Upcoming WSG weekend reminder.

Game 17 (rogue), 7 AP hordies. Fairly easy. Emo, I didn't know the FC was behind there. Why I didn't open. Didn't want him to know there were 2 rogues. So you can blame me for that death. 3-0

Game 18 (warlock), yes, I got on my lock to get some 90 honor wins. This game was already in progress and horde was down. Not much to say.

Game 19 (warlock), We were up 1-0 when shit went bad. I'm going to blame the other 2 locks that we had. They each had about 1/3 my damage and my lock is lacking a decent amount of gear. WTF! I am having a bit of fun blowing people up as destro. This is how it goes if you didn't know. Fear->hard cast Soul Fire->Soulburn/Soul Fire. That there is at least 500 dmg. Then you could fear again, Immolate->Conflag. I really wanna know what Soul Fires will hit for with SoJ. :p Oh ya, 1-3 loss.
I'm 3 for 5 wins, 1 was an AP premade and one had 24s, heres a screeny of the latter, enjoy.

I'm noticing much less farming. At first queues were faster, but back to normal now. All in all quite successful. I should reach exalted soon.
It depends how often they res. If they keep coming at you like lemmings, then sure, you'd get more honor per minute farming. If that doesn't happen, you're better off just winning fast.
Shaurooke if you're around and offline, come back, we have a spot in the group.
Is it just me getting tired of this game or has horde average pug become even more retarded and undergeared?
i think there was only 2 24(rogue and hunter) and we held you guys for 20 minutes :D most epic wsg of my life even though we lost

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