Most intense moment you have had in a battleground.


Gang shit
What is the most intense moment you have had in a battleground?

Mine was when Alliance capped our flag and thier whole team went D. I stealthed into Cat Form, and grabbed the flag, useing Displacer Beast I jumped out of the EFR, with thier whole team on me, rapidly pressing Rejuvenation, managed to juke through and pass back into mid with my team and secure a cap.

Edit: My most intense moments are trying to stay alive when Prot Paladins attack my Enh Shaman. >_>
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Funnest intense moment I can remember was fighting 3 paladins by myself, on my paladin. I won. It was funny. Unfortunately they delayed me for a minute or 2, plenty of time for EFC to run.
Fc'ing at the beginning of the game and your team collides with the others head to head O.O
Our FC had just gotten killed and gotten te flag returned with 10 stacks up while I was in the EFR. I grab the flag with 10 stacks up and got jumped on by a rogue. No agm no pots no banner I killed him and he had 1.7k hp.
most memorable one was back in cata when rogues had mobility, its 2-2 with 1 min to go, horde has last cap. i spy a slinking cheeta running up ramp with the flag and head after him madly on my rogue. i managed to perfectly time when to dismount for the even faster 187% stealthed sprint speed, barely managed to get in shadowstep range as hes about to hop of ledge. land an ambush>gouge>pick up flag>pop agm and continue to kill the EFC with a few people on me. to sum it up i returned the flag and died for it. but it was a heroic death.

edit: props to oldspike, hes a badass prot, ive had some great games with him on Maxtroll
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that moment when I was at 10 stacks of flag debuff on top of horde tunnel. Kiting the entire team like a boss by LoSing w/ the top of horde tunnel. Every attempt made by the other team never worked. I felt like a god....


A rogue 1 shotted me without even leaving stealth.
Back in cataclysm I joined a good match where it was 2-1 for the alliance. It was intense because both sides were geared. The alliance though did have a 24 hunter (/spit) anyways both sides had the flag their was 1 minute left and the hunter started to act all cocky by dropping the flag and picking it back up again. I prowled and Ninja returned the flag causing us to cap and win the game.
I used Los on Ally roof with flag and I avoided ranged attacks and Tstormed people who got where I was. I eventually died but our team still won because I delayed enough time.
Was FCing, Porky was healing me 4 24 rogues and a f2p rogue came at us. thank god they couldnt time anything. Porky then died and i jumped with rocket jump from where we were (above the jumping on the right of horde tunnel) to the lowe r level of horde tunn. Cant remember if we got cap after that or if i died from being stacked up but that battle was intense.
Was pugging as a Alliance hunter, and we had 1 24 spriest vs a horde team with 4-5 healers.

Horde side managed to cap first, 0-1, and then turtled their fc with their entire team, including with all 4-5 healers. We recognized this, and our whole team attempted to zerg at their fc, yielding several tough, intense, FPS-reducing 9v10 brawls at their flag room, where efc was. We even waited for each other within horde tunnel before we proceeded to try to zerg efc.

However, those healers kept their fc alive, despite our focused attack. Our offense, 9 of us including spriest, wiped twice, leaving us behind 0-1 with 5 minutes left. We made one final attempt, our level 24 spriest had a small plan and shared it with us, and we proceeded to make one final zerg attack on efc (who was just standing in flag room with their entire team), the offense that would dictate who would win.

We fought a final, intense 9v10 at the flag room floor (including all Horde players and efc), and... their healers quickly lost trinket cd. Then, all 4-5 healers on Horde clustered to each other. Want to guess what happened?

The level 24 spriest, after their healers somehow clustered to each other in the intense 9v10 fight, fear bombed them with most of the Horde team, buying us just enough time to focus-burst down efc, return the flag and cap with 1-3 minutes left to spare, yielding us the win 1-1.
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Facing a 7 man <Horde Invasion> premade of 24s from Anub' Arak, while Quing with reflexz, talia, sari, and fal I think? It was in cata, we capped 1, and they all AFKd. It was a pretty intense EFC kill, and reflexz was kiting with an 8 stack I think.
This time during vanilla when a melee hunter solo'd a warrior fc in wsg and the entire Bg gasped and then burst into laughter. Chat just exploded with omfg he did what?
Nearly every BG in cata where i was almost always the lone healer on horde. Kept alot of thankless people alive and made many a game changing caps because the huntards were like "wtf is that a shaman??? AND a healer??". Very very few shamans back then, far less then there is now. Ill take ghost wolf as a cast if we can get cata back!!

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