It seems to me like alot of twinks are starting to role up on their warriors again, or even create new warriors with patch 5.2's release... and everyone and their mother is either rolling Arms or Prot; Fury is less represented by warriors than Ret pallys atm...
It is pretty obvious why... the damage just isn't there, as apposed to the massive hits and debuff on arms, or the survivabiltiy and still formidable damage on prot.
So... this thread is my systematic approach to every angle possible (gear and play style wise) 'making fury happen'.
It is intended for those warriors that dont want to be just another arms or prot player, but want to stick out a bit, or want to try something new..
I will be posting my trial runs in 3 large steps.
Step 1:
Non haste damage set DPS tests;
This will include both a stam set, in Defensive Stance.
As well as a Strength and Crit set, with Battle Stance.
Both of which will be divided up into 3 weapon categories:
1 Hander and Shield
2 Hander
and finally 2 one handers ( x1 and x1)
Step 2:
A full haste set to exploit the "50% increase in haste from items" to warriors. This means equipping 2x Swift Hand of Justice, as well as equipping Tumultuous cloak of the sorcerer (+4 Stamina , +4 Intellect , +4 Haste) as well as Vigorous Belt of the WIld (+5 Agility , +3 Stamina , +5 Haste). After which I will be doing a full DPS test as in step 1.
This step will also be divided up into 3 weapon categories:
1 Hander and Shield
2 Hander
and finally 2 one handers ( x1 and x1)
Step 3:
Complete Battleground's and duel's with all the techniques listed to see what is the most practicle for real situations.
My prediction:
In general I do not have high hopes for my damage in fury, what I am hoping is to be able to contribute a little bit of damage to my teammates and possibly some cc from charge and possibly a little help to keep the enemy from healing to much from Wild Strike.
What I do think will be interesting to see is my survivabilty, it is a bit less duable now with the change to Defensive Stance, however the healing I receive may give me some added survivability, that is from Bloodthirst as well as from my troll racial of Regeneration.
It will take me a while to get the haste set all put together, I almost have my first Trinket, but even after that I will need my RDF gear which isnt dropping for me (darn rng! xD). Also, this is a very good reason why if you see me in a battleground in the near future and you are on the alliance side you should /rofl me into the ground
It is pretty obvious why... the damage just isn't there, as apposed to the massive hits and debuff on arms, or the survivabiltiy and still formidable damage on prot.
So... this thread is my systematic approach to every angle possible (gear and play style wise) 'making fury happen'.
It is intended for those warriors that dont want to be just another arms or prot player, but want to stick out a bit, or want to try something new..
I will be posting my trial runs in 3 large steps.
Step 1:
Non haste damage set DPS tests;
This will include both a stam set, in Defensive Stance.
As well as a Strength and Crit set, with Battle Stance.
Both of which will be divided up into 3 weapon categories:
1 Hander and Shield
2 Hander
and finally 2 one handers ( x1 and x1)
Step 2:
A full haste set to exploit the "50% increase in haste from items" to warriors. This means equipping 2x Swift Hand of Justice, as well as equipping Tumultuous cloak of the sorcerer (+4 Stamina , +4 Intellect , +4 Haste) as well as Vigorous Belt of the WIld (+5 Agility , +3 Stamina , +5 Haste). After which I will be doing a full DPS test as in step 1.
This step will also be divided up into 3 weapon categories:
1 Hander and Shield
2 Hander
and finally 2 one handers ( x1 and x1)
Step 3:
Complete Battleground's and duel's with all the techniques listed to see what is the most practicle for real situations.
My prediction:
In general I do not have high hopes for my damage in fury, what I am hoping is to be able to contribute a little bit of damage to my teammates and possibly some cc from charge and possibly a little help to keep the enemy from healing to much from Wild Strike.
What I do think will be interesting to see is my survivabilty, it is a bit less duable now with the change to Defensive Stance, however the healing I receive may give me some added survivability, that is from Bloodthirst as well as from my troll racial of Regeneration.
It will take me a while to get the haste set all put together, I almost have my first Trinket, but even after that I will need my RDF gear which isnt dropping for me (darn rng! xD). Also, this is a very good reason why if you see me in a battleground in the near future and you are on the alliance side you should /rofl me into the ground