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  1. us 49s

    it wouldn't, but people just don't bother with the mid brackets anymore sadly :/.
  2. Makin a 29

    It appears your command of the english language is even more dormant...."rite?"
  3. Makin a 29

    Could you possibly speak properly?
  4. WTB TCG Tabards

    still buying em, gotten a tabard of frost and nature so far!
  5. WTB TCG Tabards

  6. WTB assassins blade

    Just letting you know, that Talon of Vultros is technically speaking the better dagger due to slower speeds and the way Ambush factors damage/ hidden calc.
  7. WTB TCG Tabards

    Gotten one so far. Looking to buy an arcane tcg tabard primarily. Contact me here if you have any of em though.
  8. Timeless Isles Conspiracy

    My 2nd was up for a day this time and was deleted when someone posted about vanilla wow bosses
  9. Ugarak's guide to MOP reputations/tabards 5.3!

    Hey bud. Look, not many people are aware of this. I am in the middle of writing a guide to cover any and all questions about the subject. I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from comments such as that.
  10. Twinking may change as we know it in 5.4

    Alright, finally got a complete enchanting book link. Unfortunately right now, when comparing a specific item enchant across all the expansions, there really is not any rhyme or reason as to which is better. Sometimes the BC enchant is better, sometimes the wrath of the lich king, sometimes the...
  11. Twinking may change as we know it in 5.4

    Should be on the ptr soon. Will keep you all posted in the next few hours!
  12. Twinking may change as we know it in 5.4

    I will post my findings since Purj is gone for the weekend here, and over in his 19 twink thread about enchants as he and I have been both very interested to look into this. Stay tuned, as I am currently completing the installation and have enough materials for 3-4 enchants of just about...
  13. Purj's PTR Enchant Findings

    I will post my findings since Purj is gone for the weekend here, and over in the general twinks section as he and I have been both very interested to look into this. Stay tuned, as I am currently completing the installation and have enough materials for 3-4 enchants of just about everything. I...
  14. Purj's PTR Enchant Findings

    Nightstalker's damage boost on ptr changed from 25% to 50%.
  15. Twinking may change as we know it in 5.4

    When I can get on the PTR, I will. I have a laundry list of things to try/do!
  16. WTB TCG Tabards

    still buying!
  17. Timeless Isles Conspiracy

    I've seen a lot of people posting over the past day or so after the release of patch 5.4 datamining material. One thing some people have been discussing is the Timeless Isles, which we do not know anything about yet, and some people on the wow forums have been saying it may be something from...
  18. Twinking may change as we know it in 5.4

    Due to these things scaling down to level appropriate, it may be more beneficial to grab a leg armor with a primary stat like intellect or agility and then critical strike or spirit or whatever as the secondary stat the leg armor/spellthreads provide. For example, the MoP caster spellthread is...
  19. Twinking may change as we know it in 5.4

    This isn't a damn conclusion. I clearly stated this was PTR 5.4, subject to change. I also clearly stated that I was not making ANY conclusions, simply posting any and all changes and keeping this thread updated with such changes to help keep the community informed. This thread is also a point...
  20. Twinking may change as we know it in 5.4

    fixed values and streamlined text of original post so people can read them properly.