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  1. Making a rogue..

    Seriously im pissing myself !!!! Really made my day , gonna set a sig *Is calling a 500lb man anorexic racist ???? Answer- No,unless fat people suddenly become a race*
  2. EU Blackout - What you need to know.

    WSG Tonight 7.30 GT be there Xx Ody Xx
  3. EU Blackout - What you need to know.

    Sweet job here bud ... Ody Xx
  4. Any no-XP activity for 49ers in EU?

    Some peeps are clearly best ignored Andra !! Ody Xx
  5. Any no-XP activity for 49ers in EU?

    Pfft did i claim to be the first *cough* NO *cough* Will i be the last *cough* NO *cough* Ody Xx
  6. Any no-XP activity for 49ers in EU?

    I say link all BG's together lol would be a riot Xx
  7. Any no-XP activity for 49ers in EU?

    The reason Blizz is winning the fight against twinks is simple .... Twinks are there own worst enemy !!!! Instead of all brackets sitting in one BG they split up into several ;S . Blackout for 19s and 49s , Cruelty for 29's and Cyc for 39's lol what a fukin mess !!!! So now if you want...
  8. EU-Witch Realm,BG to be as a 29?

    There is no point bitchin who's bg is better ,more pro or whatever way you wanna put it ,both bgs have there 29's and tbh it would be alot better for the comunity if someone made a frigin decision and all mass on one BG !!!!!! Same stih hit the fan on 39's Cyclonians have been on every forum...
  9. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    Game Over !!!!! I'll let this go you've just turned irritating ..... Twinks will choose Twinks will group somewhere and i dont care where so at some point ill see ya on the battlefield Im only praying now it aint Cyclone you clearly have issues lol Luv is in the air XxXx
  10. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    Oh FFS i dint at any point argue i stated FACTS ...My Opinion and as a result feathers DID get obv ruffled LMAO you dont have any respect or care for 39's as a whole .... as long as you and yer buds are ok thats fine ... read what i wrote and think about it im concerned for 39 BGS as a whole not...
  11. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    i aint the one arguing *cough* perhaps look at the posts and READ em not just flap yer gums off ;(
  12. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    Clearly i have ruffled you poor little feathers guys Awwwww .... Slate my BG all yas want its your choice to say what ya want and think what ya want but yep as i can see the last couple of posts ranting and raving how im such a BAD BAD person for airing my opinion are from same guild thats been...
  13. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    i aint blaming Ishh for anything and have respect for him but seriously if yer gonna be realistic about a poll then do it the right way !!!!! we all could set our own polls and have the same biast result thats is here lol i only stated facts and my OWN opinion as stated in a previous post...
  14. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    I Loled XxXx Giving Out Luv Since 1976 XxXx
  15. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    Yay a constructive reply ..... Thank you !!! i can see where your comming from although how long ago was it you played on Blackout ??? i also at one point jumped about BGs and found kinda the same on Blackout but it does come down to personal pref at times ;S The fact is we can all yabba...
  16. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    Totaly Agree m8 and tbh all this defencive bable is anoying and sad really since im loosing faith in this site which i luv. 1. it does seem this was only made to boost Clonians libedo or summit and i aint even gonna mention other BGs cause clearly they aint worth mentioning since Cyclone is...
  17. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    Nope cause thats kinda lame lol Luvvv is in the AIR XxXx
  18. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    why did all replys miss out the end part ?????? Nerd Raging Feeling The Luvvvv XxXx
  19. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    IMHO this poll wont really make much of a diff it just looks to me Cyclonians have all got together to vote try boost there numbers or summit (only my opinion) ......... At the end of the day you wanna choose a good BG for your beloved twinks just slog through the BG forums and see how active...
  20. EU 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

    Blackout pretty active already i'll only move if hell freezes over but hey anything is poss lol 3 guilds to mention Gets Paid And A Couple Of Rogues Hates You