clear, are the Amy and the other one really having that kind of impact in games?

HOTSPUR: you know fc isn't going to do that

'franchi' has joined the chat.

Nirise: Bracket stopping?

Willyshatner: I think that our general behavior should be nice, no reason to disrespect people in the first place, especially over things that can be changed, like play tactics

Donteventrii: well when it's 8 v 10 yes

'franchi' has left the chat.

franchi: sorry power outage

Donteventrii: criticisms ftw, pussies ftl

Donteventrii: they just happen to be pussies

Willyshatner: why are they pussies?

Draui: everyone needs time to learn

Donteventrii: criticism + pussies = can't take it

Draui: i played 2h enh shaman when i first started

Willyshatner: I am sure that if they hadn't been insulted, they could have taken criticism

Nirise: I don't think giving them any kind of attention will make anything work better.

Donteventrii: yea we get it

Donteventrii: they are bad

Donteventrii: and think they are good

Willyshatner: well, they are new

Donteventrii: and dont take criticism

Donteventrii: they are awful

Willyshatner: and so far, they have been given the elitist treatment of 'you're shitty geared, you're bad at healing, gtfo or get camped'

Donteventrii: well they were around before

Donteventrii: that started happening

Donteventrii: kow was around a month ago

Donteventrii: he didnt play often

Donteventrii: his spec was ****ed

Donteventrii: his gear was ****ed

HOTSPUR: its already too late to be constructive, honestly

Donteventrii: you mean like willy reports?

Donteventrii: oh yea they do to

Donteventrii: based of personal vendettas

HOTSPUR: i said i didnt want to know a guy personally and got 3 days

HOTSPUR: so im just going to post on TI where i can at least weasel my way out of being banned

Willyshatner: I've reported maybe half a dozen things since the new forums, and a couple weren't even 29s

Killmame: I can't wait to farm them ;p

Donteventrii: regardless, you report over personal vendettas on anything you think will get that persons voice silenced

Donteventrii: and they are doing the same

Donteventrii: it's bullshit


Donteventrii: we did that

Willyshatner: it has nothing to do with personal vendettas, if you haven't noticed, I don't hold any sort of a grudge

Donteventrii: you will report people you dont like for swearing, but not people you don't know

Willyshatner: it has everything to do with having the right to use the forums in a manner consistent with the CoC and not have to deal with personal harassment and inflammatory conduct

Donteventrii: pathetic

Willyshatner: and I only reported one person for swearing, and it was directed at me, while bypassing the language filter

Killmame: just camp them to victory

Killmame: imo

Willyshatner: not here to talk about me though, thanks

HOTSPUR: yoube is awesome and that was so mean :(

Draui: hows that gonna work?

Donteventrii: exactly

Donteventrii: you reported yoube

Donteventrii: pathetic

Donteventrii: he's an outside observer

HOTSPUR: there isn't a them. it's one account.

HOTSPUR: it's one person dual boxxing on the same account.

'Domperignon' has joined the chat.

'Nirise' has left the chat.

'Johneffer.' has joined the chat.

Domperignon: act like grown men on forums, problem solved

Domperignon: just hit ignore on trolls

HOTSPUR: getting spam reported for every post you make eventually leads to you getting banned too

Domperignon: well some of the regulars talk shit too

Domperignon: no shit

franchi: Code of Conduct - Community -

Willyshatner: it's like the Mod said, it would be nice if people could just keep things about the game and leave the personal sentiments out of it

Draui: how are we suppose to make a more competitive bracket, if we dont let bads know they are bad

Domperignon: exactly - bagging on those two morons = bans

Willyshatner: keep things civil and neutral, don't let your anger or dislike for someone get the better of you, that's what private tells or vent is for

'Ohai/Healthcare' has joined the chat.

