Hunters lol

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Homernoheals said:
Why would one of the most offensive assholes in this bracket write this? LOL

Even funnier is that this is the first time I've seen his name connected to the word "offense" in general, hee hee :D
Ohai said:
If you'd stop fighting maybe it wouldn't become a staple idea for you two to get votekicked from games by the horde.

As for the real life thing, it is normally something that people don't like to see brought up and fought over on the forums. You could talk about my unspectacular RL (classes, friends, and a lot of video games) until the end of time and I'd just laugh it off because honestly the worst thing I have that you could hit me with is the reality of my slowly growing college debt. Either way there are some people who are very sensitive to RL being discussed and its generally only complete assholes who bring it up to win an internet argument over them being unable to fakecast.

We'll both be seeing you all quite soon, one way or another. :)
Wineheals said:
Even funnier is that this is the first time I've seen his name connected to the word "offense" in general, hee hee :D

He can't even stealth his way across the field. Post the chat where's he's crying about not being able to get past midfield.
Ohai said:
Funny story, I have it on good authority that blizzard runs a "Majority Rules" voting system in a BG, and there are no repercussions for players deciding to vote a player from the game. All I'm saying is stop pulling the stupid real life card all over everyone on these forums before you literally have no friends in this bracket.

I think it should be clear that my reasons for being in this bracket aren't to make friends. If it happens, it happens, but not really my point in turning my XP off at 29.

A second chance? I've been giving people far more than that, and some continue to burn through them all. It's not my fault if some people have no self restraint and want to test me. I'm not looking for chances, as I've been treated like shit from the beginning. Of course, I knew this going into this bracket.

I can't speak for Kow, as he is a different person and therefore as different standards than me. Don't assume I speak for him. All I can say is, from personal experience, ****ing with him is never a good idea, LOL.
According to the GMs I spoke to, this is a "glitch".

To my understanding there is nothing to be done about it, and it is a majority rules system. That is coming from a GM that talked to igotoparties, who was being reported out for aimed shot. Basically the gm told him to go **** himself. Just a fair warning about it is all.

Think you'll get a job right out of college in the same way that a lot of other college students don't? You could have a lot of debt and no way to pay it off. Very few companies are hiring now. How's your GPA, and does WOW interfere with it? LOL

I'm hoping the real marketable skills I'm learning with regards to computer networking and support will help me get a job coming out of school yes. I very well could have a lot of debt and no way to pay it off, I have quite a few friends already dealing with this. That would be too bad, and I'm sure that I'd have to work odd jobs or retail or something to at least make payments while I look for a job. Hopefully my internship lands me a job right out, and I won't need to worry about it.

My GPA last semester was a 3.75.

Ohai said:
To my understanding there is nothing to be done about it, and it is a majority rules system. That is coming from a GM that talked to igotoparties, who was being reported out for aimed shot. Basically the gm told him to go **** himself. Just a fair warning about it is all.

I'm hoping the real marketable skills I'm learning with regards to computer networking and support will help me get a job coming out of school yes. I very well could have a lot of debt and no way to pay it off, I have quite a few friends already dealing with this. That would be too bad, and I'm sure that I'd have to work odd jobs or retail or something to at least make payments while I look for a job. Hopefully my internship lands me a job right out, and I won't need to worry about it.

My GPA last semester was a 3.75.

Two different people, one response. Is there a cup involved?

I wouldn't be tangling with Kow about GPAs either, LOL. Grats though.
allahkazam said:
about the same as it is to queue xp off games every game night. just be completely annoying/****ing useless

We just won the first game of the night. Healers capped and we had people who killed the efc. Not a lot of recognizable names on the offense.

Should't you be polishing your wheelchair, allah?
Wineheals said:
Two different people, one response. Is there a cup involved?

Are you telling us for the millionth time that you are two different people? I don't need to make separate posts for each of you :)

Wineheals said:
I wouldn't be tangling with Kow about GPAs either, LOL. Grats though.

What are we gonna have a pissing contest? GPA doesn't really mean shit anyways, its if you are retaining the material imho.

Thats seriously all you could come up with? I bot characters? I have never ever given anyone a item for free. Anyone who ever *got* an item from me paid for it via usd or xfers or some such. So you telling me that buy acceptance is invalid. Any more lies you want to come up with just let me know.
For the record on gms, most of the time when you report something in game they tell you they will get right on it. When you report someone for something they say that they take such matters very seriously and will deal with it. Then 3 months later you run into the same bug/person doing the same thing. Basically if they don't know the answer they give you what they think you want to hear most of the time.

In short GM's are not typically the best at giving you an accurate, honest or straight answer.
Donteventrii said:
So, why/how did you pick 29s? And why do you stay?

I think it's because you make it so pleasurable.

Why no que tonight? Get in here, my manic friend.
Ohai said:
Are you telling us for the millionth time that you are two different people? I don't need to make separate posts for each of you :)

Millionth? Actually, this is the first time I've directly said it. :) There was quite a stir in vent over us being one person and all. I'm dispelling that rumor now.

What are we gonna have a pissing contest? GPA doesn't really mean shit anyways, its if you are retaining the material imho.

Not sure why you brought up something that doesn't mean shit, but it's not my pissing contest. :p
Wineheals said:
Millionth? Actually, this is the first time I've directly said it. :) There was quite a stir in vent over us being one person and all. I'm dispelling that rumor now.

I was having trouble sleeping at night wondering.

Wineheals said:
Not sure why you brought up something that doesn't mean shit, but it's not my pissing contest. :p

He asked how WoW was affecting my GPA, so it wasn't me that brought it up.


Ten Characters.
Franchi said:
For the record on gms, most of the time when you report something in game they tell you they will get right on it. When you report someone for something they say that they take such matters very seriously and will deal with it. Then 3 months later you run into the same bug/person doing the same thing. Basically if they don't know the answer they give you what they think you want to hear most of the time.

In short GM's are not typically the best at giving you an accurate, honest or straight answer.

Yeah, they're a joke. Easily manipulated, too. I put them on my spam list for my email since they just copy/paste generic responses. Then I reported them for spamming. :) Stupidity ensued.
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