Twinking may change as we know it in 5.4


Disclaimer: This is all 5.4 PTR datamined material. Anything and everything is of course as always subject to change. Simply creating a thread to discuss and list twinking changes coming to 5.4 as is seen on the ptr data mining on This thread is a place to list this information and discuss. I will be keeping this thread updated as regularly as possible. These are not conclusions, and as always subject to change as it is the PTR.

Over the next few days 5.4 stuff will be and has already begun to roll in. I will keep this thread updated regularly with as much information as possible for 5.4 that applies to twinks of any and all brackets. Please use this as a place to share information. Post on here something that has changed and I will edit or add it in as quickly as possible daily.

Timeless Isle: More information in the coming days!

Virtual Realms: Lower population realms will be combined into a "Virtual Realm" which allows for a unified Auction House, trading among the realms in the Virtual Realm, guild creation, arena team creation, and communication from one realm to another within the same Virtual Realm. More information and realm selection to follow in the coming days...

Many enchants are now instant cast and have no minimum item level, see the WoWDB PTR site if you are interested in a specific enchant!

  • Patch 5.4 adds Virtual Realms, which will essentially merge lower population realms. This will allow you to keep playing on your current realm, but do arenas, raids, and dungeons with people in your realm group, as well as use a merged Auction House and trade with other players in your realm group.
  • All permanent item enhancements provided by Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, Tailoring, and various vendors and quests are now able to be applied to items of any level. The effects of these enchantments will be scaled down to the level of the player using the item.

· Lifeblood Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth, instantly healing minor wounds and granting 35. 933 haste for 20 sec. Can be used while stealthed or invisible. Rank 3. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
· Lifeblood Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth, instantly healing minor wounds and granting 480. 2,880 haste for 20 sec. Can be used while stealthed or invisible. Rank 8. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
· Lifeblood Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth, instantly healing minor wounds and granting 70. 2,880 haste for 20 sec. Can be used while stealthed or invisible. Rank 5. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
· Lifeblood Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth, instantly healing minor wounds and granting240. 2,880 haste for 20 sec. Can be used while stealthed or invisible. Rank 7. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
· Lifeblood Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth, instantly healing minor wounds and granting 55.2,520 haste for 20 sec. Can be used while stealthed or invisible. Rank 4. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
· Lifeblood Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth, instantly healing minor wounds and granting 5. 100 haste for 20 sec. Can be used while stealthed or invisible. Rank 1. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
· Lifeblood Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth, instantly healing minor wounds and granting120. 2,880 haste for 20 sec. Can be used while stealthed or invisible. Rank 6. Instant. 2 min cooldown. 3 sec cast. 2 min cooldown.
· Lifeblood Uses your skill in Herbalism to absorb energy and nutrients from the earth, instantly healing minor wounds and granting 15. 400 haste for 20 sec. Can be used while stealthed or invisible. Rank 2. Instant. 2 min cooldown.


· Toughness All your hard work spent mining has made you exceptionally tough, increasing your Stamina by 120. Rank 7. 480. Rank 7.
· Toughness All your hard work spent mining has made you exceptionally tough, increasing your Stamina by 30. Rank 5. 480. Rank 5.
· Toughness All your hard work spent mining has made you exceptionally tough, increasing your Stamina by 3. Rank 1. 80. Rank 1.
· Toughness All your hard work spent mining has made you exceptionally tough, increasing your Stamina by 60. Rank 6. 480. Rank 6.
· Toughness All your hard work spent mining has made you exceptionally tough, increasing your Stamina by 5. Rank 2. 133. Rank 2.
· Toughness All your hard work spent mining has made you exceptionally tough, increasing your Stamina by 10. Rank 4. 267. Rank 4.
· Toughness All your hard work spent mining has made you exceptionally tough, increasing your Stamina by 7. Rank 3. 187. Rank 3.


