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  1. Holypowah

    Ret Pally

    Artix @ Tol Barad - Community - World of Warcraft When Wod hits, I assume I switch SFK ring for bravo?
  2. Holypowah

    [MOP] F2P Ret Guide

    Re: F2P Ret Guide Im embarrassed to ask, but will sentinel's medallion agility turn into str? I'm still not sure how to new stats will work......:confused: Also from what I'm getting, alot of our new gear will have more crit but crits will do less damage?
  3. Holypowah

    [MOP] F2P Ret Guide

    Re: F2P Ret Guide will bravo company be bis in wod once hit turns into crit?
  4. Holypowah

    Back for WOD

    Ah....good times
  5. Holypowah

    Back for WOD

    Are the BIS still the same? Haven't read anything about new gear.
  6. Holypowah

    Back for WOD

    Hello, F2P bracket For those that know me, I might be returning to the F2P bracket since I heard about the WOD Latency changes, which could benefit countries such as Australia and New Zealand. However, I haven't played this game in a very long time (around 1 year) and I have probably...
  7. Holypowah

    How to go offline

  8. Holypowah

    How to go offline

  9. Holypowah

    DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

    I think there is also increased base resilience and warrior slam buffs to 275%
  10. Holypowah

    How to go offline

    I just noticed a way to be able to go offline in WoW (no player distractions and disconnects). 1. Log into your toon 2. Log out 3. Go to change realm 4. Double click your server. When you see connected hit enter, then hit enter again and you will be stuck on "logging into server" 5...
  11. Holypowah

    Latency in East Asia?

    Yeah it sucks. I play in Australia ATM and have about 300-500 Latency. 600 sometimes. They should really add real oceanic servers.
  12. Holypowah

    Latency in East Asia?

    Ima go try download the Eu client. How do I do that? Do I just manually download it from
  13. Holypowah

    Latency in East Asia?

    I'm wondering if any of you have tried playing the EU or the US Cilent in China. What is the average latency?
  14. Holypowah

    How to get Tabard of the Argent Crusade

    Next to the Flight Path in Dalaran there is a AC guardian. Talk to him and he will give you a option to fly to icecrown. Then corpse run.
  15. Holypowah

    [MOP] F2P Shaman guide

    Re: F2P Shaman guide They are even but Resto Druids and Hpals are harder to kill.
  16. Holypowah

    Most skilled players of each class in 5.2

    Re: Horde-Skilled Players @thread?
  17. Holypowah

    Confirmed 5.3 info for F2Ps

    These changes are like music to my ears.
  18. Holypowah

    Most skilled players of each class in 5.2

    Use gamebooster if you have bad FPS.
  19. Holypowah

    Most skilled players of each class in 5.2

    no no I'm sorry I confused you
  20. Holypowah

    Most skilled players of each class in 5.2

    I don't have a comp. I have a Laptop. Also it seems like you know anyhting about latency so I'm not going to say anything to you.........wait is this a troll? Of course I can beat you that is cake.