20 Disc priest info?


I see tons of 19 priest info and I have made a 20 free to play Disc priest and am not seeing any write ups ( bis gear ) for f2p disc priests. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

It's no write up, but here's my girlfriend's Disc Priest. BiS sans 'looms, AGM, and LFH.

Dunkelhatê said:
Here you have a BiS disc priest Æphrodite @ Aerie Peak - Game - World of Warcraft

I think she just need to get the rare boss from wailing caverns wand and its totally BiS (i think)

PD: I dont want to make a new thread just to ask this stupid question so here it is: I'm making a rogue on AP, which is the best race? Human or NE?

How much would I need to change her BIS to have it horde?

And best race for a rogue would be any horde :p

I would have to say a human because of Every Man for Himself
There is some BIS options, depending on your play style.

For your wrist, you can use [Crystalline Cuffs] or if you want some hit so you can do more offensive action, go with [Hovel Digger Bands].

Same thing with [Lavishly Jeweled Ring], take [Gloaming Band] if you don't want the hit. (Heals never miss.)

Also, I would take [Serpent Gloves] over [Gold-Flecked Gloves], because of the additional armor.

Until you get your BoA weapon, grab the [Riot Stick] or [Gift of the Enigmatic Tree] or [Advisor's Gnarled Staff] if you're Horde.

For shoulders, get [Feline Mantle].

For your chest, grab either [Je'neu's Robes] for Alliance or [Robe of Kelris] if your Horde.

For the wand, go get [Cookie's Stirring Stick], until you get lucky and get [Firebelcher] from the Deviate Faerie Dragon in Wailing Caverns. (Rare Spawn)

Also, it may take weeks to get your [Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat] or [Lucky Fishing Hat] so as soon as you hit 14 or 15, start the quest chain in Redridge, cause it's super long and you get [Keeshan's Bandana] which equals almost 27% resistance to arcane and fire. (Perfect for hunters.)

For your spec:

2 Points in [Improved Power Word: Shield]

3 Points in [Twin Disciplines]

1 Point in [Soul Warding]

There ya go, should get you up and running, then fight the RNG monster to get the rest. Let me know if you have any other questions. ;)
As much as I'm not so fond of you dunkel, roll nelf. You will need 85 help to get agm, as thats what all the other champs like medanx do.

As for priest info, robe of kelris is the alliance side q reward, and jeu'neus robes is the horde one. identical in every way but name. Also, there are much more cloth options for offensive casters on horde if you plan on dishing out the pain. Boots with hit rating, etc
Shfthappens said:
As much as I'm not so fond of you dunkel, roll nelf. You will need 85 help to get agm, as thats what all the other champs like medanx do.

As for priest info, robe of kelris is the alliance side q reward, and jeu'neus robes is the horde one. identical in every way but name. Also, there are much more cloth options for offensive casters on horde if you plan on dishing out the pain. Boots with hit rating, etc

Fixed, thanks.
Just realized that my post is 90% of a Priest Gear Guide... Maybe I will expand it and make the whole thing.
Dunkelhatê said:

Well i'm bis in my own way and playstyle. I am not hit capped and still have a miss chance on 20s by 1,29% with 5 spell hit. But id rather prefer to have more intel then the hit from grand staff of jordan (or boots and change my bracers and ring to the other versions, wich are in my bags). Maby i'm just lazy or something. Have been doing so many instances on my 19s before i sarted to play f2p that i don't like even getting fire belcher now or other satchels goodies xD

I'm making a rogue on AP, which is the best race? Human or NE?

Nelf racials are good, you would love shadowmeld. It gives more fun then beeing human if you ask me and gives way more escape and attact ability/utility ^^ Just think about gauging someone -> sm -> open again with ambush or even able to take someone out in a group followed by sm and escape. Also nelf's are harder to hit and move faster in stealth :)
Preeztess said:

I'm not having this. Why? because i will have improved damage and healing with Evangelism and stacks up to 5 wich gives more burst with damage/healing (2% p/point) and it reduces the mana cost (3% p/point) of spells. Disc is a combat healer. My feeling is that its just better then 1 sec less cooldown on shields.
Here's the text from the wiki I made while gearing my priest:

==Quest/Dungeon/Crafted Gear==


*Lucky Fishing Hat - 15 Stamina, 84 Armor - Sunday fishing competition in STV.