· Master of Anatomy Skinning all those dead animals has broadened your anatomical knowledge, increasing your critical strike by 20. Rank 5. 480. Rank 5.
· Master of Anatomy Skinning all those dead animals has broadened your anatomical knowledge, increasing your critical strike by 40. Rank 6. 480. Rank 6.
· Master of Anatomy Skinning all those dead animals has broadened your anatomical knowledge, increasing your critical strike by 80. Rank 7. 480. Rank 7.
· Master of Anatomy Skinning all those dead animals has broadened your anatomical knowledge, increasing your critical strike by 12. Rank 4. 320. Rank 4.
· Master of Anatomy Skinning all those dead animals has broadened your anatomical knowledge, increasing your critical strike by 3. Rank 1. 80. Rank 1.
· Master of Anatomy Skinning all those dead animals has broadened your anatomical knowledge, increasing your critical strike by 6. Rank 2. 160. Rank 2.
· Master of Anatomy Skinning all those dead animals has broadened your anatomical knowledge, increasing your critical strike by 9. Rank 3. 240. Rank 3.



You are free to discuss these above possible changes or post other information coming our way in some form or another to the brackets in 5.4 below. I WILL ADD IT IN TO THE ORIGINAL POST AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE Please do not troll or flame people. This thread is to be used as an education and knowledge tool for twinks to utilize please.

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I want to also mention the numbers and ranks may not match up currently. As to that, you can clearly go through the values to determine which rank of the 3 gathering professions will have the new changed values if they show rank 6 higher than 8, that's obviously in need of flipping. I copy posted this straight from mmo-champion so all data mining and information gathering is attributed to them.
Whats the difference in the profession passives? I didn't see any difference.

And I HIGHLY doubt they hate low level twinking enough to remove the item level requirements on some enchants, would depend on the enchants however.
fixed values and streamlined text of original post so people can read them properly.
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Let's make wild conclusions based on obvious glitches.

This isn't a damn conclusion. I clearly stated this was PTR 5.4, subject to change. I also clearly stated that I was not making ANY conclusions, simply posting any and all changes and keeping this thread updated with such changes to help keep the community informed. This thread is also a point of reference for the next patch of 5.4
yup was noticing this just now on mmoc. Talk about a complete one shot fest. Leveling BGs with toons with full looms and max level enchants? hahahahaha! too funny.
I still don't see any twinking changes in this thread. How about some actual class-specific stuff, rather than obvious profession glitches?
Scaling enchants down is intentional, how will +pvp power enchants be affected? I suspect this will 'nerf' some enchants, but provide access to better min/maxing.

Blizzard said:
Source: 5.4 PTR Coming Soon! - World of Warcraft
  • All permanent item enhancements provided by Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, Tailoring, and various vendors and quests are now able to be applied to items of any level. This means all enchantments can now be applied to heirloom items.
  • High level enhancements applied to items equipped by low level players have their power scaled down to be similar to enhancements intended for that level range.
Scaling enchants down is intentional
This will just make Twinking lesser attractive as a whole and just a to huge change if you ask me after all these years just stomping us in the face with their stupid ideas after investing alot time, lesser over the years but so much time spent on them in classic and tbc. Scaling stuff is not what Twinking wants cause it concerns powering up your character to standards above normal and this kinda gets removed. They just might remove locked battlegrounds like this because there hardly will be a difference between us and levelers. It is like they take away the essence of twinking, for me atleast.
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Twinking is about to undergo a pretty huge change. Everyone will have to spend time relearning what is good/bad and figure out what works best for them.

It's not just stuff like MoP enchants that will become useful, but shoulder enchants, leg armors, spell threads, cloak embroiders, and wrist enchants. All of it will scale down to be level appropriate.

This also means that Vanilla enchants, stuff like 30 sp weapon and 15 agi weapon will also scale down. Basically this change is an across the board nerf to existing enchants, as well as an indirect buff to twinking depending on how higher level stuff ends up scaling. Another side effect is that any bracket with grandfathered gear (29s, 39s, 49s) where higher level enchants were usable, will no longer benefit from having those enchants, as they will scale down anyway and be useful on non GF gear.

