I wonder how many f2ps will still be complaining about 24s in 5.2. That will be fun to see.
I've said this before and I will say it again. I would think this change would go into effect in normal battlegrounds. If you are in an XP off bracket, I would hope they keep those changes out. Wait and see or get a blue to comment on it.
Why wouldn't it work in exp off bracket lol
Oh alright, I'm trying to keep up with what's going on but everywhere you go I read different things. ThanksThere won't, because abilities etc. don't get scaled with. So: no Shadowform or Devouring Plague.
What did I say different? Level will be scaled up. You won't get new abilities however. The damage, spell hit,... do get scaled.Oh alright, I'm trying to keep up with what's going on but everywhere you go I read different things. Thankshehe, what's up Mia!
would have to agree with wenoye here. as much as 24s crutch on it to get by (most by no means all), it would take away a lot from what the bracket is to scale 20s up.
Didn't say it wouldn't. It shouldn't. XP off brackets are for twinking and should be left as is. If you use BG's as an alternative for leveling, sure, scale up.
There are 2 types of 24's out there. Those who play it just to take screen shots of 25+ killing blows, 75k damage, and 0 deaths. And then there are those that play it because the pops are quick, the games are competitive, and they enjoy winning more than losing (who doesn't?). The first type are the players that roll FotM classes, GY farm, and then laugh at scrubs, these are the ones that complain about this because now it is harder to kill a F2P. The second type are the ones that will enjoy this because it will make the games closer, your team mates will be better, and you will still have a slight advantage (after all, it is a game and we pay to have fun). I like to consider myself part of the second group and part of the reason I play a warrior and a shaman (definitely not FotM classes), and I know many who would agree with me. But I know way more that are part of the first group and hopefully this patch will irradicate some of those people.
This sounds like a pathetic excuse for facerolling,
Bunk. Said it before. You don't roll a 24 to one day hope it will be a more even bracket. You roll a 24 to faceroll. If you want your games to be close, you would not get into a bracket with people 4 levels below you.
I don't play FOTM classes, screenshot, brag, GY farm. I queue, I kill or I die, win or lose, I leave and move on to the next BG, but I do it because I enjoy facerolling. So yeah, this change annoys me. If I wanted a challenge, I'd get on one of my 90's and pvp.
Call me what you will, but at least I am honest.
Again, if you roll a 24, you did it because you wanted to faceroll. If you say anything to the contrary, blatant lies.