Hunters lol

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rubikz said:
alliance strats on offense are designed based on how poorly we think you will react to each situation

that's pretty impressive by itself

I'm still looking for his response on how a resto shaman fights off multiple people. Does he have no cooldowns on trinkets? Perhaps you know the answer? It's my goal to impress you.
Willyshatner said:
I think Kao still hasn't been convinced that you and amy are an asset to our team (rather than a detriment). I'm sure this is largely due to the way you selectively heal people (still) or the way you grab flags and attempt to run them through a 5-6 man sea of red. I give you points for trying to be proactive with flag running, but it really doesn't help when anyone besides our FC picks up the flag (except in situations where alliance are about to cap and picking up their flag will prevent that). Donteventrii makes this mistake every game he's in, so please don't feel bad or that I am targeting you specifically.

As for anything Kao has said, I can understand where you're coming from when you take things more personally. Many players could stand to be a LOT nicer, and that goes without saying. However, I won't decline to say that others could stand to be a little more forgiving, as well. We all have a common interest (everyone), and we are not incapable of getting along with one another.

I don't care how Kao perceives me, but his stunt the other night rightfully earned him (and anyone who participated) the douchebag label. Prior to that he wasn't on any do-not-heal list, but it's safe to assume he's made it on there now.

It's ideal to have a FC each game, but lately several games have lacked anyone spec'd or with high enough health to survive long in a sea of red in the field - or on our roof. Personally, I'm glad to see anyone pick up in this situation and give it a try instead of repeatedly typing "fail".

It's safe to say Kow or I are not going anywhere, anytime soon. I know you've picked up on this before and have recognized we both enjoy the bracket and are here to play - and like you've also mentioned, at some point if people don't curtail their stupidity and continue to flame us, eventually we may join games entirely for spite.

There isn't a fine line between being a mouthy idiot and having your pals remove a player from the game. This incident isn't your problem, though, unless you really want to vouch for the turd-wrangler and stand by his poor choices. I know you're trying to smooth things over so we can play without outside bullshit interfering with the game, but it's just putting you in the middle. People could take a cue from Franchi or Buck and have the balls to privately work things out so we can be civil (if nothing else), and move on.

People simply need to shut the f*ck up, calm the f*ck down, and focus on the game. Leave the drama to guild chat. If I wanted to waste time with a group of emotionally unstable and vindictive twats, I'd go hang out in a high-school cafeteria.
I have no issues being trolled. Where I draw the line and where trolling becomes something beyond what it should be is when you blatantly lie and say things that have no place on a video game forum.

As for you Dont. I now have lost all respect for you. I am merely going to put my excuses in. Now I can see what everyone says about you is true. You are just an idiot who cant keep his mouth shut.

NNC got rofl stomped to a guild who has been around for years. I GET IT I SPAMMED REND ON A WARRIOR that I hadn't played in over a year. We also qued with 4 people who hadn't played wow in over a year. Even PB knew this and instead of being a baby about it, we qued and we kept queing after the first roflstomp. When NNC had our complete A team and wanted to premade Detox repeatedly blew me off because they didn't have their set a team and refused to premade till they did. Nothing other then respect for those guys. We just have different ways of dealing with stuff. I thought we could win with a shitty group and I lost. I was going to ask why you keep bringing this up like its some super great insult but then I realized you are prolly getting off on Detox beating NNC. Oh and you want to know something funny about my win/loss vs Detox? I am 2-2 so looks like I am coming out alright bro! MYT #1 29 guild ever

I wasn't going to respond but I know of at least 3 times after that game I came into vent and you literally rode my tip every time. To make sure I am not just making stuff up in my post drunken haze, I went out of my way to ask some people and they agreed. So thanks for confirming you have serious issues outside of wow. Anyways carry on. Enjoy being a worthless human!

Oh and why were you watching the stream................oh thats right you weren't good enough to play my B.
Phauren said:
I have no issues being trolled. Where I draw the line and where trolling becomes something beyond what it should be is when you blatantly lie and say things that have no place on a video game forum.

This thread needs more huargo.

Also, I agree.
How many deletion duels we got going toniiiight?

There isn't a fine line between being a mouthy idiot and having your pals remove a player from the game.

Funny story, I have it on good authority that blizzard runs a "Majority Rules" voting system in a BG, and there are no repercussions for players deciding to vote a player from the game. All I'm saying is stop pulling the stupid real life card all over everyone on these forums before you literally have no friends in this bracket.

I for one have no interest in adding you to a no-heals list, or in farming you in the GY. A second chance for you guys to get back into these games and play with the team without any of the in chat bullshit. Me and Kao don't always see eye to eye, but when we are on offense together, I suck it up and heal him and play to win the game. I have fun with the forum arguments and deletion duels plenty, but the fact that 29s are literally the only reason I still play this shitty ****ing game means that I'm playing to win, and I hope you guys are too.

Ohai said:
How many deletion duels we got going toniiiight?

