Invalid unless you play a caster. It's a fact that hunters don't rely on latency. Their instants are actually instants. You're just ignorant. Also your stuns aren't lockouts so you don't have to worry about fakecasting. If somebody tries to fakecast me, I'm screwed because there is no way I can...
Hunters barely have lat problems. You don't need to worry about meleeing so no "target is out of range" and hunter instants don't get delayed. Seriously try playing a caster class and cast instants; there is quite a delay.
Also having Bad latency makes me a better player because I have to get...
People need to realise this thread is completely opinion and stop getting mad. You have no Idea how hard it is for somebody playing in Australia where you have 300+ Latency and 0.6 seconds delay in everything you do. For example, when I use shear on a target the second he casts a spell, it hits...
Very funny. Imo this thread will lead to flame because some people will be disappointed that they will not be in most people's top 3. I'm sick of these kind of epeen and fame threads. Trust me, they don't normally end well.
Like I said, people who flame people in BGs usually trolls people in fourms too.
And you just admitted that Jsu8 acts more retarded than Holypowah. Thank you, sir.
For the record, I was worse before so just be happy.