Cata engineering tinkers and you @70


synapse springs as my last tinker

5th time is the charm I CAN FEEL IT

at least i have it down to about 1 hour or so for 1-465 for the cheapest way possible :|
Sober get a grey camel like me imo they are the new in thing right now and you get a fos/title next patch
yay got it and synapse springs -_-

(for the 0 people that care)

also lol @ me saying it takes me an hour to do 1-465

made that post at 12:17 then i made this post at 1:17

im entertained easily k
I'm re-leveling engineering to try and get a useful tinker. I was Goblin before and would like to go back to that. However I can't pick up the quest or train any of the Goblin schematics I had before. I didn't see any mention on here about it (and if I missed it I apologize) so I went to Google and found a post from 2005. Apparently the only way to get the specialization back was to contact a GM. Is this still the case?
Ah, now I feel foolish. :) Thank you very much.
oh my god after 15 times i got it

also ot;

went to my cousins house to get him to make a 70 mage twink since he had a 70 mage. he reactivated, got on his mage, ported to sw to turn off his xp and leveled off of 8 xp :( didnt even think to look at his xp bar -_-


also wat 2 do with 2000+ obsidian bolts and various blasting powders :(
Metamorfos said:
I just got the z50 mana gulper. Why is it that you can only get 1 tinker before 450?

Its just how the tinkers work the number of tinkers you can get is directly related to your engineering skill

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