The only thing GF gear will be good for anymore is Xmog, with exception to a few very powerful items.

I personally am looking forward to using leg/shoulder enchants again, as well as having something more useful than +70 armor enchanted to a cloak for casters.

These changes are either going to cause an explosion to twinking popularity as people are given new opportunities to customize their characters, or it will cause an implosion as twinking continues to die off due to bracket drama and cancerous personalities.

5.4 will be gold...
Twinking is about to undergo a pretty huge change. Everyone will have to spend time relearning what is good/bad and figure out what works best for them.

It's not just stuff like MoP enchants that will become useful, but shoulder enchants, leg armors, spell threads, cloak embroiders, and wrist enchants. All of it will scale down to be level appropriate.

This also means that Vanilla enchants, stuff like 30 sp weapon and 15 agi weapon will also scale down. Basically this change is an across the board nerf to existing enchants, as well as an indirect buff to twinking depending on how higher level stuff ends up scaling. Another side effect is that any bracket with grandfathered gear (29s, 39s, 49s) where higher level enchants were usable, will no longer benefit from having those enchants, as they will scale down anyway and be useful on non GF gear.

The only thing GF gear will be good for anymore is Xmog, with exception to a few very powerful items.

I personally am looking forward to using leg/shoulder enchants again, as well as having something more useful than +70 armor enchanted to a cloak for casters.

These changes are either going to cause an explosion to twinking popularity as people are given new opportunities to customize their characters, or it will cause an implosion as twinking continues to die off due to bracket drama and cancerous personalities.

5.4 will be gold...

Well said. Like it has been mentioned, this is PTR stuff, but I am beginning to trust my instincts in regards to the PTR. Been testing stuff like this since I started this site and most of the conclusions I walked away from each PTR with have been consistent to my opinions on live later. I think I might have to re-install and check out this PTR. :)
Thanks for sharing this useful info, Ugarak. It will be interesting to see what happens to twinking in 5.4!
As request of [MENTION=1552]Kilda[/MENTION] I am sharing some information regarding realm mergers or as Blizzard is naming it, 'Virtual Realms'.

5.4 PTR Patch Notes - WoW General - Wowhead Forums

"Virtual Realms are coming. They're sets of realms that are fused together, and will behave exactly as if they were one cohesive realm. Players on the same Virtual Realm will be able to join guilds, access a single Auction House, join arena teams and raids, as well run dungeons or group up to complete quests."

[MENTION=12370]willix[/MENTION] Hit most of what has been circulating in my mind as well.

It will be interesting to see old Lesser of Arcanum of Constitution and Clefthide Leg Armor go from the red text to becoming an active stat again. This is beyond exciting, I wish I could explain how much this is going to help 29's grow and lift the dark cloud of grandfathered gear. Truly an exciting time and when the PTR does come up, I will hope to see many twinks experimenting out there, because I know me and my guild will be!
It will be interesting to see old [URL="" said:
Lesser of Arcanum of Constitution[/URL] and Clefthide Leg Armor go from the red text to becoming an active stat again. This is beyond exciting, I wish I could explain how much this is going to help 29's grow and lift the dark cloud of grandfathered gear. Truly an exciting time and when the PTR does come up, I will hope to see many twinks experimenting out there, because I know me and my guild will be!

Due to these things scaling down to level appropriate, it may be more beneficial to grab a leg armor with a primary stat like intellect or agility and then critical strike or spirit or whatever as the secondary stat the leg armor/spellthreads provide. For example, the MoP caster spellthread is Int and crit or Int and spirit. Those may be more beneficial then stamina and a main stat. Lots of experimenting. If all things scale down to equal the same stat, then it is going to be a lot more personal preference with enchanting/tailoring/etc your twink items than ever before.

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