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  1. Transmogrifier Outfit Ideas

    But i think u can't transmo. into items without stats (idk if armor counts).
  2. Viable?

    What do you think about a Prot Pally with Stam/Int gear?
  3. hai!

    Welcome :) Ã￾unkelhellz @ Quel'dorei - Juego - World of Warcraft I'ts my toon F2P, with BoA :)
  4. PVP Trinket addon?

    I'm using icicle atm, but i don't see if they got the pvp trinket on CD (i think).
  5. What Spec? Paladins

    All specs are good...I just can tell you that Ret is funny (if well played).
  6. PVP Trinket addon?

    I was looking for an addon which tells u if the enemy target has the pvp trinket on CD. If anyone of you know any addon of these type please, tell me the name! Ty in advance :)
  7. Ret Paladin BOA's

    Yes you can wear "plate" boas. First of all i would buy the shoulders just to be cooler :D
  8. How do you deal with hunters?

    If you are a paladin and he have pvp trinket you have 0 chances to kill him (if he knows how to play properly and its on a bg), when u try to cast exorcism the huntard just go back. In arenas it should be different, kiting him its the easyest way to win.
  9. How do you deal with hunters?

    a) 2 vs 1. b) Be a hunter. c) Stay next to me. ...You just need rogues...Or wish that he already used his pvp trinket. Idk...Anyways if the hunter thinks a bit he will be unstoppable. Thats all.
  10. Upcoming WSG weekend reminder.

    1rst game: 6 24s(horde) 3 in premade and 3 more in the other one, heals hunters etc. 2nd game: 5 24s(horde) premaded. 3d game: 2 24(horde) newbs. Now i done 3 bg without 24s in any team. 3-0 all. Finally...
  11. I'm joining the bracket, convince me not to make a 24.

    If you make a 20 do it with the F2P restrictions, or it will be the same as making a 24. ALL 24s HAVE ADVANTAGE versus 20s... Do you want competition? Play as a 20 F2P. Do you want easy pvp, easy farm, 0 competition and don't be considered as a real twink? Go 24. Make a 20...
  12. 20-24 and 25-29 queue time

    To 24? no Ty, go 29. ¬¬ Why 24 and not 20?...
  13. What about F2P Warlocks?

    I'm thinking about twink a warlock. Want opinons! :)
  14. The wildlife of the bracket, Part I: 24's.

    You are just making them famous...Do you really want it? Ignore them if they are in your team, dont heal them. Humiliate them if they are in the enemy team, focus them. Thats all we must to know about 24's. I dont really care about their names.
  15. Are there BGs?

    Hey mates, just want to ask if there are BGs in 30-39 bracket. If yes, whats the que time? Ty in advance :)
  16. Are there BGs?

    Hey mates, just want to ask if there are BGs in 60-69 bracket. If yes, whats the que time? Ty in advance :)
  17. Are there BGs?

    Hey mates, just want to ask if there are BGs in 70 bracket. If yes, whats the que time? Ty in advance :)
  18. Know Your F2P Twink

    nice to see ya reggi haha
  19. List of farmers/unsportsmanlike losers

    I hate more that level 20 "twinks" with 15 agy, fiery, 100HP etc...damn newbs...
  20. List of farmers/unsportsmanlike losers

    then i'll leave my comment: MU HA HA