HOTSPUR: the more reaction they get either in game or on the forums the more they are going to do it. it's simple and obvious

Ohai/Healthcare: whats goin oooooooooooooooon

Domperignon: just ignore them

Ohai/Healthcare: homie

Ohai/Healthcare: s

franchi: Code of Conduct - Community -

Willyshatner: if we are talking about what's good for games though, we need them to participate and do what they can to get better. That may include us being nice even if we don't like them, helping them understand what they can do better

Willyshatner: we can't just treat them like garbage and expect that to make games better

HOTSPUR: like what a shock fc turns people off to the game/bracket

'Fcftw' has joined the chat.

Fcftw: freak why dont you have a mic

'Ohai/Healthcare' has left the chat.

Willyshatner: worst case scenario, if we were to help them (at least make a great effort of it) instead of trying to be rid of them, that way we would stand a chance to gain from them being in games

HOTSPUR: dual boxing twinks will honestly never work for good games. maybe in a brain dead bracket like 19 but 29 games are more competitive

HOTSPUR: at the very least its the same account

HOTSPUR: i'd like to think an adult would not act how they were acting either...

HOTSPUR: wait until school starts to see how active they are...

HOTSPUR: oh come on we're both mature enough to just move past our differnces plz

Fcftw: ;)

Willyshatner: I agree with that Hot

Willyshatner: which is why I am trying to propose some positive behavior with them

Draui: what server are they on?

HOTSPUR: the forum stuff talking shit about yukkie was completely completely completely unacceptable i dont care

HOTSPUR: that goes beyond the game and is entirely personal

'Fcftw' has left the chat.

Draui: night

'Draui' has left the chat.

'Phreakaaaay' has joined the chat.

"C" cerious (no mic): Guys, theres one thing i was thinkin about

franchi: ?

"C" cerious (no mic): I was thinkin

"C" cerious (no mic): what if they were listening to this and recording it?

Willyshatner: they aren't in here

franchi: so? nothign we have talked abotu will do the many good

"C" cerious (no mic): and LOLing about it?

"C" cerious (no mic): No but really i'm kow

"C" cerious (no mic): LOL

"C" cerious (no mic): good plans

franchi: I don't care what a couple of scrub noob trolls think about us and nither shoudl you

Phreakaaaay: yeah thanks for the heads up :)

"C" cerious (no mic): you care enouht o devote a sat nite to this

"C" cerious (no mic): LOL

"C" cerious (no mic): we like you willy

Phreakaaaay: <3

Phreakaaaay: someone with a vagina likes your offline intellect

"C" cerious (no mic): the farming was traumatic

"C" cerious (no mic): I think

Phreakaaaay: my ptsd involves ROFLMAO in real life

"C" cerious (no mic): that the afk hide all the allies in a corner idea is genius

'Fcftw' has joined the chat.

HOTSPUR: wat is goin on in hurr

Johneffer.: hey bud

"C" cerious (no mic): it's Fc the vajaayjay

Phreakaaaay: moo

Johneffer.: i miss u bud

"C" cerious (no mic): Yukkie the radiactive gook started with us first

franchi: seriously are you going to play or farm if you remmber we decided to give you a chance

HOTSPUR: johneffer #1 rog US

Johneffer.: duh

"C" cerious (no mic): Hey John effer is that Cerebral palsy?

Willyshatner: cerious, stop for a minute, do you think that's necessary?

Johneffer.: WUT

Phreakaaaay: you might say she had a "meltdown" after being a twat to me, but hey, that would be MEAN


Johneffer.: I am # 1 rogue us, ur point?

"C" cerious (no mic): you were given a chance to plpay nice

Phreakaaaay: <3

Johneffer.: it would be different

Johneffer.: if it was an african american

"C" cerious (no mic): its not on us to bow to you, shithead

Johneffer.: but if its a japanese woman

HOTSPUR: your maybe like #4 rog behind frantix, slyddur and maybe someone else idk

Johneffer.: then u get all agro

Phreakaaaay: grats for the 3+ years

Johneffer.: who is hotspur?