Funny story, I have it on good authority that blizzard runs a "Majority Rules" voting system in a BG, and there are no repercussions for players deciding to vote a player from the game. All I'm saying is stop pulling the stupid real life card all over everyone on these forums before you literally have no friends in this bracket.

I for one have no interest in adding you to a no-heals list, or in farming you in the GY. A second chance for you guys to get back into these games and play with the team without any of the in chat bullshit. Me and Kao don't always see eye to eye, but when we are on offense together, I suck it up and heal him and play to win the game. I have fun with the forum arguments and deletion duels plenty, but the fact that 29s are literally the only reason I still play this shitty ****ing game means that I'm playing to win, and I hope you guys are too.


The "real life" isn't a card. it's an accurate assessment and it's an effective way of getting the better of the asshole who is attempting to attack us. You can fight your way, and I'll fight mine. If we had any desire to acquire friends among most of the people here, there would be something wrong with us.

A funnier story is how some of you have rules regarding what type of asshole you can be on these forums. It's ok to afk someone out of a game because you don't like them, it's ok to tell them how terrible they play (even if you're terrible), but then some of you construct this imaginary moral compass when I speak of your personal life. Some people think they are hitting us where it hurts. I know i'm hitting where it hurts.

You have been among the gy farmers so i'm not sure why you say you have no interest in it.
You have been among the gy farmers so i'm not sure why you say you have no interest in it.

I go to the bathroom on a regular basis, i don't have any interest in feces.

Just saying, doing/dealing with something does not prove an interest in that thing.
Franchi said:
I go to the bathroom on a regular basis, i don't have any interest in feces.

Just saying, doing/dealing with something does not prove an interest in that thing.

Well then i'd like to know if he was gy farming against his will, or if he was gy farming because of his disinterest in it.
Homernoheals said:
Well then i'd like to know if he was gy farming against his will, or if he was gy farming because of his disinterest in it.

He felt the urge to go?

ok yes, thank you franchi thank you so much this thread has now gone down the toilet.

Homernoheals said:
You can fight your way, and I'll fight mine.

If you'd stop fighting maybe it wouldn't become a staple idea for you two to get votekicked from games by the horde.

As for the real life thing, it is normally something that people don't like to see brought up and fought over on the forums. You could talk about my unspectacular RL (classes, friends, and a lot of video games) until the end of time and I'd just laugh it off because honestly the worst thing I have that you could hit me with is the reality of my slowly growing college debt. Either way there are some people who are very sensitive to RL being discussed and its generally only complete assholes who bring it up to win an internet argument over them being unable to fakecast.

Ohai said:
How many deletion duels we got going toniiiight?

Funny story, I have it on good authority that blizzard runs a "Majority Rules" voting system in a BG, and there are no repercussions for players deciding to vote a player from the game. All I'm saying is stop pulling the stupid real life card all over everyone on these forums before you literally have no friends in this bracket.

I for one have no interest in adding you to a no-heals list, or in farming you in the GY. A second chance for you guys to get back into these games and play with the team without any of the in chat bullshit. Me and Kao don't always see eye to eye, but when we are on offense together, I suck it up and heal him and play to win the game. I have fun with the forum arguments and deletion duels plenty, but the fact that 29s are literally the only reason I still play this shitty ****ing game means that I'm playing to win, and I hope you guys are too.

According to the GMs I spoke to, this is a "glitch". However, when someone spams chat and says "victory, one down" after the person specified is booted, it's obvious harassment. I've been told this matter is being looked into, especially since I sent the logs in. I'll post them in their entirety if there's any disputes.

I'm having a lot of fun. :) I do play to win. There's a difference, though, between "sucking it up" and "bending over and taking it". If someone's going to give me a shit attitude and directly attack me - before the game even starts no less - they are forewarned first, then directly told if they're on their own. It's not as if I'm not healing the entire team if I do not heal one douchebag. If someone wants to positively reinforce douche-baggery, they can feel free to so and heal that person.
Ohai said:
If you'd stop fighting maybe it wouldn't become a staple idea for you two to get votekicked from games by the horde.

As for the real life thing, it is normally something that people don't like to see brought up and fought over on the forums. You could talk about my unspectacular RL (classes, friends, and a lot of video games) until the end of time and I'd just laugh it off because honestly the worst thing I have that you could hit me with is the reality of my slowly growing college debt. Either way there are some people who are very sensitive to RL being discussed and its generally only complete assholes who bring it up to win an internet argument over them being unable to fakecast.


I am aware that some people are sensitive to real life being brought up. That's why I do it. Again you are constructing this moral compass that suits you. Have you noticed that Amy and I respond to people who attack us yet? Or do you need to verify this for a few more months? We stop fighting when you assholes do. No sooner.

Think you'll get a job right out of college in the same way that a lot of other college students don't? You could have a lot of debt and no way to pay it off. Very few companies are hiring now. How's your GPA, and does WOW interfere with it? LOL
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