Scrolls on sale

I thought people knew about the Sw one. :O

I've got a mini-route for consumables in Sw. Takes like 2 minutes and the items respawn pretty fast, so you can take the route between every BG:
I thought people knew about the Sw one. :O

I've got a mini-route for consumables in Sw. Takes like 2 minutes and the items respawn pretty fast, so you can take the route between every BG:

Good walk through. A+
I thought people knew about the Sw one. :O

I've got a mini-route for consumables in Sw. Takes like 2 minutes and the items respawn pretty fast, so you can take the route between every BG:
Here's my Horde version of this...requires flying though. Depending on how much time I have depends on how many of them I visit.

  1. Salazar Bloch (Undercity) - Scroll of Agility II, Scroll of Stamina II
  2. Selina Weston (Brill) - Bruiseweed, Earthroot, Peacebloom, Lesser Healing Potion, Silverleaf, and Mageroyal (even though I don’t use most of the herbs, I get them all to stock up for DMF prof grinding).
  3. Wallace the Blind (short run from Forsaken Rear Guard) - Healing Potion. There are a few Earthroot, Mageroyal (Swiftthistle) on the tun to Wallace as well as Raw Sagefish (SE of flightpoint) and Oily Blackmouth (coastal water by Wallace) in the area. There’s also Sturdy Treasure Chest (from Wallace -> cave to the north and camp to the south).
  4. Edwin Harly (The Sepulcher) - Lesser Healing Potion (if I’m low on Lesser Healing pots, but usually I’m not as I always get some at #2 as I’m stopping there for herbs anyway)

While I’m also in Undercity, I’ll check with Armand Cromwell to see what fishing daily is available (I still don’t have a nice fishing pole). If its Moat Monster!, Time for Slime, or Fish Head I’ll do them as they’re a bit faster to complete than the other two.

I then either park at #3 or #4 and then do them backward the next time I’m on or complete the circle to get back to Undercity.
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