"C" cerious (no mic): but those players insulted us

Phreakaaaay: your chair must smell awesome

"C" cerious (no mic): LOl at "call out"

HOTSPUR: ramonaflowrs/pyncheon lul

"C" cerious (no mic): that gook attacked me before i ever spoke to her

Johneffer.: i beat curley

Johneffer.: ur point

Phreakaaaay: "you dumb ****!" isn't really constructive criticsm :)

"C" cerious (no mic): oh were playin

Phreakaaaay: we got the logs

franchi: grats on that we dont care

"C" cerious (no mic): lol thet had 5 ppl farning us

"C" cerious (no mic): and ohai got killed by us lol

Domperignon: ill farm them alone

Phreakaaaay: alright, I'm gonna go shower with my dad now

HOTSPUR: curley is like average dude. im not even kidding.

Johneffer.: ive played with curley

Johneffer.: for

Johneffer.: idk how long

Phreakaaaay: afk for 15 min, it takes him a while to get off

Johneffer.: lol

Johneffer.: my balls

Johneffer.: dropped in vent

"C" cerious (no mic): 2 cant do it, you had to use two hunters a priest and a rogue

Johneffer.: while i was talking to him

Johneffer.: no joke

Fcftw: "radioactive gook"? have fun getting farmed you racist pricks

"C" cerious (no mic): GOOOOOOOOK

HOTSPUR: healing stream totem is 20 i think

"C" cerious (no mic): Fc runs away from a resto shammy when his heals are dead

Fcftw: its called kiting i never ran from you lawl

Johneffer.: i hate all white people

"C" cerious (no mic): s key kiting

"C" cerious (no mic): lol

Fcftw: lol i s key? sorry no

"C" cerious (no mic): you suck fc you needed 5 ppl

Fcftw: you both keyboard turn and have shit gear/enchants

HOTSPUR: johneffer plz stop being racist :(

Johneffer.: Sorry

"C" cerious (no mic): willys logic has left him

Johneffer.: Fc is mean to me

Johneffer.: im not sure why

Johneffer.: but hes a poopyhead to me

Killmame: just enjoy gettin farmed

"C" cerious (no mic): why take offense to a pack of people plotting aginst you?

Fcftw: suck my dick hoes

"C" cerious (no mic): we heard

Fcftw: have fun getting farmed

Phreakaaaay: sorry, what

Willyshatner: my logic was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, for us to trying to be civil towards you, giving you a second chance

franchi: qq

Phreakaaaay: i was busy laughing my ass off in real life

"C" cerious (no mic): it leaves you with a friend who can rent herself out as a nightlight

Phreakaaaay: <3

"C" cerious (no mic): lol

"C" cerious (no mic): nah you guys are like arabs, you'd eat each other if we werent here

Johneffer.: Lil B - I Cry - YouTube

"C" cerious (no mic): a sat nite pow wow about us is no big deal

Johneffer.: I hope there is someone

Johneffer.: who can take care of me

Johneffer.: when I cry

HOTSPUR: was more than willing to give you the benefit of the doubt as well even after you showed how racist you are. but not now

"C" cerious (no mic): Fc swaers at us because my mom was a bad parent

Johneffer.: hey bud

Johneffer.: why are u average

"C" cerious (no mic): hey fanch, how could you be so dumb to not think we'd be here?

"C" cerious (no mic): oh, your a moron that why

Fcftw: wont be here long youre getting banned from vent

"C" cerious (no mic): i never use vent, so i dont give a **** lol

franchi: i new you would try and join, figured you would even get in, the fact is you dont matter

"C" cerious (no mic): ya you knew it franch, you and your silly midwestern accent

franchi: the fact that yo udid, and started up your racism just made my jpb easier

franchi: southern california but sure bro

Johneffer.: alright u listen here you little white supremicists i will go black on ur bum okay ?! REAL TALK I AINT PLAYING ANYMORE

Johneffer.: OKAY


"C" cerious (no mic): Oh you already knew i didnt like that tsunami card already


Johneffer.: JESUS

Phreakaaaay: white power?

