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  1. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    ok, another thoridal dropped for my warrior. what the FUCK 3 bows in 6 runs
  2. Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    ive had 2 thoridals drop on my warrior in 5 runs, up to 7 on my hunter and it hasnt dropped once i hate my life so much
  3. hard khorium choker

    nah i dont need it. was just wondering because i sold one for 10k. i guess it would be worth 30k to the right buyer but i really dont even care that much. its not even bis for rogue and i assume its the same for other classes.
  4. hard khorium choker

    how much does this usually go for? ;/
  5. Selling boost 2v2,3v3 2200 Rating (discuss price on skype)

    ... buying boosts?... at 70? what on earth
  6. Whats the highest hp you have stacked?

    anyone have screenshots from tbc/wotlk with exploits + obscure buffs?
  7. Dolan

    also whos fucking idea was it to show pictures inside the edit box. plz die.
  8. Warglaive Drop Rates:A Keyboard Destroyer

    19 bt runs havent had one drop yet :(
  9. WTB Goblin mail leggings

    i have 2 on kelthuzad alliance
  10. can u do realid bgs with 10 people :?

    or is it only for rated battlegrounds?
  11. Introducing the NEW Scroll of Resurrection - 80s Are About To Heat Up!

    ^ but you dont have to transfer the 80 if you dont want to.
  12. External Hard Drive - Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 500GB USB 3.0 Ultra-Portable Hard Drive (Black)
  13. Goblin Male Leggings, price?

    i have 2 pairs that i cant get rid of :(
  14. renting out diablo 3 beta

    10$ per day, 65$ per week mssg me on aim @ bluehehehehehehe
  15. Epic /facepalm to Blizzard.

    u people seem to think that they care about 19 balance lmao
  16. The rebuilding of Dominate

    fuk yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  17. The rebuilding of Dominate

    give me a shadowfang
  18. grandfathered names?

    um u can still get 2 letter names . unless im reading that wrong :??
  19. The rebuilding of Dominate

    hello snow. they quit a week or 2 ago =( kujap quit b/c the game was boring to him which killed our rbg guild(the guild was dying slowly anyway) so tom and sillus followed suit. i think they r gone for good too :( cirran, u guys should remake on kelthuzad :)