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  1. F2P Transmog Sets
  2. Screenshot Thread!

    My last 4 games before i decided to leave wow. The paladin's power! Feel it coz im back!
  3. Hello people. Situation?

    Thanks 4 the info! Btw...Do you know if i can transmog my eyepatch into the epic fishing hat? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello people. Situation?

    Hey mates, i dont know if u remember me, the ret pala. I was thinking about joining again the 20 bracket with my twink . How is it going? are there the same 24s? there are more? Are there nice bgs? Ty
  5. The definite best for all classes.

    The same here buddy, xD Nice to meet you oyoo :)
  6. Who are the best of each class on AP?

    What's your twink name?
  7. What class should I go?

    What do you like the most?
  8. 5 Hunter/Paladins vs AP

    buuh Allies were noobs xD. Gz anyways :) I feel good when horde wins...I'm thinking about rerolling a paladin on horde AP...but i never liked BE or taurens...idk what will i do
  9. 20 Disc priest info?

    Jazzmusic @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft You are welcome :)
  10. 20 Disc priest info?

    Oh lol didn't see that he wanted an horde toon...:S i'll look for another twink then xD EDIT: Here you have
  11. 20 Disc priest info?

    Here you have a BiS disc priest Æphrodite @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft I think she just need to get the rare boss from wailing caverns wand and its totally BiS (i think) PD: I dont want to make a new thread just to ask this stupid question so here it is: I'm making a rogue on...
  12. @20s

    Why you write on this forums, as you said is a TWINK forum and your toon do not have the BiS gear or enchants. So you are not twink and while we post here you just cry and troll. This is boring atm dudes...
  13. Rollin on twenty fours

    Ey reggie, im thinking about making a toon on AP. Add Victoría or Víctoria on your vip list and Dunkelhellz without Ã￾. Victoría is Potterhunter :) Prot pally. Cya soon, i hope!
  14. Rollin on twenty fours

    I't doesent exist sir.
  15. Rollin on twenty fours

    Why i mad? Coz i know that you haven't got an HORDE toon? haha little kid, not all people is as silly as you. PD: Ya it seems that fpadre is back crying again. (Waiting for your next post dude, free posts for me. Ty :))
  16. Rollin on twenty fours

    I dont care about what you think, or maybe i asked it? Again, tell me your name i'll duel you without problems :)
  17. Rollin on twenty fours

    Tell me your horde name, i just wana laugh at your face when i kill you. And look at your poor geared toon, haha.
  18. post SS of 24s owning nerds

    I'll post some SS of me having a better score than ALL 24s from your guild (in the same game). Promised, ok? Only if you stop crying...
  19. Rollin on twenty fours

    Ofcourse dude. I'm ally. Ha ha ha... All games i do with your guild mates you get pwned by hordes lvl 20. Why all 24s come to this forum just to cry? Answer me please haha.
  20. Rollin on twenty fours

    Your friend has already a post = as it. FO what? Oh now we can affor wow! And 6 ROFLs. I believe that u dont know what ROFL means...Fast dude go google it and post it here! Want a cookie bro? PD: Im the only one who thinks that most of the 24s are 12-13 maybe 14 years old?