Fcftw: stop using my friends name, poir asses cant ecen afford mics

Fcftw: poor

"C" cerious (no mic): LOL @ friends with Gooks

Johneffer.: my best friend is from iraq

Phreakaaaay: my mom touches me at night

"C" cerious (no mic): mine too

Domperignon: you two must get beat up by gooks at school

HOTSPUR: wtb vent admin pst

"C" cerious (no mic): ooh you said gooks

Domperignon: yup

Johneffer.: someone said

Domperignon: must hurt deep inside

Johneffer.: someone

Johneffer.: get NODRUID

"C" cerious (no mic): where is that lil nip anyway, she likes to hide behind forum protection

Johneffer.: GAWD

franchi: lol

"C" cerious (no mic): Fc can you farm us while we 3 cap again?

"C" cerious (no mic): and why did you guys have to cheat to beat us?

Fcftw: you think we cared that we lost? rofl

"C" cerious (no mic): if we are sooo bad?

Fcftw: it was totally worth it

Johneffer.: Lil B best rapper world

Johneffer.: **** my bitch based god

"C" cerious (no mic): I cared that we won :D

Fcftw: i like when willy held the flag in the gy while we farmed you

"C" cerious (no mic): yes i mentioned that he was enagaging in a bannable offense

franchi: lol

"C" cerious (no mic): and he ran and capped

"C" cerious (no mic): i liked that part

franchi: so seriously how old are you two?

Killmame: 3

Johneffer.: I'm 14

Johneffer.: ur point

Killmame: john he doesn't mean u

franchi: not you john

"C" cerious (no mic): well, we are significantly brighter than you, but i guess we could still be 10

franchi: lol

HOTSPUR: johneffer #1 dorf rog US

"C" cerious (no mic): easy on John he speaks slowly

Willyshatner: I don't understand why you even insist on posting

Johneffer.: i dont speak english good

Willyshatner: are you really that interested in causing grief?

"C" cerious (no mic): it unsaps you

Phreakaaaay: lol

Willyshatner: if you trinket sap, you get sapped again

Johneffer.: GAWD

Johneffer.: UR DUMB BRO

Phreakaaaay: sorry, my ass fell off and I was afk for a while, did I miss anything good?


Willyshatner: not really an effective method for removing sap

Johneffer.: SO UR POINT?

"C" cerious (no mic): there is plenty of grief here with or without us

Phreakaaaay: nah, you get sapped 4 times until you're immune :)

"C" cerious (no mic): I want to **** your TBI john OK?

Johneffer.: wtf is a TBI

Phreakaaaay: GOOGLE

"C" cerious (no mic): yes

Phreakaaaay: Good job ignoring us

"C" cerious (no mic): we enjoyed it when you didn't know we were here

Johneffer.: traumatic

Johneffer.: brain

Johneffer.: injury

Phreakaaaay: i got off at least twice

"C" cerious (no mic): durrr

Johneffer.: phreakaay

Phreakaaaay: frank and beans!

Johneffer.: do u think im bad

"C" cerious (no mic): I think you aren't very good at life, hows that?

"C" cerious (no mic): ya thats a ****in riddle to figure out

Johneffer.: wow

Johneffer.: bud

Johneffer.: calm it down

"C" cerious (no mic): So when is the next emergency meeting?

Johneffer.: *whispers*

Johneffer.: Tomorrow 8 PM

"C" cerious (no mic): Yukkie just called, she's keeping a runway lit up, but she'

"C" cerious (no mic): ll be here soon

Willyshatner: do you realize that Yukkie is the nicest person in the bracket?

Johneffer.: Do you realize

Johneffer.: that she is a woman

Johneffer.: so she cant be mean?

