Warglaive Drop Rates:A Keyboard Destroyer


Was on my 30th run today, the 20th after my 1st half dropped. Great, Friendly and speedy run. It felt good...then BOOM glaive drops, heart rates racing, relief to quit wow is just around the corner then.. Boom wrong one, Boom keyboard smashed.

I've been wanting to get the second half so i can take a break from wow for quite a long while now, especially with my university graduation cropping up. I think The Blizzard Crew are onto me and my intentions of taking a break.

How long did it take you fellas to get full glaive sets?
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my irl friend took both glaives in 4/5 runs...sincerly i dont remember it's almost 2 years ago. but he was lucky for sure
34 runs on rogue for both, wile my warrior is on 40 and i haven't seen off hand yet.
Because unless I misread that in 16 runs, 13 glaives dropped (assuming English is your 2nd language) and 17 glaives in 26 runs, nobody has such a lucky rng. Obviously it could be true, but last time I checked, glaives had like a what, 4-8% drop rate? Not 65%...
When Psychosis was farming BT for the item, we got 7 in 9 run's then 2 bows from sunwell in 2 runs after that, Fuck all For months... but was funny getting alot of great items for a bit :)
My first run on my rogue i got my MH and on my fourth run i got my OH...So 4 runs to get my set... And on my hunter i got my thor'dal my third run....
I downed Illadan 20 times in tbc.Got both after about 10 kills(first one in our guild) about 20 in Wotlk, about 20 so far in cataclysm (Account wide)

Have never seen Warglaive drop since Tbc :)


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