How to get Tabard of the Argent Crusade

There's no need to jump down and die. Just use the teleport crystal in Dalaran to port down to Violet Stand. Then it's just a short walk north to the mountains, the rest like in the video. Hardly anything to aggro except some random wolves in the forest (easy to avoid).
There's no need to jump down and die. Just use the teleport crystal in Dalaran to port down to Violet Stand. Then it's just a short walk north to the mountains, the rest like in the video. Hardly anything to aggro except some random wolves in the forest (easy to avoid).
Ah I never knew that, thanks for the info.
Next to the Flight Path in Dalaran there is a AC guardian. Talk to him and he will give you a option to fly to icecrown. Then corpse run.
You only need 96jp to get to friendly rep
But as f2p the only way to get justice points is to convert from honor, and the amount of JP you receive from converting it once is 250.
i thought you couldnt use the crystal to teleport down unless you've initally used it to teleport up. safe parachute would probably be helpful though.
Other way around, if you haven't used it to port down you cannot port up. ^^
For the record, if any new twinks are trying to get the tabard - patch 6.2.0 - YOU CAN GET THE TABBARD.

1. Grind rep (Can no longer be bought via honor points/Justice points) - it takes 3000 points - I suggest farming them in Eastern Plague Lands - they're doable even if you solo. The mobs are level 40-45 and give 7 or 8 (44 - 45lvl ones) rep per kill. You need 3000 points to become friendly with the crusade and unlock the tabard. That is around 400 kills. The mobs have 2000-2300 hp. My f2p hunter has 2500, for comparison. I suggest you get some help and farm it in 2 hours.

2. Go to your respective transport and get to Northrend (Prepare some gold, say 5+ )
3. Fly to Dalaran. I think, by default you should have the direction available.
4. Follow the video from page 1. Video
5. Hunters can do it easier: Here's how (explanation below)

Jump schematic

I: Get as closest as possible to the edge, so that you're closest to the mountain in front of you.
IIa: Turn backwards and use disengage. You die on the hill because of fall damage, but you ressurect very close by to the end point (The tabard vendor). Be careful because there's a ??mob behind you, but dont worry he wont catch you unless you stop.
IIb: if you have the talent that decreases your disengage cd, you will be able to disengage twice on your way down and avoid dying but still getting to your end point.
IIIb. Get a SAFE parachute from gnomeregan, use it. play "I believe I can fly.mp3" . win.

PS: The Farming Locations, few more details-
1) Easiest access point, also in the tunnel, there's about 10-15 easy rep kills
2) The first quadrant after the cave, another dozen, roughly. Enter the wrecked houses for more kills.
From then on, you don't go back to 1 and 2, but rinse and repeat 3) - 7): Assuming you manage to get help- The best route would be to go around 5), 6) and 7). They respawn pretty quickly, in matter of 5 mins. My fav was the area around 6, but again, I had help, if you solo, you might have to find your own way, may be even do just 1) if the rest is too hard, idk, you have to find that out.


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