Twinking may change as we know it in 5.4

When I can get on the PTR, I will. I have a laundry list of things to try/do!

Sounds good, I'm on the first PvE server, whatever it was called (started with an A) with my enchanter and twinks

Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

I'll be home Sunday.
80 stats to chest = 3 stats at 19 (worse)

40 stam to bracer = 15 stam at 19

Blurred Speed = Minor Speed + 5 Agi

Enchanting BoA ring doesn't work, enchant still requires 550 Enchanting

Stats are looking the same as 29s and 39s, I'm getting many of the same findings.

Post from Baeloro for 29s
Jade Spirit - 62 int on proc
Dancing Steel - 62 str/agility on proc
Colossus - 281 dmg absorb on proc
Windsong - 56 haste/crit/mastery on proc

+165 int OH enchant - 6 int
+180 int bracer enchant - 7 int
+180 int cloak enchant - 7 int
+175 haste boot enchant - 7 haste
+170 haste glove enchant - 6 haste
+80 stats chest enchant - 3 stats
+200 resil chest enchant - 8 resil

Shoulder inscription - 8 int 4 crit
Spell thread - 11 int 6 crit

Some quick notes:

All normal enchants are usable by low level characters. Inscription shoulders, belt buckles, and leg armors still require a high level character to apply them. I didn't get a 39 character over to the PTR yet, it's still crashing often and I ran out of character copies. Will try more when it's stable.

Naxx shoulders working, not scaling (I guess since they are level 60)

30 stam 15 resil to shoulders scaling to 11stam + 6resil

+100hp to head working, not scaling.

150hp to chest adding 112

100mana to chest no longer adding mana.
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I will post my findings since Purj is gone for the weekend here, and over in his 19 twink thread about enchants as he and I have been both very interested to look into this. Stay tuned, as I am currently completing the installation and have enough materials for 3-4 enchants of just about everything. I will primarily be testing Agility class users enchants at 19, as well as Intellect users such as int dps users. I will be doing the experiments on 19 twinks, one is a mage and the other is a rogue. I'll let you know what my findings are once I am done over the next 3-4 hours either tonight, or tomorrow as soon as possible.

Should be on the ptr soon. Will keep you all posted in the next few hours!
Alright, finally got a complete enchanting book link. Unfortunately right now, when comparing a specific item enchant across all the expansions, there really is not any rhyme or reason as to which is better. Sometimes the BC enchant is better, sometimes the wrath of the lich king, sometimes the cataclysm, sometimes the MOP, and sometimes the old vanilla wow enchant. The scaling is clearly messed up right now, which makes testing at this point the enchanting stats to figure out which will provide better stats very hard and frustrating to do.

TLDR: It is very clear that scaling right now is going to be tuned with considerably before start. For example, the cloak pvp power enchant called "enchant cloak - power, is 3-4 pvp power less than enchant cloak - lesser power. Their is not any rhyme or reason as to which era of enchants comes out on type for each slot, nor do they seem to make any sense on a same state for specific slot enchant.
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List of all enchants and how they currently scale at 85 / 80 / 70 / 19:

If this was for balance at lower levels, they probably wouldn't have gone through the extra effort to scale all the enchants/gems down (instead they'd just tweak the numbers or ilvl requirements). That makes me think it's preparation for an unannounced "temporary down-levelling" feature.

It would be unfair for a level 90 who stacks mastery to have less stats after down-levelling, so maybe there will be a change to make mastery usable at lower levels? Just a theory ;)
Many enchants are now instant cast and have no minimum item level, see the WoWDB PTR site if you are interested in a specific enchant!

This gonna change the glitch on Tazik/Synapse? Imo Eng still worth having for their trinkets and ofc synapse although reduced is still a decent item to have.
Enchants and gems aren't actually granting stats on the PTR atm but a fix is on the way soon.

We are aware of the issue with gems and enchants. We've generated a fix but it won't be present in the build we're pushing right now, should be in the next one which will either be tomorrow or early next week.
List of all enchants and how they currently scale at 85 / 80 / 70 / 19:

If this was for balance at lower levels, they probably wouldn't have gone through the extra effort to scale all the enchants/gems down (instead they'd just tweak the numbers or ilvl requirements). That makes me think it's preparation for an unannounced "temporary down-levelling" feature.

It would be unfair for a level 90 who stacks mastery to have less stats after down-levelling, so maybe there will be a change to make mastery usable at lower levels? Just a theory ;)

This is absolutely a fantastic piece of work. Did you do this, #Aelobin ?

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