*Flying Tiger Goggles - 4 Stamina, 4 Spirit, 47 Armor - Engineering 100.

*Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat - 3 Stamina, 3 Spirit, 31 Armor - Fishing Daily.


*Brilliant Necklace - 1 Stamina, 2 Intellect, 2 Spirit, 2 Strength, 2 Agility - Jewelcrafting 75.

*Thick Bronze Necklace - 3 Stamina - Jewelcrafting 50.

*Scout's Medallion - 2 Stamina, 6 Agility - PVP reward, Kelm Hargunth, Northern Barrens.


*Feline Mantle - 4 Stamina, 5 Intellect, 3 Spirit, 49 Armor - Lord Godfrey, SFK, 24%.

*Slime-Encrusted Pads - 6 Intellect, 4 Spirit, 49 Armor - Mutanus the Devourer, WC, 29% - Dungeon healing.


*Crystalline Cuffs - 3 Stamina, 3 Intellect, 2 Spirit, 25 Armor - Taragaman the Hungerer, RFC, 37%.


*Serpent Gloves - 4 Stamina, 6 Intellect, 41 Armor - Lord Serpentis, WC, 24%.


*Tumultuous Cloak of Stamina - 8 Stamina, 38 Armor - Satchels of useless crap.

*Tumultuous Cloak of the Elder - 4 Stamina, 4 Intellect, 4 Spirit, 38 Armor - Satchels of useless crap.


*Je'neu's Robes - 10 Stamina, 7 Intellect, 7 Spirit, 84 Armor - Nightmare of the Deeps (BFD) - Healing.

*Noble's Robe - 6 Stamina, 6 Intellect, 9 Crit Rating, 76 Armor - Randolph Moloch, The Stockade, 32% - DPS at cost of stamina.


*Enumerated Wrap of Stamina - 10 Stamina, 43 Armor - Satchels of useless crap - FC.

*Ghamoo-Ra's Bind - 7 Stamina, 7 Intellect, 43 Armor - Ghamoo-Ra, BFD, 46% - Balanced.

*Girdle of Nobility - 3 Stamina, 8 Intellect, 3 Crit Rating, 43 Armor - Lord Overheat, Stockades, 29% - DPS/dungeon healing.

*Enumerated Wrap of the Moon - 3 Stamina, 5 Intellect, 5 Spirit, 43 Armor - Satchels of useless crap - dungeon healing alternative.


*Silk-Threaded Trousers - 8 Stamina, 11 Intellect, 66 Armor - Lord Overheat, Stockades, 31% - FC/Balanced/DPS.

*Godfrey's Britches - 7 Stamina, 5 Intellect, 5 Crit Rating, 58 Armor - Sweet, Merciless Revenge (SFK) - DPS alternative.

*Leech Pants - 4 Stamina, 11 Intellect, 5 Spirit, 66 Armor - Aku'mai, BFD, 33% - Dungeon healing.


*Slippers of Unturned Loyalties - 5 Stamina, 3 Intellect, 4 Hit Rating, 43 Armor - *Cities in Dust - DPS.

*Corpse Rompers - 5 Stamina, 8 Intellect, 52 Armor - Hogger, The Stockades, 33% - Healing/FC.


*Rod of the Sleepwalker - 11 Intellect, 7 Spirit - Twilight Lord Kelris, BFD, 41% - Dungeon healing.

*Emberstone Staff - 6 Stamina, 6 Intellect, 6 Crit Rating - Foe Reaper 5000, The Deadmines, 34%.

*Shadow-Walker Staff - 7 Stamina, 5 Intellect, 5 Spirit - The Shadow-Walker's Task (SFK, troll).

*Staff of Forsaken Faith - 7 Stamina, 5 Intellect, 5 Spirit - The Dark Cleric's Bidding (SFK, undead).

*Staff of the Sunchaser - 7 Stamina, 5 Intellect, 5 Spirit - Staff of the Light (SFK, blood elf).

*Staff of the Earthmother - 7 Stamina, 5 Intellect, 5 Spirit - A Seer's Staff (SFK, tauren)


*Firebelcher - 3 Stamina, 3 Intellect, 21.5dps - Deviate Faerie Dragon, WC

*Suppressor's Wand - 2 Stamina, 2 Intellect, 2 Hit Rating, 20.5dps - Counterattack!