Willyshatner: and you're trashing on her because of why?

"C" cerious (no mic): I disagree, she's a stupid cunt who instigated with the wrong people

Johneffer.: aw shit

Johneffer.: e-thugs

Willyshatner: well I can

"C" cerious (no mic): Women can't be mean? you should see amywineheals when she's out of heroin, what a twat

franchi: /yawn

"C" cerious (no mic): /busted

Phreakaaaay: I'm gonna finger the dog's fanny until you get me more black tar heroin, Kow

"C" cerious (no mic): dammit woman!

"C" cerious (no mic): i'd **** you amy, but we're the same people

"C" cerious (no mic): so does everyone have the forum rules down, we have em memorized and shit

"C" cerious (no mic): just ignore us, as you are by having a meeting about us, and everything will be fine

Willyshatner: /FACEDESK

"C" cerious (no mic): What's the best kind of bucket to shit in, franchi?

Johneffer.: I'm so hood rich

"C" cerious (no mic): I'd like to thank everyone for the ultimatum to give us one more chance at "playing". While you maintain your shit attitudes and personalities

HOTSPUR: hahaha is this serious right now

"C" cerious (no mic): This bracket is teeming with respect

'Curley' has joined the chat.

"C" cerious (no mic): everyone wants to join

Curley: hotsput

Johneffer.: ha

Johneffer.: hahaha

Curley: who r u

Johneffer.: curley

"C" cerious (no mic): TBI

Curley: WHO ARE U


Johneffer.: Curley

Phreakaaaay: I say "lawl" in real life

"C" cerious (no mic): It's a HIPAA violation don't talk!

"C" cerious (no mic): yea LOL at the guy who said "LAWL" into a mic



Curley: IM #1 BRO

Johneffer.: i beat u tho

Johneffer.: ur point

Curley: lawlwllwlwlw


Johneffer.: UR BAD

HOTSPUR: you rly arnt :(


HOTSPUR: not even best rog in your guild


Johneffer.: UR POIN

"C" cerious (no mic): tinke?

Curley: ramona im amazing wtf u talking about

"C" cerious (no mic): GOO GOO GA GA im a radioactive tinkkkkkkkkkk

HOTSPUR: you arent even a team in your guild

Curley: how u know sir

Johneffer.: curley

Curley: u have no clue on our strat

Johneffer.: im coming

Johneffer.: to

Johneffer.: the

Johneffer.: PTR

HOTSPUR: i herd slyddur and mtvriffraff are your a team rogs

"C" cerious (no mic): 19's are really cool

Phreakaaaay: poopies?

Curley: according to who idiot

"C" cerious (no mic): that spidersilk drape is something to caht about for hours

Fcftw: waw tawent is trash, 19's are trash

Fcftw: now gtfo

Phreakaaaay: i rubbed one out over the spidersilk boots

HOTSPUR: im just kidding dude. lulz

Johneffer.: fc

"C" cerious (no mic): FC go **** you cat

Johneffer.: i have a girlfriend

Johneffer.: she hawt

Johneffer.: ur point

"C" cerious (no mic): what kind of wheelchair does she drive, John?

Johneffer.: ...

Phreakaaaay: although i was thinking about my dad in the shower while looking at the boots so

Johneffer.: high quality

Johneffer.: illuminum

"C" cerious (no mic): sweet

HOTSPUR: johneffer did

'Curley' has left the chat.

"C" cerious (no mic): Curley thinks highly of you now

Phreakaaaay: Sent you in-game mail, Willy

Willyshatner: why are you sending me in game mail?

HOTSPUR: they did that to me on my 19 the other day

Phreakaaaay: I'm not, but I thought it'd excite people

Phreakaaaay: go back to ignoring me plz

"C" cerious (no mic): can we go to great lengths to make this go away?

Willyshatner: make what go away?

