How do you deal with hunters?


I have a hard time killing them on every class I play. Can any of you post some tricks and tips on Dealing with these pests?
Most of the hunters I fight against hold down the S key; which makes it very easy to get in their melee-range(forcing them not to be able to use their ranged attacks).

In a 1vs1 situation, I DoT them up, put thorns up, and spam moonfire as they melee me. Most hunters are so dumb they have no idea how to get around it.

In 2+vs1 situations, I DoT and run. If they try chasing me; I get out of their range w/ travel form and spam rejuvenation on myself. When my DoTs run out; I get close to them again and redot them. Rinse and repeat.

Really depends on the situation. What's really stupid is they have great burst dmg which makes it stupid to fight them. Even if you're 100% BiS geared and play flawlessly, they still manage to do a shit ton of dmg to you; regardless if you beat them or not.

Best advice I can give you is:

1. Get 100% BiS geared

2. Know how to PvP with your class/spec propperly

3. Never fight a hunter by yourself

Hunters are just stupidly OP up til level 39 is when hunters stop becoming so Overpowered burst dmg-wise.

Warriors get a stun/combatcharge/disarm

Rogues get vanish/disarm/betterburstdmg

Mages get better cc/kiting abilities

Warlocks get sacrafice and more CC/healing abilities

Shamans get better burst dmg and better kiting abilities

Paladins overall get better abilities

Priests stay about the same.

Honestly, if you dont know how to play your class right and you aren't 100% BiS geared then it may be hard for you to put up with all the hunters in the bracket.
if a mage poly morph em run to him nova him. FB spam CoC. (Frost spec is good) FB more. if he disengages use pet freeze and finish him off with more FBs.

Rogue - ambush BaS/ SS until he disengages then ShS finish him off.

Warrior act like a rogue Stay in a corner (aka out of LoS) then wait until he is in charge range and own him. (should be fury) Piercing howl spam and use your attacks. if he disengages run away back to LoS point or run to him (if you have help).

Warlock- Try to get burst off : Cast SF Soul burn SF , immolate>> Conflagrate searing pain spam!

Priest- make sure bubble is up and you have a good amount of health just use all your attacks on him.

Pally- try to get a stun off (after he disengages). If he goes out of range Exo spam in range crusader strike (templar's verdict at 3 HP if ret) use holy shock on him or your self w/e. Use Cpt american on him off the bat for daze to catch up then do what i says in the beginning.

Shaman- If elemental just do what you would with any one else just make sure you are high on health. IF resto just heal thru damage and lol lightening bolt. If enhance get in range use GW to get to him make sure not to get to low.

Druid open up as feral use mixture of shifts to take out a hunter. A good druid can take out any hunter.

Hunter - Durrr btt0ns !11!! har jer.
Roll a rogue, Hunter killer. Get 2x crippling poison (3x with thrown)

Iv dueled a lot of really good hunters with AGM and everything, and do it all the time while slacking around Gurubashi Arena.

Hunters call rogues an anti class and its with good reason. Unless you get bad RNG and crip poison just does not proc in the first 3-4 (5-6?) sek.

Writing a guide on how to beat them is kinda hard because they can do so many combinations of things. But Ill try. (Ps, Im not writing this to be cooky but to help ppl kill hunters :p )

Heres what I do (ps this is kinda worst case scenarios. The hunters Im facing try new tacts often)

Hunter with spider (net):

1) Sap hunter

-(not sapping pet, you need to be really close to get some good hits off for poison procs)

2) Get really close to him fast and ambush

-(NOT shadowstep ambush)

Hunter scatter shots me, trinkets and runs off.

3) I trinket the scattershot before he gets anywhere and get a crip proc (if u get bad rng and no proc just sprint as he conc shots you (but its totally doable without even using sprint, or evasion for that matter).

Hunter puts a net on me

4) Gouge the hunter

-(Im hugging the hunter, beeing more or less 100% inside of him, gouging is easy then. Be sure to have enough energy for gouge, don't blow off energy at start here)

Because of the sap (still worth it) the gouge does not last that long and the net on me lasts a little longer (1 sek or so). Thats np, hes slowed.

Im on the hunter again or he disengages.

5) Shadowstep

Your on the hunter again, unless he vastly outgears you he has no way of killing you before you kill him. If he vastly outgears you, use evasion here.

Hunter with scorpion (disarm):

1) Sap hunter

2) Ambush hunter

3) Gouge hunter

Perhaps you just gouged a disengage or scatter shot, but since were doing worst case scenarios here lets pretend you didn't.

