New tanking heirlooms


Idk if anyone else has noticed but there is now 5 new herilooms you can possibly get.

im too lazy to link them but they are a new sword chest helm and shoulders and cape.

possible bis for anything ?
somebody need to theory crunch the numbers, but i'm sensing an "OMFG i'm an unkillable warrior" comming up?
Well The OMFG i'm unkillable ''pally'' at 10s is possible with these so let's guess it xD
bankbeauty said:
Well The OMFG i'm unkillable ''pally'' at 10s is possible with these so let's guess it xD

i said warriors, because prots were nerfed, and i'd imagine the 19 paladins would be clinging to their holy spec and spell power :3
chíll said:
i said warriors, because prots were nerfed, and i'd imagine the 19 paladins would be clinging to their holy spec and spell power :3

Well, I meant, the fact that the set is pretty epic for avoidance.
The expertise is probably really good for rets and any warrior. I would bet some of the pieces would be BiS, especially for fury.

As to 10s, paladins seem pretty buff after this.
The sword is probably BiS for Strength Stat DPS. Especially over Legionnaire's Sword?

Just a guess. Good mix of stam, strength, and damage.
I'm quite sure there was a website that showed stats for herilooms at different levels, one of them was level 19. Anyone know of that site or atleast know the stats of the new heirlooms?
You can go on wowhead and find the BoA you want. There will be a slider beneath the tooltip to scale for levels. Also, where it says (x.xx% @ Lx) you can click and type in the level.
Thanks alot! I've been looking for the spreadsheet with the level 19 BoA info forever. Now there is a even easier way! :)
ALSO, on a note other than BoA, if there is a Lv15 item that you want to figure out the dodge or parry percentage for 19, the clicking on the % @ Required Level will allow you to convert for different levels.
blueisbetterthanyou said:
ya m8 that 2% dodge and parry gonna turn me into some unkillable god

i wanna hug you no homo
New new sword may be a better main hand for fury warriors - I'm not sure though.

Protectors:- 2.7 speed, 4 str, 2 stam, takes +4 stones

heirloom:- 2.8 speed, 3 str, 3 parry, 4 stam, takes plus 2 stones.

Slight drop in dps with the heirloom but the slower speed means more burst potential and slightly more crusader uptime. Slightly more survivability too. Heirloom probably just edges it. It's a big old beast too!
Arinatintin said:
Well i can sense the Pally and Warriors being buffed with this. More stam higher stam stackers. including the new shield enchant for 10 stam 10 spirit. i can see 3000 Hp in our future.......

Nothing wrong with more Health for things. Just have to hope that more things change to +Stam enchants.

5mp5 to Bracers hasn't changed yet.
Reaper said:

-Legs are BIS for every paladin because of the +16 base stats. They are also better than Chausees of westfall (grandfathered) for the Str stat because of the ring and bracer slots that open up as a result of +3 hit on the pants. The parry is a bonus stat.

-The helm is not BIS because it doesn't have hit like the ret BOA helm has

-The chest is BIS for FC but complete garbage for anything else because it doesn't have crit

-The shoulders are nice for PVE tanking but the PVP heirloom shoulders are better because of the resilience

-The ring isn't good.

-there is also a new +str cloak that might be worth picking up with +1 hit on it.

I'll be picking up the Legplates for sure as soon as they come out, I guess you could make an argument for picking up the chest piece for increased survivability but you lose a lot of burst. Chest piece will be nice for any FC holy or prot because of the stam and armor.

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