*Wind Rider Wand - 2 Stamina, 2 Intellect, 2 Hit Rating, 20.5dps - The Conquest of Azshara

*Durak's Wand - 4 Crit Rating, 22.3dps - Rain of Destruction


*Seal of Argas - 5 Stamina, 6 Intellect - Never Again!.

*Garrosh's Pardon - 5 Stamina, 5 Intellect - Dread Head Redemption.

*Stillwater's Signet - 4 Stamina, 2 Intellect, 3 Crit Rating - A Blight Upon the Land.

*Advisor's Ring - 2 Stamina, 4 Intellect, 6 Spirit - PVP reward, Kelm Hargunth, Northern Barrens.

*Lavishly Jeweled Ring - 5 Intellect, 3 Hit Rating - Admiral Ripsnarl, The Deadmines, 33%.


*Rune of Perfection - 4 Stamina, 10 Spell Penetration - PVP reward, Kelm Hargunth, Northern Barrens.

*Insignia of the Horde - PvP reward, Kelm Hargunth, Northern Barrens.

==Heirloom Upgrades==


*Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle - 5 Stamina, 5 Intellect, 3 Crit Rating, 5 Resilience, 57 Armor - 2175 honor

*Tattered Dreadmist Mantle - 7 Stamina, 5 Intellect, 5 Crit Rating, 57 Armor - 3263 honor


*Tattered Dreadmist Robe - 11 Stamina, 7 Intellect, 7 Crit Rating, 76 Armor


*Dignified Headmaster's Charge - 10 Stamina, 8 Intellect, 6 Crit Rating, 42 Spell Power

*Grand Staff of Jordan - 11 Stamina, 7 Hit Rating, 7 Resilience Rating, 42 Spell Power


*Inherited Insignia of the Horde - 6 Resilience - PvP movement trinket.

*Discerning Eye of the Beast - 6 Intellect - 2% mana restore on killing blow.

*Swift Hand of Justice - 6 Haste - 2% heal on killing blow.

==BoE Drop Upgrades==


*Magician's Mantle - 14 Stamina, 4 Intellect, 57 Armor - Random world drop.


*Mindthrust Bracers - 3 Stamina, 4 Intellect, 3 Spirit, 29 Armor - random drop in SFK.


*Magefist Gloves - 3 Stamina, 5 Intellect, 4 Spirit, 39 Armor - Random world drop.
leotseddap said:
I'm not having this. Why? because i will have improved damage and healing with Evangelism and stacks up to 5 wich gives more burst with damage/healing (2% p/point) and it reduces the mana cost (3% p/point) of spells. Disc is a combat healer. My feeling is that its just better then 1 sec less cooldown on shields.

Evangelism - "When you cast Smite, Holy Fire or Mind Flay you gain Evangelism. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts for 20 sec."

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but as a combat healer, I'm not seeing a Smite or Holy Fire spell 5 times, or at all. I'm a healer first, and I've had so many times when I need to bubble multiple people in rapid succession. 1 Second is critical, IMO.
Preeztess said:
Evangelism - "When you cast Smite, Holy Fire or Mind Flay you gain Evangelism. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts for 20 sec."

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but as a combat healer, I'm not seeing a Smite or Holy Fire spell 5 times, or at all. I'm a healer first, and I've had so many times when I need to bubble multiple people in rapid succession. 1 Second is critical, IMO.

See especially as a priest you don't wanna see yourself as a healer only, pardon me for using this "standing there looking stupid and wait for people to heal" because of discipline priest having highest sustain DPS of all healers. You would be surprised how much your contribution helps, other than just spamming Shields. Other thing is that healing someone with less than 800 HP is usually not rewarding and you're better off just helping DPS enemy down. As for your DPS, you'll go MB first hoping that most people will kick your shadow school (as they usually do with Moth pet autocast and of course it has 10 sec CD) and you're free to spam your holy spells. Holy fire has long CD so the only spamming left to do is smite, now, each hit of that lasts for 20 seconds so there's plenty of time to build that 5 stack, and with lifeblood, it's heaven on earth, if you pillar hump you can take care of most classes. Disc priest are able to have 50-50 ratio on DPS and heals, during average WSG match both above 20k, hell even using penance offensively, usually at start, because you dont need it for 12 sec anyway while your shield holds and it does make mark to enemy HP, so they turn defensive fast. Try it for few games and i'm sure you'll like it, if you wanna pure healer, then go H paladin, they can stand there, tank most of dmg and heal like kings through it.

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