He scatter shots you

4) If he trinkets, you trinket. If he didn't trinket, don't trinket unless the poison has worn off and he runs at normal speed (in wich case your really unlucky and often ****ed)

His pet disarms you and he disengages.

5) A) If you still got trinket, remove the disarm with trinket and shadowstep. GG you win, no way hes gonna kill you with more or less equal gear. He can pop agm, does not matter. You might wanna use evasion if you got worse gear though.

5) B) You don't have trinket, **** it, shadowstep and stay on him. You still have the offhand to attack him with and hes got no ways to get you off him. Use evasion and sprint if needed.

PS, PC out of battery and Im going to bead. This should get you a long way. Ps, let me know if you think u have a worse case scenario then I wrote.
As ret, I have had some LONG fights with hunters that get me at range with conc. Judge to keep mana up. Heal a lot. Kill their pet so you get a big cheap heal, and they stop slowing your heals. Once it's you vs. hunter without his pet you have to judge/exo and heal. Usually pretty easy from there. If you want to blow CDs then bubble, run at him, stun, DPS.

As a general BG strategy, I like to start mounted and CS, judge, exo as he runs/disengages/strafes/backpedals etc. That's enough to kill most hunters. This assumes you get the first hit in. Again though, if you want to use CDs, then (optional bubble) stun, exo/DPS.

Don't forget to use lifeblood for exo spam if a herbalist.
Med'an said:
PS, PC out of battery and Im going to bead. This should get you a long way. Ps, let me know if you think u have a worse case scenario then I wrote.

worst case senario: Hunter with spider pet. You sap hunter, you open on hunter with ambush/gouge, after the gouge he scatters you moving away for the 4 second duration. If you didn't trinket the scatter you'd probably need to sprint here to make sure you get a rebuff on crippling. He webs you during the sprint, if you don't trinket he gets an explosive shot off and starts dismissing pet to switch to a disarm pet. If you do trinket you're either forced to shs or you're not. If you're not forced to shs here then you win as a rogue pretty much. But for fun let's say you're forced to shs... if you shs he trinkets the crippling (if proc'd) and disengages into a kite fest (if you can't get to LoS quickly). Once you do make it to LoS he keeps it pet on you as long as possible while dismissing it and switching to his disarm pet. He should still have hunter's mark on you because it's a 30 second duration so he resends his new pet in to keep you in combat so you can't sap and reopen. He's running at you at this point but if you get on the pet he'll dismiss it and retake it out to reset it's health. Your shadow step should be up now but so will his scatter shot. You shadow step to him, he scatters (getting distance during the 4 seconds) and then disarms right before scatter ends so it won't be mitigated. Now you're in a 10 second disarm most likely in the open. He should have been still dpsing you this entire fight with ES and his pet. You'll either be forced to blow agm here and try to LoS until your ShS is up or use your thrown and hope the crip procs so you have a chance to catch him. If you choose the agm route then it'll be who bursts who first.

Rogue: Ambush

Hunter: Scatter. Doesn't need to trinket the slow, walks away and conc. shots at end of shatter duration

Rogue: Shadowstep

Hunter: Pet net

Rogue: Trinket

Hunter: Disengage

Rogue: Sprint

Hunter: Anti-Venom (if applicable)

Rogue out of options. Hunter still has trinket. If rogue does get in range somehow, Hunter faces away from rogue or waits out the gouge, Intimidation, trinket any possible slows.
Spryness said:
Rogue: Ambush

Hunter: Scatter. Doesn't need to trinket the slow, walks away and conc. shots at end of shatter duration

Rogue: Shadowstep

Hunter: Pet net

Rogue: Trinket

Hunter: Disengage

Rogue: Sprint

Hunter: Anti-Venom (if applicable)

Rogue out of options. Hunter still has trinket. If rogue does get in range somehow, Hunter faces away from rogue or waits out the gouge, Intimidation, trinket any possible slows.

Thinking this might lead to some heated discussion I'm just gonna say right now, Not from my part. I like a discussion.

A good rogue would never do any of that. And I underlined how important crip was in the early phase.

I dont know about the majority of rogues, but srsly? Not saving shs for disengage:p? And not trinketing the early scattershot to get a crip on the hunter if theres none ( I already wrote this in my previous post).

