Introducing the NEW Scroll of Resurrection - 80s Are About To Heat Up!


Guild Master

Remember the scroll of ressurection? Well it just got a MAJOR buff that will likely directly impact twinks. Lets take a look at the old Scroll of Ressurection for old times sake:


- Five at a time.
- Received 30 days of gametime if the receiver of the scroll renews their account.


- 7 days of FREE gametime.

Pretty simple right? Well, a little while ago Blizzard disabled them for some odd reason. And then they fired 600 employees. I have a feeling World of Warcraft subscribers have just hit rock bottom, and Blizzard is getting desperate. So desperate, that the new scroll is now so absolutely INSANE that you can only receive one per account. And this time it's the receiver who wins. They're available now, lets take a look!


- One per day in-game, One per day through
- Receives a Spectral Gryphon (Alliance) or Spectral Wind Rider (Horde).


- A FREE level 80 instantly, with all spells learned, "appropriate" talent spec, FREE flying and uncommon gear.
- A FREE upgrade to Cataclysm, regardless of whether or not they have WotLK or BC.
- A FREE realm transfer (to Sender's realm) for the level 80 character.
- A FREE faction change for the level 80 character if the Sender was of the opposite faction.
- 7 days of FREE game time.
- Must have been inactive before March 4, 2012.
- Once per account.

I just accepted a Scroll of Resurrection. How do I level boost my character?

Log in to your Account and click on the resurrected license. Once you’re on the Game Management page, click Claim Rewards and select the character to level along with their spec. The next time you log in, they’ll be ready to adventure in a sundered Azeroth!

How does the boost to level 80 work for the Scroll’s recipient?

After accepting the Scroll, the recipient can choose one character to boost to level 80. The character’s spec will be chosen by the recipient prior to completing the level boost and the character will also be given appropriate talents under the chosen spec. The character will be placed in his or her faction’s capital city and will be ready to adventure immediately. This means that the character will be granted all class skills and spells up to level 80, a flying mount and riding skill, and a green quality set of level- and spec-appropriate gear for leveling.

I cannot express how INSANE this will be. I know for sure if there's one thing that will make me roll an 80 twink, it will be this. I have a feeling the bracket is about to get a LOT more activity. Let's get this going!

Happy twinking!
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Do they say if the faction change/Server Change is limited to the character you put 80 or you can use it on any toon, thank you
Do they say if the faction change/Server Change is limited to the character you put 80 or you can use it on any toon, thank you
It's not stated by the blue but when you go through the process it's shown that the level 80 is transferred. Clarified this in the post. Sorry for the confusion.
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Sadly you can't unsub for three months and then do this, your account must have be inactive before march 4, 2012....

I JUST remembered I'm on the cata trial right now and therefore my account IS NOT active!! This is sweet if I can do this! Will report back on my findings!

EDIT: It seems that it the trial may count as active...
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Sadly you can't unsub for three months and then do this, your account must have be inactive before march 4, 2012....

I JUST remembered I'm on the cata trial right now and therefore my account IS NOT active!! This is sweet if I can do this! Will report back on my findings!

EDIT: It seems that it the trial may count as active...
What if I got a 7 day trial like 2 days ago will it count as active?
My scroll didn't work... it said my account was not eligible.
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My scroll didn't work... it said my account was not eligible.

Same thing with my 7 Day trial account because I quit wow and I got a 7 day re activation
This is what I got

Blizzard said:
While your account is in trial status, it is still inactive for an active subscription. Using your free trial should not affect your ability to use the Scroll of Resurrection. I hope this helps!

If this answered all your questions, please feel free to mark the "Message Read" box. Selecting this choice means that you are content with our response and do not wish to discuss the issue any further.

If you wanted to discuss this matter or there was information you didn't get to include in your report, go head and select "Need More Help" and we'd be happy to talk to you about this.
Hello, i'm a new one and sorry for my silly question..
if i have a new account after the 4th march and is inactive the scroll doesn't work right?? :(
I want buy all the 4 expansion for my bro :)
or..i've a trial account in my same account (same login but different accoutn)..can i use it in the second account??? :)

Thanks in advance,

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Yes I eventually got the SoR via in-game petition. :)
Thanks for the reply.. :D
Tonight i'll upgrade the trial account for my bro
and i'll send the invitation to my mail and my bro
utilize it for the 80's.. right.?? :D

Thanks in advance,


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