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  1. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    -.- is it even possible to get it post patch? 10 tries as gnome and no rocket glovez o make that 11... nvm 12. this is getting fucking ridiculous
  2. do u get guild rep for arena at 70?

    u do at 85 now, jw if you do at 70... havent had the chance to arena yet
  3. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    fuk, up to 6 tries on my mage for tazrik shocker ;_; lolz, just dropped it for 9th time. fuck
  4. New tanking heirlooms

    ya m8 that 2% dodge and parry gonna turn me into some unkillable god
  5. need gearing advice

    Angelista's Revenge - Item - World of Warcraft is a really easy(and good) ring to get
  6. Starting a 70 twink -- not sure what to go with

    anything is good except like a hunter
  7. 70 Rogue Professions / Weapon Enchants

    mongoose/titanium wpn chain
  8. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    yep, lucky ;/ dunno what to do for other prof now :( inscription or jcing
  9. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    yay got it and synapse springs -_- (for the 0 people that care) also lol @ me saying it takes me an hour to do 1-465 made that post at 12:17 then i made this post at 1:17 im entertained easily k
  10. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    fuuu synapse springs as my last tinker 5th time is the charm I CAN FEEL IT at least i have it down to about 1 hour or so for 1-465 for the cheapest way possible :|
  11. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    darn, 4th time i got 2 shitty enchants and when i was about to get the third servers went down :(
  12. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    priest, was thinking i should go with synapse springs. but i want both x) dot dmg goes from 2800/3100/3400 to 3600/4100/4700 + more sfiend mana n stuff but anyway dropped engineering again because i bought about 15k gold worth of mats knowing i wouldnt get it first try and not realizing...
  13. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    lvld engineering 3 times to 465 no shocker :( dunno if i want to stick with this synapse spring :/
  14. Buying TCG Mounts

    220k for spectral tiger lolz
  15. is the epic 2 minute trinket available on the ptr?

    i realized that about 4 posts in
  16. is the epic 2 minute trinket available on the ptr?

    soz who wants 2 be the cool guy that posts a ss of it on ptr? :))))
  17. is the epic 2 minute trinket available on the ptr?

    i dont understand how anyone can honestly think that is a good thing
  18. is the epic 2 minute trinket available on the ptr?

    im probably gonna cry if hes lying
  19. is the epic 2 minute trinket available on the ptr?

    asshole was going to post this
  20. is the epic 2 minute trinket available on the ptr?

    yeah its more of an ocd thing i guess :|