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  1. 29: OG's only thread

    Nope, but Kow can take pics next time
  2. Hunters lol

    Yeah, they're a joke. Easily manipulated, too. I put them on my spam list for my email since they just copy/paste generic responses. Then I reported them for spamming. :) Stupidity ensued.
  3. Hunters lol

    LOL. Ten Characters.
  4. Hunters lol

    Millionth? Actually, this is the first time I've directly said it. :) There was quite a stir in vent over us being one person and all. I'm dispelling that rumor now. Not sure why you brought up something that doesn't mean shit, but it's not my pissing contest. :P
  5. Hunters lol

    I think it's because you make it so pleasurable. Why no que tonight? Get in here, my manic friend.
  6. 29: OG's only thread

    "There is a high risk of suicide with bipolar disorder." I think he's just looking out for you, bro. Take constructive advice on this one. AND YES, WHERE'S THE OGs?
  7. Hunters lol

    Two different people, one response. Is there a cup involved? I wouldn't be tangling with Kow about GPAs either, LOL. Grats though.
  8. Hunters lol

    I think it should be clear that my reasons for being in this bracket aren't to make friends. If it happens, it happens, but not really my point in turning my XP off at 29. A second chance? I've been giving people far more than that, and some continue to burn through them all. It's not my...
  9. Hunters lol

    We'll both be seeing you all quite soon, one way or another. :)
  10. Hunters lol

    Even funnier is that this is the first time I've seen his name connected to the word "offense" in general, hee hee :D
  11. Hunters lol

    According to the GMs I spoke to, this is a "glitch". However, when someone spams chat and says "victory, one down" after the person specified is booted, it's obvious harassment. I've been told this matter is being looked into, especially since I sent the logs in. I'll post them in their...
  12. Hunters lol

    I don't care how Kao perceives me, but his stunt the other night rightfully earned him (and anyone who participated) the douchebag label. Prior to that he wasn't on any do-not-heal list, but it's safe to assume he's made it on there now. It's ideal to have a FC each game, but lately several...
  13. Hunters lol

    I'm not replying to you since I'm not using any quotations. ^^^^
  14. Hunters lol

    It's funny you believe "these two" are "griefing" the bracket, when all I've seen are responses to existing negative comments that can easily be deemed "trolling" (as the official definition is purposely trying to elicit a response - and respond these two have to your posts). For example...
  15. Hunters lol

    Sure, if you want me to assume everything you write is stemming from untreated mental illness.
  16. Hunters lol

    Actually, this seems like a fair suggestion to sort things out. Arguing about cartoon characters is akin to girls squabbling over Barbies. I say to man up and take this outside (literally). Then delete your RL character if you lose the duel?
  17. Hunters lol

    Does this include all ages, too? The elderly gentleman on Family Guy might be interested if all other options were exhausted. I second this question, since his original statement contradicts itself with "they stand there and get CC chained and silenced like completely shitty players"...
  18. Hunters lol

    Yeah, those 0.08% drop rates take time. Also, the increased heals on you didn't coincidentally coincide with you being more civil to me. ;) Just keep killing stuff and being a supportive teammate and things will keep improving.
  19. Hunters lol

    Unfortunately social skills and reasoning abilities aren't learned in lore. Anyhow, good point. Their interactions with others only go well when the other is a NPC. I suppose this benefits the blow-up doll industry, though. Not a lot of women would want them in their LoS, unless that...
  20. Hunters lol

    LOL (in real life) @ "male companions". I had the same thought when the paperboy was mentioned. ;)