BTW, Spryness, you got a char on AP, right? Lets duel, you can try everything on me. I love dueling hunters
Spryness said:
Rogue: Ambush

500 damage

Spryness said:
Hunter: Scatter. Doesn't need to trinket the slow, walks away and conc. shots at end of shatter duration

Rogue: Shadowstep

Backstab here would do 200 damage, total ~700

Spryness said:
Hunter: Pet net

Rogue: Trinket

Hunter: Disengage

Unrealistic any hunter would disengage this late into the fight, especially after just having used their pets stun/slow but i'll humour you.

Spryness said:
Rogue: Sprint

Hunter: Anti-Venom (if applicable)

Evasion reduces chance to be hit by ranged attacks, should be used. Melee hits have also been landed on hunter but i'll humour you and say you're a retarded rogue and didn't turn auto attack on. Sprint + Concussive shot and/or cripp poison/waylay means you will catch up to a hunter faster than they can strafe backwards.

Spryness said:
Rogue out of options. Hunter still has trinket. If rogue does get in range somehow, Hunter faces away from rogue or waits out the gouge, Intimidation, trinket any possible slows.

Rogue can use gouge after ambush and pool energy for a backstab and instead skip to eviscerate killing even twinked 24 hunters with said damage. If it does get to a point where the rogue has no cooldowns and the hunter has trinket you deserve to die because you've been outplayed. Rogues also shouldn't be attacking hunters by themselves or when they have full hp. Many hunters will also trinket cripp poison after disengaging making this outcome highly unlikely.

You should be sapping the hunter and attacking the healers and waiting for them to use their trinket on heavier CC. Rogues getting killed by hunters isn't about skill or abilities, it's about lag compensation while being in melee range yet unable to hit them and getting a face full of arcane shots and auto attacks. (auto attacks while moving blizzard? really? why don't you make hunters require no skill- oh wait)
Nohealsforju said:
if a mage poly morph em run to him nova him. FB spam CoC. (Frost spec is good) FB more. if he disengages use pet freeze and finish him off with more FBs.

A good Hunter will just Scatter your first Frostbolt and you'll die in the next few seconds.
I love the wall of text everyone is posting. It's not rocket science nor is it brain surgery. Here's how you beat a hunter:

Kill pet > Kill Hunter = Profit. It's how I kill 90% of hunters in this bracket. Most hunters use a good tanking pet like a spider, turtle, bird. Once the pet is dead they're much easier to take down
Med'an said:
Thinking this might lead to some heated discussion I'm just gonna say right now, Not from my part. I like a discussion.

I do like a discussion. I don't quite understand when people take discussions personally.

Med'an said:
A good rogue would never do any of that. And I underlined how important crip was in the early phase.

I dont know about the majority of rogues, but srsly? Not saving shs for disengage:p? And not trinketing the early scattershot to get a crip on the hunter if theres none ( I already wrote this in my previous post).

BTW, Spryness, you got a char on AP, right? Lets duel, you can try everything on me. I love dueling hunters

My hunter is not on Aerie Peak, unfortunately. The only characters I have on Aerie Peak alliance are the lock and warrior. : (

I've beaten horde rogues in battlegrounds the way I've described, although most fights in there start with a 100-yard mark into easy win. I haven't had any duels with him besides against a P2P 19 priest. Dat bubble!

If we're going with the trinket on scatter, I'll use your example for how a fight plays out (although gouging during the net seems too optimistic). Except respond with:

Hunter: Pet Intimidate

Should be enough to get out of range and finish the rogue off.

My reflex would be to disengage immediately after scatter, take the incoming shadowstep, and get the rogue off with root into wing clip or conc. shot. A rogue could respond with a delayed trinket into sprint after the immediate disengage strategy to get into range, but that leaves themselves open to roots if read. An early trinket leaves them open to conc shot, which forces shadowstep, and we're back full circle.

I just learned that trinkets can remove disarms and silences from this post. Somehow missed that in the patch notes awhile back. Neat.

I can barely see. Way too sleepy.
I switched it up from Sub to Assassination for shits & giggles. You have to stay on top of hunters, and use evasion more liberally to make up for not having shadow step.

Spryness said:
Although the hunter would have free reign on a rogue that's trying to focus on their pet, it's a very good strat for a paladin duel, definitely.

I've killed the occasional pet just out of spite, but giving a hunter free reign on you while you burn through their pet is a quick way to end up in the GY for a Rogue.
I kill the hunter pets just for the lawls, not sure if it pisses them off or not but I'm sure they dont enjoy having to wait to revive their pets :)

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