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  1. Holypowah

    Prot Paladin full BiS HP set

    Itankyoass and duke. Names seem to have symbols because I cant find them.
  2. Holypowah

    How did you find AB weekend? Shocking?

    Nice. I could imagine the QQ.
  3. Holypowah

    Best spec for DK 55 starter edition?

    Frost in terms of damage.
  4. Holypowah

    Most intense moment you have had in a battleground.

    I used Los on Ally roof with flag and I avoided ranged attacks and Tstormed people who got where I was. I eventually died but our team still won because I delayed enough time.
  5. Holypowah

    5.2 Healers

    This Druids that spam regrowth heal much more than any healing class. With snare breaking effects and high mobiliy with insta heals make them a pain in the ass.
  6. Holypowah

    did 107k dmg in bg.......what your's?!?!

    Remember getting 150k once.
  7. Holypowah

    Holy with ret gear

    Should have made it more specific. Didn't get what he meant. 559 seems like a stretch in PvP.
  8. Holypowah

    Ninja capping bases at Arathi basin

    4 people? You won't succeed unless the people guarding it are retards, which isn't really a surprise in AB
  9. Holypowah

    How are trials now that Mop has settled in?

    BM hunters do quite well vs other DPS classes and with 3 interrupts, they can beat most classes 1v1.
  10. Holypowah

    Holy with ret gear

    As I said, TV does similar damage to Holy wrath, which is around 520 crit on clothies.
  11. Holypowah

    [MOP] Dashas F2P Shaman Guide

    re: Dashas F2P Shaman Guide I was saying it because you didn't put RFC bracers in(you did now) :P
  12. Holypowah

    5.2 BG changes look cool! My f2p buddies will be even more awesome now!

    This will without a doubt, greatly close the gap between F2Ps and P2Ps.
  13. Holypowah

    Holy with ret gear

    Templar's Verdict hits roughly the same amount as Holy Wrath.
  14. Holypowah

    Best Warriour spec in 5.2?

    Arms for damage, Prot for FCing and Fury for dancing.
  15. Holypowah

    [MOP] Dashas F2P Shaman Guide

    re: Dashas F2P Shaman Guide Great guide. I'll just put in some advices. 1v1 The thing is that you will not kill ANY class that can off heal as Resto because you simply do not have enough DPS to do so. As for rogues, just try to spam heals at high HP. Fakecasting does not always work so...
  16. Holypowah


    looking for group
  17. Holypowah

    Prot pallies? lets talk about hpals

    I never specced SoL and I had a hard time choosing Judgement sprint or Pursuit of Justice. You must be mistaken.
  18. Holypowah

    Prot pallies? lets talk about hpals

    You mean the mispelling? Yeah you took advantage of that -_-
  19. Holypowah

    Prot pallies? lets talk about hpals

    Wrong in what?