Fcftw: reported for in-game harassment


Phreakaaaay: lol

Johneffer.: someone ****ing troll me

"C" cerious (no mic): oh my reported


"C" cerious (no mic): wow what a fag

"C" cerious (no mic): Killmame you need to go put on your prom dress

HOTSPUR: lol johneffer why did you get curley in here

Johneffer.: cause im bored bud

Phreakaaaay: usually a room full of guys ends in an orgy

HOTSPUR: lol i said on forums i was jk about saying curley was average. now you startin fights

"C" cerious (no mic): I wish i had that knowledge base

Phreakaaaay: hey now, we wouldnt want more threads deleted

"C" cerious (no mic): Does disability make direct payments to blizz for you?

Phreakaaaay: no that's welfare checks, C

Johneffer.: Johnefferacolpyse

"C" cerious (no mic): I just bought a bunch of stock in extra large tidal waves

Johneffer.: LOL


Johneffer.: LOL

"C" cerious (no mic): VAJAYJAY!

Johneffer.: Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen

Johneffer.: Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag

Johneffer.: Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag v

Johneffer.: Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag

Johneffer.: Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag Ellen Degeneres swag swag swag

"C" cerious (no mic): reported for subpar intellect!

Johneffer.: :eek:

Johneffer.: nigga **** you

Johneffer.: real talk

"C" cerious (no mic): HOLLA!


Johneffer.: BOYYYY

"C" cerious (no mic): OH NO YOU DINT

"C" cerious (no mic): Ohai is probably getting killed by healers despite having 4 other people with him

Johneffer.: nigga

Johneffer.: shut the

Johneffer.: **** up

Johneffer.: u fgt


Johneffer.: mad high ollie i did today

Johneffer.: nigga tell me i have no life


"C" cerious (no mic): What kind of tampons do you use, Killmame?

"C" cerious (no mic): Why tell you what you know??

Phreakaaaay: I sniffed a tampon the other day that I found in a truck stop bathroom



"C" cerious (no mic): oh I do that too!

Johneffer.: CUZ I WIN

Phreakaaaay: it smelled like COOKIES

Johneffer.: ngi

Johneffer.: nig

Phreakaaaay: don't you mean nigger?

"C" cerious (no mic): Johneff is a racist!

Johneffer.: no

Johneffer.: im black

Phreakaaaay: that's foul language :(

Johneffer.: so i am not racist duh

HOTSPUR: plz edit the parts out where i talk about 19s willy

"C" cerious (no mic): im black too!

Johneffer.: please calm down ur so ubnawshurh

Phreakaaaay: whatevea u dont know me or my 47 baby daddies

"C" cerious (no mic): John, talk in mic so we can put it on a oundboard

Johneffer.: ok

Johneffer.: tell me when bud

"C" cerious (no mic): go

Johneffer.: come down to alliance bud

Phreakaaaay: I look like t-pain only white and not ugly

Johneffer.: I want to have sadamy

"C" cerious (no mic): you dont care for sodomy?

Johneffer.: sodomy*

Johneffer.: sorry bud

"C" cerious (no mic): How is it that you type faster than you speak, John?

Johneffer.: idk

Johneffer.: i have like

Johneffer.: 85 words per min??

Johneffer.: idk

Johneffer.: but im skilled at the gaimz

"C" cerious (no mic): I was on a first date last week, and i told her how fast i can do gnomer, and yada yada yada, my virginity is intact

Johneffer.: yo

Johneffer.: look at this girl and me

Johneffer.: she got no tits

Johneffer.: but nice face bud

works great for reference :D
Homérnoheals said:
And then? And then?

Dude! SWEET!

LOL, have fun, I'm going to bed. Need tax dollars to support disability payments funding these WoW accounts. ;)
maybe i will tell you after i get back from gym lol
Wineheals said:
Dude! SWEET!

LOL, have fun, I'm going to bed. Need tax dollars to support disability payments funding these WoW accounts. ;)

Why are you talking to yourself? And how many accounts do you need?

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